Auto Help


New Member
Fem Seedlings Are All Fine But I Decided Too Throw A Single Auto Seed & I Have No Idea What's Going On With It Never Grew Auto Before... Freebie Seed From North Atlantic Seeds Blueberry Auto Temp Is 72-77° 18 Hour Schedule & 6.3 PH RO Water



Well-Known Member
Fem Seedlings Are All Fine But I Decided Too Throw A Single Auto Seed & I Have No Idea What's Going On With It Never Grew Auto Before... Freebie Seed From North Atlantic Seeds Blueberry Auto Temp Is 72-77° 18 Hour Schedule & 6.3 PH RO Water
Looks like you have some reading up to do. bongsmilie

Did you read the suggestions from your other similar post? Where you mentioned that you neglected your plants.
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go go kid

Well-Known Member
just use the flash if you have no white light like a metal halide, the flash will do the job , photo just after lights out or turn the light off and photo with flash