Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Housemate just got on a plane for a 14 hour flight from DC to Tokyo. Better him than me....That's a long ass flight! He is headed to Okinawa to see his bro in the Air Force, and his new wife. I would have liked to have gone, except for the flight!

He might wind up locked up abroad....he was taking gummies. Foolishly. Like they haven't seen them before, lol.


Well-Known Member
Back doctor again today. This is the follow up from the MRI's I had a month ago. Can't wait to hear what kind of bullshit they will have today.

Jeff that sucks about your plants. I just dropped a bunch of new seeds myself as my stuff in veg doesn't look good at all and i can't seem to figure it out.....I even considered bugs myself, but don't see any. Probably either a deficiency or lockout.

For everyone this is a good lesson on IPM. Integrated Pest Management. You can use a couple products from the time your ladies sprout (and males too) to help protect them from bugs and powdery mildew. I use Marrones Venerate for bugs, including spider mites, and another product they have called Regalia for the powdery mildew protection, all during veg. I stop ujing once they are in flower.

There are other products too, but I like these because they are certified organic and safe to use right up un til harvest, if needed. I only use them in veg, so a quart of each product lasts over a year.

Your biological go-to insecticide, Venerate CG is your in-season insecticide with multiple modes of action to beat down pests impacting the health and productivity of your plants. Excellent IPM for spider mites, russet mites, aphids and thrips. Apply 2-5 tablespoons per gallon at 7-day interval. No limit to number of applications per season. Multiple modes of action: exoskeleton degradation, ingestion and molting interference. Alternate with Grandevo CG.

REGALIA Biofungicide ignites the natural defenses of a plant to protect it from a variety of foliar and soil-borne fungal and bacterial diseases.