How do you outdoor growers do it?

Get one of those meat eating plants that looks like blades of grass with water droplets.gnats love it i almost cant see the plant how many she cought
No its outdoors but I'm preparing for indoor set up

Outdoor is self-regulating for the most part. Get to many plant eaters in one location and a something bigger comes along and eats them all. Ladybugs and praying mantises are everywhere in my yard naturally and I augment them when the garden shops have them for sale.

I really only have to fight just 2 things.

Powdery Mildew.
This one is easy enough as simple high PH water will keep them clean of it. 1 tablespoon of Baking Soda to 1 gallon of water. Drench spray once a week start to finish.

These are your worst nightmare left unchecked and will trash the buds and make them unfit for any use. They crap all through it and every dot of shit starts a mold factory besides the physical damage of buds cut free of the plant and sun-dried spots all over them.

Starting Aug 1st (Flower begins) spray BT Thuricide once a week every week right up to the week of Harvest. Do not miss even 1 week. Run a 15-watt bug zapper nearby to limit the moths that are the source of your nightmare. I use 1 tablespoon per gallon of Bonide.

Buy a separate sprayer for each thing you spray and mark them as such, and you'll never have to wonder what was last used in it.
Your bug problem is different then here our worst bug is Termites here if you just go out and plant just anywhere you think is good but it is not they will get them every time here and Rabbit's but have a cure for them every plant i got has a 2 ft rubber snake around bottom of plant they will not go near them or bird's and a few grasshopper's. Dixie
You're growing outdoors, and you're trying to keep bugs off your plants?

Good luck.
You are not going to keep the bugs off any more the any other plant, The object is to minimize them. They are going to eat some of your herb and it's almost impossible to keep them off. That's the tradeoff. Growing outside is like growing in their living room.

I make bubble hash out of almost all my weed. You can wash hash as much as you want to clean it up. This works well for me because I don't smoke. COPD.

There is very little crud in the water, nothing like the pictures I see posted. That comes from keeping my bud clean while growing. Maybe I'm just lucky or maybe I've just learned how. I've never had mold and very little bud rot.
What kind of soil do yall use?
Any brands to check out?
Any brands to avoid?

I need the most nutrient rich safe to use soil
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Your bug problem is different then here our worst bug is Termites here if you just go out and plant just anywhere you think is good but it is not they will get them every time here and Rabbit's but have a cure for them every plant i got has a 2 ft rubber snake around bottom of plant they will not go near them or bird's and a few grasshopper's. Dixie
Lmao at the rubber snake.. good idea