I first began understanding what humans are/were doing to the planet when I read this book in a time when the people began to look around and say hold on there boyos (chemical/fuel/mining) do you really know what your doing?
We realized (at least some did) that what we have been doing to the planet with our mining, drilling, deforestation and right up there with the other fuck up's were the chemical companies that produced fertilizers & pesticides.
Dow & Monsanto were in a league of their own though when is came to extinction/cancer or just plain old death.
Well. after decades of screaming & avoiding & dying the EPA became a reality & we finally started to recycle/
conserve/maintain wetlands/forests/wilderness areas/protect the air & water & develop alternate energy sources.
Very cool, right?
It's actually sad as fuck knowing that we knew over 60 fucking years ago that just for a stock increase those mother fucking capitalist cocksuckers were killing us & the planet.
We knew that this extinction shit was coming up (yes, it is

) and could have be avoided, but they said it would cost too much to do & the damaged being caused by them was within an acceptable level of destruction.
That was the reasoning in 1962 & to this day that argument is still presented, that it would be to expensive.
It was too expensive and you are all Chicken Littles they claimed.
I/we/everyone should have survived their greed, but that is pretty much decided I think,
I understand they're taking bets now in Las Vegas with an over/under for casualties from the next natural disaster.
Also acres burned/houses destroyed have good odds, so make your bets now before Lee hits shore and you lose the opportunity of a lifetime or month?
Thinking of Lee made me think of this
Keep cool Tex & remember fall is coming (is that tornado time?) and good luck.