Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
As a former machine shop supervisor I remember some pretty stupid shit. No you can't power wash the 480 volt control panel. No you can't paint with flammable paint 20 feet from a machine emitting flames. No we won't cut 4 feet off a multi million dollar CNC because it doesn't fit where you want it. These are things managers wanted done.


Well-Known Member
I saw tour busses and cruise boats of leaf peepers today... they're here before the color changed!
This dipshit missed the actual pull-off and parked halfway into the lane for a picture. The truck pulling a large excavator (wide load) in front of me almost took him out with one of the excavator tracks. Horrible spot to park on a turn. I don't want to see anyone get killed.......but people are really fucking stupid.

And it's just starting lol

Pray for wind and rain :lol:


Well-Known Member
I shall keep my thoughts about engineers to myself I am a mechanic lol (%&@#$%&%#@$&*)
My favorite was when our new manager showed up bright and early Monday morning and said " I read all about this machine this weekend, you're not running it right let me show you how."
Show me he did, an hour later a 25,000 dollar double bore pump housing is scrap. So a job that was on track to finish early is now a month late. Petro chemical plants don't like it when you're late, they have schedules and if you fuck with their schedules you don't get to be a vendor.
He didn't work there much longer.


Well-Known Member
The leafers , as we call the fall tourists, haven't yet invaded our area. We have a week or two before these road hazards descend into our sleepy little mountain town. I love the ones that just stop in the middle of the road to take pictures. There's nothing like coming around a bend in the road and there's cars just stopped for pictures. I have a 360 degree view of the forest so no need to travel to leaf watch luckily.