We gotta be able to work WITH the GOP

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Well, when the majority religion of the region claims its founder translated some Dead Sea scrolls into an account of Abraham - and then the Rosetta Stone is found, showing those same scrolls is a partial copy of the Book of the Dead - you can expect other significant logical disconnects at a fundamental level.
Well, when the majority religion of the region claims its founder translated some Dead Sea scrolls into an account of Abraham - and then the Rosetta Stone is found, showing those same scrolls is a partial copy of the Book of the Dead - you can expect other significant logical disconnects at a fundamental level.
That is sadly the lesser component of the problem.
They claim to hew to scripture. But the religion they preach supposedly on that basis is, upon cursory examination, a massive and draconian perversion of the core text. It’s a maga-level dishonesty cult built around the same secular core of raising funds off the backs of the flock, and using them to exert political power.
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That is sadly the lesser component of the problem.
They claim to hew to scripture. But the religion they preach supposedly on that basis is, upon cursory examination, a massive and draconian perversion of the core text. It’s a maga-level dishonesty cult built around the same secular core of raising funds off the backs of the flock, and using them to exert political power.
Even the core texts are extreme. The law of Moses all the GOP know by heart is the one about men laying with men. They talk a lot less about the laws concerning the sale of your 12 year old daughter. Both the buyer and seller are protected. If for some reason the buyer finds the product not to his liking, he can return it for a refund. But he can't expect to get a total refund because like a new car, her resale value goes down as soon as you drive it off the lot, so to speak. So they are both protected by these laws.

God is love.

A side note. You could sale any of your kids into slavery, or as a bride. The only difference would be if a girl was sold as a slave, she was a chattel slave, meaning all her kids, etc, etc would always be slaves. But if sold as a bride, it would be up to her husband to decide her children's fate.
Even the core texts are extreme. The law of Moses all the GOP know by heart is the one about men laying with men. They talk a lot less about the laws concerning the sale of your 12 year old daughter. Both the buyer and seller are protected. If for some reason the buyer finds the product not to his liking, he can return it for a refund. But he can't expect to get a total refund because like a new car, her resale value goes down as soon as you drive it off the lot, so to speak. So they are both protected by these laws.

God is love.

A side note. You could sale any of your kids into slavery, or as a bride. The only difference would be if a girl was sold as a slave, she was a chattel slave, meaning all her kids, etc, etc would always be slaves. But if sold as a bride, it would be up to her husband to decide her children's fate.
I should have said New Testament. Aiui it supersedes all that bronze-age strict stuff.
It's going to be hard to save the GOP. Most on team blue don't really want to save them. And at least half of team red don't think they need saving. So far all the truth tellers have been cast off the island. No one says anything until they are out of office, then they have little impact.

Maybe this thing in Atlanta will open some of their eyes.
Our 2 political parties are so extreme anymore. Politicians only vote with their party. I feel nothing will get better till both parties realize there is an isle between them, and venture into it and actually try to problem solve. Until then, I got ladies to grow, wake me when parties start working together and actually start doing what we elected them to do.✌️
Our 2 political parties are so extreme anymore. Politicians only vote with their party. I feel nothing will get better till both parties realize there is an isle between them, and venture into it and actually try to problem solve. Until then, I got ladies to grow, wake me when parties start working together and actually start doing what we elected them to do.✌
what is the benefit of working together with avowed fascists?
If you are unwilling to back your somewhat baffling opinion, it is best discarded as clumsily attempted argument from and to sentiment.

What motivated you to use your fourth and fifth posts in forum to post such a bothsidesy sentiment?

If you are unwilling to back your somewhat baffling opinion, it is best discarded as clumsily attempted argument from and to sentiment.

What motivated you to use your fourth and fifth posts in forum to post such a bothsidesy sentiment?

If you watch politicians vote on anything, they vote with their party. Nothing is gonna get fixed if they dont start working together to actually try to fix something. Until the right quits screaming hang hunter, while the left is screaming hang Trump.... The truth is almost never white or black, it's almost always in a shade of Grey between the two. If the 2 parties stay on only their side of the isle, how are they trying to help anyone? I do find it funny how a comment such as the one I made is so abrasive to you that you go to the extent of looking up how many times I've posted on a forum I just found maybe 2 weeks ago lmao. If you would like to argue more on how my comment of "both parties need to come to the middle and work together" makes you so upset, you will have you will have to do it with someone else cause I have better things to do. 74,579 posts..... wow, I bet you have a huge penis! Lol
That is kind of the question of the moment though...what could/should we try to work on together...?

What issue, even ones that aren't important, could the two sides work together on. I thought the war in Ukraine could have been one, but nope. Housing costs and health care are another, but I don't see anything there.

