AKBeanbrains has probably the best selection of old school 80-0s genetics.
Email Dave for a complete seed list.
Look into his.
NL5 x Haze
89 NL5
Black Domina
Tk/NL5 x Haze
Kali Mist
Durban Poison-Very Long Flowering.
Willliams Wonder
Sensi Star F4
And hes got all kinds of crosses.
Also one-2 I wouldnt let get away
Available at The Seed Source.
Crickets and Cicada
Skunk x Puck BC3
Sensi Star x Puck BC3 V1.
Another to look into is
Available at Hemp Depot in Canada... I normally like to buy seeds within the USA Borders, but sometimes if you want a specific strain, you have to do what you have to do. But I bought some packs just a couple months ago, and had no problems with Customs. They are also really cheap at $50 USD a pack. These are both pe 2000 Genetics. AK47 with the right Pheno, can be as about as good as it gets.
Joey Weed
White Widow.