Got guns?

so what calibers would fulfill this requirement? like .338? .45-70?

In a July 1964 column for “Guns & Ammo” magazine, he reported how a Colorado hunting guide required clients to use rifles rated for at least 3,125 foot/pounds or 250-gr bullets at not less than 2,800 foot/pounds. After the season the guide reported his hunters took 14 elk and there were no crippled elk or wounded elk that were lost.

“(The guide) said he had grown tired of trailing up elk wounded with .270s, .308s, and .30-06s, and this year placed a mandatory caliber limitation on all who booked. It paid off,” Keith wrote. “He said all hunters did exceptionally well even with rifles having some recoil.”
Never saw this thread before... this TnT section has things in it I wouldn't have thought in a cannabis forum. :o

Mini-14 purchased in 1979, when they were a hell of a lot better than AR-15s.

Remington 20 gauge 870 pump with a pistol grip and 18-in barrel.

Taurus 38 snub.
M1a’s are better than the mini14 but the mini14’s are still cool as fuck. Ar’s feel like pieces of shit when holding them shooting.
The M1 action is king
Got a couple of new additions recently. Firearms permit finally showed up 6.5 months later and grabbed up a 12g pump with a 17" barrel with 3 different grips. That one, pistol grip and shoulder stock. Plastic fantastic made in Turkey but more than adequate for my needs. Came with 3 chokes and that little flash suppressor on it in the pic for $380Can. it's ribbed for a scope as well. Takes 2 3/4 or 3" shells and holds 6 up the tube. It legally resides in the unlocked bedroom closet with a trigger lock installed and the key in it. 2 - 3: magnum loads of '00' hidden but close at hand. If I leave the house I take the trigger lock key with me. The trigger lock can be off it as long as I am in care and control of the gun too.

My neighbour was selling off the possessions of a relative who has had a debilitating stroke so I picked up a Savage Axis .270 with a nice scope on it, plastic Redhead case and strap along with a laser bore sighting bullet and big trigger lock for $400. 5 boxes of ammo for $20 each and they are up to $50+ at the store. Would cost me more than that to get a scope and mount for my old .303 and this thing is a few pounds lighter. Just need to do my First Time Hunter's course online for $70 then can buy deer tags for white-tail or mule deer for only $8.25 each as a senior. Lots of spots close by to go looking for one. Only have to the end of November to score so not likely this year as I'd like to go out with someone who's done this before. A few u-tubes might help if I have to go solo. :)

Thanks for the read - Sounds like he knows what he's talking about from my experience.
Thanks for the read - Sounds like he knows what he's talking about from my experience.
He's a pretty prolific writer who's been around a while.
