

Hi all!!
I’ve been going my bag seed Sativa(I think it is anyway) since February she is in flowering stages but she is starting not to look to good. Please help I have florabloom that I’ve used recently. Here are pics


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Yea we’ve had an extreme heat this past week. But I’ve been watering. Do u think I should water tonight?
from what i can see from the picture, the soil has receded from the pot lining. it's pretty dry.
good rule of thumb - if you can stick a finger in the soil, you should feel some moisture by the first knuckle. if you have to push deeper to feel moisture, you definitely NEED to water.
keep in mind it's flowering season, so the plants will need more water and nutrients accordingly.

what type of soil are you running?
I’m a beginner and just got a bag of potting soil and didn’t think I would make it this far. I also started her in the house and I just took her outside about a month ago.
Also looks kinda starved for nitrogen to me. Florabloom is 0-5-4, so if that's all you've been feeding it, that could be an issue.
I’m a beginner and just got a bag of potting soil and didn’t think I would make it this far. I also started her in the house and I just took her outside about a month ago.
ok, yeah.
as fangthane stated, you're also missing some nutrients.

if you have a home depot nearby, you should grab yourself some dry amendments (dr. earth) for top dressing
(all purpose)

or perhaps some liquid alaska fish fertilizer.
(for Veg)

(for Bloom)

there are TONS of fertilizers and amendments out there. i personally use these as they are cheap, effective and readily available (to me).

give them some water and some more balanced fert (more nitrogen - the N of N-P-K) and you'll see them pick back up.

good luck with your grow. you're almost there.
(start collecting glass jars for your dry/cure!)
ok, yeah.
as fangthane stated, you're also missing some nutrients.

if you have a home depot nearby, you should grab yourself some dry amendments (dr. earth) for top dressing
(all purpose)

or perhaps some liquid alaska fish fertilizer.
(for Veg)

(for Bloom)

there are TONS of fertilizers and amendments out there. i personally use these as they are cheap, effective and readily available (to me).

give them some water and some more balanced fert (more nitrogen - the N of N-P-K) and you'll see them pick back up.

good luck with your grow. you're almost there.
(start collecting glass jars for your dry/cure!)
Thanks will do!! I forgot I do have this but I don’t know how to use it


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Countless options for nutrients. For someone just starting out, I'd suggest looking into MegaCrop. It's a great 1-part standalone start-to-finish product that can also be further amended as you gain experience. It's also dirt cheap and damn near foolproof.

Hi all!!
I’ve been going my bag seed Sativa(I think it is anyway) since February she is in flowering stages but she is starting not to look to good. Please help I have florabloom that I’ve used recently. Here are pics
If that's all that plant has put out in 6 months you are probably watering them too frequently. That will for sure give you uptake and growth issues.
Or you could use Miracle Grow at half the recommended dose to start for a couple feeds then you can bump it up if the plant needs it. Its a 10-10-10 fertilizer with all the other extra stuff. Its less complicated and much cheaper. Feed every other watering and it will take you start to finish. Scotts Miracle Grow owns General Hydroponics as well.
Thanks I do have the miracle grow as well and will try that
Its more readily available and more effective in nutrient deficiencies than organic because organic most times is not readily available and must break down into available salts for the plant which takes time. Miracle grow is instant, go light to start though, its strong shit.
Yeah that thing needs water and lots of it the soil looks like it’s so dry it’s pulled away from the pot by at least 1/2 to 1” so I would lightly water and let soak in then water more and keep doing that till the soil is thoroughly wetted because the soil is so dry most of the water will just run right off so you want it to absorb the water so you will need to continuously water it for awhile to get the soil so it’s not hydrophobic. Also as mentioned above it’s hungry. I would give it some food as soon as you can
the miracle grow advice may be your best bet at this point. (with time being the biggest factor and the inclusion of all macro and micronutrients in it's mixture)

organic amendments ( take a while to break down and work, but they do work quite well if you are growing organic.
the alaska fish fert would work more quickly, but would be best if you had started with it. it will still work, but it will take more time.

i don't personally work with miracle grow on my ganja... but i DO agree with the logic behind the suggestion. the fert will break down much faster and be readily available and quicker for your plant(s) to uptake/feed on.
the big caution though is that miracle grow is pretty strong and can actually poison your plants if you give them too much. as stated above, use half the recommended amount per gallon of water to start.