If you watch politicians vote on anything, they vote with their party. Nothing is gonna get fixed if they dont start working together to actually try to fix something. Until the right quits screaming hang hunter, while the left is screaming hang Trump.... The truth is almost never white or black, it's almost always in a shade of Grey between the two. If the 2 parties stay on only their side of the isle, how are they trying to help anyone? I do find it funny how a comment such as the one I made is so abrasive to you that you go to the extent of looking up how many times I've posted on a forum I just found maybe 2 weeks ago lmao. If you would like to argue more on how my comment of "both parties need to come to the middle and work together" makes you so upset, you will have you will have to do it with someone else cause I have better things to do. 74,579 posts..... wow, I bet you have a huge penis! Lol
It’s not about abrasion. It speaks to your motives. You barely got your toes wet in this forum and decided to flush a cherry bomb down the local plumbing.

I deleted my post for a reason. Our admin works hard enough. Enjoy your ladies.
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That is kind of the question of the moment though...what could/should we try to work on together...?

What issue, even ones that aren't important, could the two sides work together on. I thought the war in Ukraine could have been one, but nope. Housing costs and health care are another, but I don't see anything there.
Oh cr
It’s not about abrasion. It speaks to your motives. You barely got your toes wet on this forum and decided to flush a cherry bomb down the local plumbing.

I deleted my post for a reason. Our admin works hard enough. Enjoy your ladies.
Oh crap.... I thought you were coming at me bro! I apologize for that! No cherry bomb was meant by what I said lol. I was just meaning to say they should work together. And I believe they should work together on everything. If you listen to the left, the right just wants to give my hard earned money to their rich buddies, and the right scream the left wants to give my money to people who refuse to work out in Cali (these are not my words just trying to throw an example that I've heard). I live in a conservative state, i just want the best for the people of this country. The truth is the working clasd has too much burden on them. I personally think the government intrudes into our personal lives..... an example is the spill proof gas caps now days! I swear I never spilled a drop of gas till those dang things came out lol. But your examples in your last text are wonderful examples of things that need addressed but I feel won't get fixed if we are just voting party lines. If one party says something, the other just goes the other way now days. Hope that clarified my comment lol.
@olerootie , when you say:
"Politicians only vote with their party."
You understand that is not true, right?

When you say "Until the right quits screaming hang hunter, while the left is screaming hang Trump...." can you provide an explanation on why you believe these are the same or even remotely similar? One is a former President, that many in his former cabinet say openly that he is a danger to democracy; the other is not even a politician. Just because someone is screaming something doesn't mean that it has any actual relevance or meaning.

From where I sit, it appears that one party is fighting for the majority of citizens they represent, while the other fights to protect the privilege for just a few.
I really am not getting why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would try to work together here....... I've never once pointed fingers at either party in my comment. Would it make things better if I said I hope they all argue like children? Is that what you all want to hear!
@olerootie , when you say:
"Politicians only vote with their party."
You understand that is not true, right?

When you say "Until the right quits screaming hang hunter, while the left is screaming hang Trump...." can you provide an explanation on why you believe these are the same or even remotely similar? One is a former President, that many in his former cabinet say openly that he is a danger to democracy; the other is not even a politician. Just because someone is screaming something doesn't mean that it has any actual relevance or meaning.

From where I sit, it appears that one party is fighting for the majority of citizens they represent, while the other fights to protect the privilege for just a few.
I really don't understand why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would work together. I never pointed to either side as being worse or better than the other. I personally vote for who I think is the better choice, and not by party. I'm just saying let's work together to get things fixed cause it's not working the way it's going.....


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I really am not getting why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would try to work together here....... I've never once pointed fingers at either party in my comment. Would it make things better if I said I hope they all argue like children? Is that what you all want to hear!

I really don't understand why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would work together. I never pointed to either side as being worse or better than the other. I personally vote for who I think is the better choice, and not by party. I'm just saying let's work together to get things fixed cause it's not working the way it's going.....
Not sure why you think you are getting blasted? I am simply showing what is not accurate in what was stated, and asking for further explanation of your thoughts. That's kind of how this all works, political dialogue....
I really don't understand why I'm getting blasted for saying that I wish parties would work together.
if I may …

while superficially it sounds like a good sentiment, it completely neglects the fact that one of the two parties is not playing by the rules of a pluralistic society.

So, usually the folks who call for rapprochement are dignifying the rogue party as if it were still part of a legitimate democratic discourse.

Most of the time, that is a stalking-horse for the rogue party’s undemocratic (fascist, authoritarian) objectives.

Perhaps that is why your post got pushback. At best, it is naïve. At worst, it is whitewashing fascism.