Concerning issue


Need some help with an this issue. I just transplant them into 2gals. The roots didn't look too bad just not as white as I'd prefer. My LED is at 50%. The plants in coco and My feed's at around 1000-12000ppm. Any idea?



Well-Known Member
My LED is at 50%. The plants in coco and My feed's at around 1000-12000ppm. Any idea?
LED at 50% is meaningless without knowing what the wattage is.

1000 PPM is too strong. You should be around 600 PPM and watering at least once a day and always with nutrients and always to at least 10% runoff.

Whenever you let plants get big in a solo cup and get that root bound, make sure you scruff the roots before transplanting otherwise they'll think they're still bound and will keep growing in a circle.