Elons Little Plan

SpaceX wins first Pentagon contract for Starshield, its satellite network for military use
A country like Taiwan is no industrial or technological lightweight and could use something like starlink to make a navy or Airforce of drones controlled by AI to swarm the fuckers every mile of the way across the water and onto the beaches. It would be raining missiles and drones, and the fishes in the straits of Taiwan would be well feed. Anybody dealing with China as a neighbor would be interested in starlink for military purposes! :lol: If Joe is reelected and the democrats win useful majorities the US government will probably control starlink and probably have it hived off of SpaceX and will have Elon frozen out of control of it. Just look at the history of national security assets that give America a serious military advantage, or even one to the CIA, most are controlled by patriots and the unreliable are excluded from things that require security clearances and I doubt Elon could get one.
This is gonna give him such an itch
Elon is a malignant narcissist, basically an antisocial personality type, who liked twitter so much he paid two or three time what it was worth and then fired everybody and generally fucked the place up. His ego brought him to Twitter and it is keeping him there, he also has a lot of YouTube fans who apparently think he is a God and I suspect he is paying some of them for praise online. Everything the people with brains do, Elon takes the credit, Elon did this and Elon did that, people with brains do the shit, Elon just bought the ideas of others or the company. He got lucky with Tesla, early adopters are usually well off, and a sports car made sense, he has done well with sales, but is now facing serious competition in the EV market moving forward.

His mental condition appears to be progressive and the more fuel that is poured onto the bonfire of his vanity, the more hubris we will see. Apparently, he suffers from depression, I know why, but he doesn't have a clue. He is a shrewd businessman, but an unwise man, wisdom requires a heart, no heart, no wisdom. Pleasure is to be found in material things and accumulation, personal power, but our happiness depends on our relationship to ourselves and others and is a different thing than pleasure which is ephemeral, often with an external source and needs increasing levels of titillation.
I cancelled my order for Starlink when I got an email saying it was ready to ship. Now I'm getting emails that I can get the dish for only $199 instead of $749 but just got Telus Wi-Fi Hub on a 2 year plan. 6X faster than what we had and good enough for now. $80/mth cheaper in my package deal for Sat TV and a landline than what I was paying too. The guys I was with let me keep my email for $5/mth so I don't have to change everything over which is worth more than that to me. No disconnet fee or anything plus they are upgrading to be even faster than the Hub so I may go back to them after the two years is up unless Telus gives me an even better deal. I'll soon be able to get all my TV thru it as well then can cut the Sat TV out.

With just Starlink screwing up the night skies it's only going to get a lot worse once a couple more companies planning to do likewise start launching thousands of more satellites up there.

Sell your telescope while it's still worth something.

As a general aside, it seems Wile E Muskogee doesn’t comprehend the “common carrier” principle.

Alexander Graham Bell isn’t morally liable for every bad business conduction on the telephone, & USPS isn’t criminally responsible for the contents of everything they handle, or for any use those contents might be put to

There was even a huge flap in the social media world over whether sites would be common carriers or be responsible for what they let people post (it’s still going on)

the golden road for common carriers is they accept that everything *will* go thru the system as long as the carrier takes basic steps to prevent misuse…much like the PO does. X/Twit will never be a common carrier because Eloi *WANTS* to take sides, and he makes his company take sides, too…AND he wants no blowback from anything he does

For quite some time, I’ve been advocating the nationalization of critical private infrastructure such as Amazon & Twitter; with his Q36 explosive space link modulator, he seals the deal.

Whatever its failings, ‘starlink’ is too critical, too necessary, too *dangerous* to leave in the private possession of one shaky lunatic

Yer fucking right, Elon's days of fucking around with starlink are over as far as national security is concerned, this shit also
comes with consequences and security. Starlink is far too valuable a national security asset and its use must be denied adversaries and given to allies for military use as an inducement too, it offers valuable functions and best of all Uncle Sam gets to monitor it all and control it all, including geofencing. If they integrated the phased array antennas into the wings of drones, you could fly down the main street of Moscow at cartop level with a great view in your virtual cockpit and even have the drone crew served with multiple sensors and systems, there would be plenty of bandwidth and a 24ms latency. Likewise, you could control a ship drone, not just a drone boat, or a submarine drone that pops up every now and again to link up with the network. Even remote tanks could be controlled by starlink.

Countries would join an alliance with America just to get access to the system, it would offer serious military advantages, aside from secure routine connectivity that is hard to radio locate or even detect with standard direction-finding methods, so HQs who stay off the radios and phones would be secure.

Thing is, tho - much of your speculation would need major advances in automated military units controlled from afar…and we ain’t there yet; and it would make the service/capability THE #1 target for bad-actor nations & their cadres of hackers.

