Blaze & Daze


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Now I am going to have mens underwear popping up in my ads :shock:

Just had a hummingbird flying around my back porch looking hard for a feeder. I don;t have one and have never seen a hummingbird here before. Must be the Chickadees told him I am an easy mark.
Based on the pics I'm assuming you and men's underwear have had a falling out. Long before today's trolling


Well-Known Member
The other day there was a thread not about fungus gnats, but they came up in conversation and somebody recommended a specific product on Amazon. I thought I had added it to my cart, but I didn't and I can't find the post. They said it just took a couple drops per gallon and it lasts forever. It comes in what looks like a little round tub. Anybody have a clue what the hell I'm talking about?


Well-Known Member
The other day there was a thread not about fungus gnats, but they came up in conversation and somebody recommended a specific product on Amazon. I thought I had added it to my cart, but I didn't and I can't find the post. They said it just took a couple drops per gallon and it lasts forever. It comes in what looks like a little round tub. Anybody have a clue what the hell I'm talking about?
Found it!!! Microbe Lift on Amazon


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The other day there was a thread not about fungus gnats, but they came up in conversation and somebody recommended a specific product on Amazon. I thought I had added it to my cart, but I didn't and I can't find the post. They said it just took a couple drops per gallon and it lasts forever. It comes in what looks like a little round tub. Anybody have a clue what the hell I'm talking about?
I'm guessing BMC Lift


Well-Known Member
I've had fungus gnats here and there, but this time, there are quite a few. Hopefully the stuff gets here sooner than later. Also, hope it works well with the coco. I imagine I can water it in pretty heavily and basically saturate the pot and it should get to work before the blumats rinse it all out


Well-Known Member
Work slow down? LOL fuckin hope so bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Yes but no. Bunch of folks got laud off. I took on more work but I'm a badass.... so I got this! I'm working all week...
Got the ok to go 100% remote. Looking to possibly move out here.

@Jeffislovinlife there was a show I wanted to go to last night but we were still on the road. I saw the same show 2 weeks ago, but would have been killer to go.
