Tan/Brown at the end of preflower pistil?


Well-Known Member
The brown at the tip is normal. But the picture you posted doesn’t show a pistol!
Yea the picture is a diffrent plant that's a few weeks younger than my oldest one that's showing the pistils ..here's the one I'm talking about but this one doesn't have the brown on the tip
This is old pic tho its more developed now with some lil white pistil hairs



Well-Known Member
Totally normal for a pistil to turn brown from the tip down and shrivel after a few days. The preflower pistols are usually way dead by the time the real budding starts!-
Ok cool but the first picture is showing signs of female for sure right? They all 3 have developed those things, some parts of each plant are more developed than others


Well-Known Member
Stressin hard about someone around my neighborhood stealing my plants, I know plenty ppl seen me out there with them.. my neighbors and this dude who stays up the street are who I'm most worried about..pretty sure they been plottin on robbin me anyways so they've seen the plants out there when driving down the block..
Installing camera tomorrow


Well-Known Member
If they're even half-way smart, they'll wait until you're just about ready to chop before snaking them. Hopefully, you have some time. Pretty confident no one around here wants to deal with me or my dogs, so the few small plants I have outside should be safe from them. It's the cops rolling by at 15mph that I worry about. I can legally grow up to 12 plants here, but they have to be indoors. After telling a SGT and a couple deputies exactly how they could go fuck themselves, I bet they'd love to see some reason to fuck me over.


Well-Known Member
If they're even half-way smart, they'll wait until you're just about ready to chop before snaking them. Hopefully, you have some time. Pretty confident no one around here wants to deal with me or my dogs, so the few small plants I have outside should be safe from them. It's the cops rolling by at 15mph that I worry about. I can legally grow up to 12 plants here, but they have to be indoors. After telling a SGT and a couple deputies exactly how they could go fuck themselves, I bet they'd love to see some reason to fuck me over.
Yep they have no knowledge of growing I'm sure if they did steal em they'd end up killing em or not even dry or cure em..
and I'm in the same situation bro, I can grow 5 plants but they pretty much have to be indoors or I think u can do outdoors but its gotta be completely covered from the public ..I don't have a way to cover them right now.besides milk crates I use to block em from ppl driving by..u can still see em tho :eyesmoke: