Drop That Sound
Well-Known Member
It might work perfect for my latest idea. NM the substrate.. I kinda want to crawl in and get steamed myself, lol. Take 2 identical free hot tubs (I looked and there are 50 of them within 100 miles), and set the upside down one right on top of the other, so its like one big 2 piece tank. Then put a hinge on one side so it can still open up like a box, with a hoist...wouldn't something like a steam table from a used restaurant supply place work?
Or better yet, cut them up and fabricate a hatch mechanism that opens up like an airplane staircase, and leave the tubs bolted together. Add all kinds of cool water proof speakers, disco lights, tv screens, controls or whatnot (hookah tubes!) to the top tub lid section. Maybe even add a sky light (extra escape hatch!). Slap some kind of decent looking exterior around it, and maybe even put it on a mobile trailer frame.. With ski's of course, incase burning man floods out again haha....
When you crawl in, it's like your sitting inside some futuristic space ship pod, with seating arrangements for 4-6, or however big the lower tub is. Add the steamer, and you have the most awesome sauna ever!