We’re seriously not ready for the scope & depth of the required effort. Especially with the New Confederacy squirreling everything they touch
As a general aside, it seems Wile E Muskogee doesn’t comprehend the “common carrier” principle.

Alexander Graham Bell isn’t morally liable for every bad business conduction on the telephone, & USPS isn’t criminally responsible for the contents of everything they handle, or for any use those contents might be put to

There was even a huge flap in the social media world over whether sites would be common carriers or be responsible for what they let people post (it’s still going on)

the golden road for common carriers is they accept that everything *will* go thru the system as long as the carrier takes basic steps to prevent misuse…much like the PO does. X/Twit will never be a common carrier because Eloi *WANTS* to take sides, and he makes his company take sides, too…AND he wants no blowback from anything he does

For quite some time, I’ve been advocating the nationalization of critical private infrastructure such as Amazon & Twitter; with his Q36 explosive space link modulator, he seals the deal.

Whatever its failings, ‘starlink’ is too critical, too necessary, too *dangerous* to leave in the private possession of one shaky lunatic

Thing is, tho - much of your speculation would need major advances in automated military units controlled from afar…and we ain’t there yet; and it would make the service/capability THE #1 target for bad-actor nations & their cadres of hackers.

We’re seriously not ready for the scope & depth of the required effort. Especially with the New Confederacy squirreling everything they touch
The Pentagon is working on it, I just posted about the "replicator" program on the War thread.
I saw him on Joe Rogan. That's not a stoner. Dudes a narc. He's the guy that puts on a grateful dead shirt and doesn't inhale.

Looked like the piano player in reefer madness.

Personally I think its all funny. Sounds great, let's do this. Worth noting though, I am a supporter of and also proposing acceleration towards the collapse of the state so cultural Marxism can take hold, socialism perhaps.
“Cultural Marxism”! One the most bogus examples of misused intelligence on record - all for the purpose of pissing in the common water supply & rendering common sense & civility UNDEPENDABLE

Deprogramming the hordes of the brainwashed will be a forever war of its very own
“Cultural Marxism”! One the most bogus examples of misused intelligence on record - all for the purpose of pissing in the common water supply & rendering common sense & civility UNDEPENDABLE

Deprogramming the hordes of the brainwashed will be a forever war of its very own
Cultural Marxists wish to collectivize the memes of production.

“Cultural Marxism”! One the most bogus examples of misused intelligence on record - all for the purpose of pissing in the common water supply & rendering common sense & civility UNDEPENDABLE

Deprogramming the hordes of the brainwashed will be a forever war of its very own
They turned liberal into a curse word, but it means freedom under the constitution and rule of law, one can see why they hate it. They are a minority in America and know it, several groups of fruitcakes banded together into a coalition that formed around Trump, he is the glue that holds them together. When Trump goes there will be a vacuum and I figure an implosion. It depends on if the SCOTUS disqualifies Trump from the primaries by the end of this year and his reaction to it. If he runs a write in campaign, calls the GOP nominee a RINO who stole the nomination from him, endorses a hundred Hirschels etc. He will be going down in court right in the middle of their primaries and he will be desperate, panicked and wanting a hug from the GOP while he's on fire and about to explode! No matter if he is in prison and disqualified, he will still command 30% of the GOP base, he owns them and if he turns on the republicans while he goes down, they are fucked in 24.

'Challenge accepted, Elon': Mehdi lays out the hate on Musk’s Twitter in gory detail

2,904 views Sep 28, 2023 #ElonMusk #MehdiHasan #X
Twitter’s former Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth resigned just weeks after Elon Musk took over the platform, citing his disagreements with its new policies. Soon after, Musk attacked Roth online and led his army of internet trolls in a smear campaign that spread like wildfire. Yoel Roth joins Mehdi to talk about that experience and discuss the future of the platform now known as X.

'Elon Musk tried to intimidate me into silence.' Former Twitter exec speaks out

29,642 views Sep 28, 2023 #ElonMusk #X #Twitter
Twitter’s former Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth resigned just weeks after Elon Musk took over the platform, citing his disagreements with its new policies. Soon after, Musk attacked Roth online and led his army of internet trolls in a smear campaign that spread like wildfire. Yoel Roth joins Mehdi to talk about that experience and discuss the future of the platform now known as X.
Liberal democracies tend to lean left in the estimation of the greed driven and the public places become more liberal and inclusive, including social media. Lies, corruption and bigotry seem to go hand in hand and some people don't care or are incapable of realizing the harm that they do in pursuit of money and power. Elon is already being treated for depression from some reports and Twitter turned into an ego trap for the narcissist, does he think being an asshole will make him happy? I haven't seen too many happy assholes, the kind and generous always seem to be smiling though.
