Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

You could vacuum seal them, but I'm thinking a bunch could possibly end up getting broken up. Probably not an actual problem, though. I just loaded mine up into little sandwich sized Ziploc bags. 4 of those little bags fit nicely inside a 1 gallon Ziploc.
good point. that probably will crush them .
I just closed the baggies like 90% of the way, leaving just enough of an opening to manually suck most of the air out before fully closing. Over a year in the freezer now and they seem to be doing fine.
I used to think if a grain jar was all white it was colonized and all good. So I would spawn jars that look like this and end up throwing the tub Away. This contam i get looks powdery sometimes cobwebby and the consistency of the birdseed will be weird, doesn't stick together like it should. 20231003_165902.jpg
Now here's a good jar.
Huge difference when you look at a good jar side by side.
That being said, what kind of dehydrator do you guys recommend? Is it worth building one of those modified DIY contraptions, where they add a whole extra 5 gallon bucket worth of space, for doing like a lb or more at a time?

Also, do they eventually smell like mush, and become loaded with spores? As in.. would you not want to use the same dehydrator to dry out other stuff like fruits & veggies? Better to keep a dedicated one for mycology purposes only?

Nothing wrong with a box fan and finishing to cracker dry in an oven on warm with the door slightly open.
Nothing wrong with a box fan and finishing to cracker dry in an oven on warm with the door slightly open.
Yeah I used to dry out entire sheets of them in the oven way back in the day, after picking grocery bags full as a teen year after year every season. I found many different ways to dry them out, like using heaters, or even setting next to wood stoves. Setting them over the floor vents and using the propane furnace, that is usually going off all the time in Oct anyway.. Trying not to stink the house up and get caught.. We always used what we had, and it wasn't a new dehydrator off amazon unfortunately..

I've puked up my fair share of badly dried out (almost black looking).. and probably even rotten psilocybes over those years, before I knew the importance of properly drying them and how to. For sure, bad mushrooms are no fun.. blah!
No. Dehydrator can’t over dry or get too hot.
Ya man i was worried about that at 1st too. I usually pick them in the morning and leave them in The dehydrator Add about a 130° until the next day And they're always potent. I've tried doing a few different things Like drying on low heat for a long time or drying on high heat for a short time and can't tell the difference.
Yeah I used to dry out entire sheets of them in the oven way back in the day, after picking grocery bags full as a teen year after year every season. I found many different ways to dry them out, like using heaters, or even setting next to wood stoves. Setting them over the floor vents and using the propane furnace, that is usually going off all the time in Oct anyway.. Trying not to stink the house up and get caught.. We always used what we had, and it wasn't a new dehydrator off amazon unfortunately..

I've puked up my fair share of badly dried out (almost black looking).. and probably even rotten psilocybes over those years, before I knew the importance of properly drying them and how to. For sure, bad mushrooms are no fun.. blah!
Ya they absorb moisture so easily. 1 moist shroom, 1 drop of water or wet hands can destroy a whole bag. I don't risk it anymore.
Ya right now I'm liking microdosing everyday better than tripping on the weekend. I'm on day 5 and wow I am really getting shit done Lol. Really tightens up those loose screws ya know!