How do you outdoor growers do it?

I would imagine you could just spread a couple of cups of worm castings on your plants every other week and be fine! Just water it in gradually and have most of the benefits of compost tea. Worm castings are the single best thing you can give your plants, except water.

And light? :mrgreen:
You don't need to wash your buds. That's just over complicating things and it's an unnecessary risk. I've been growing indoor and outdoor for decades and I've never washed anything. Never noticed anything or had a complaint
We've been washing our buds for about 5 years now with no problems. We live in wildfire country and have had our plants covered in ash. It produces a nice smooth smoke, with no loss of quality. ☮️
This is a new thing to me but it really would depend on where you grow.
In my backyard I I'm done get much road grime because the winds mostly blow from the north and if they do from the south the house blocks it
Pollen from the trees be about the only risk and soon when the leaves start dropping might get some of that in the bud
But if I was growing out front I wouldn't lol
To much road dust and exhaust.

My flowers and tomatoes out front are nasty but the plants out back are super clean.