Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Roughly 1 in 40 is better than over 1:1 as in America, but around 40% of the people have guns there. All those legal guns in Canada die with the owner and are turned in or collected upon the owner's death and many are owned by people over 50. It is a lot more trouble and bother to possess any gun in Canada and handguns in particular and unless you are grandfathered in, then handguns are illegal here now.

That is only 1.1M handguns, not firearms in the country, you are forgetting the long guns.

"Approximately 7 million firearms are estimated to be owned by private individuals; this number includes as many as 1.2 million restricted firearms. The overall rate of firearm ownership is at least 241 per 1,000 population and is comparable to ownership rates in other countries where hunting is a significant activity.

Recent estimates indicate that 26 percent of Canadian households own at least one firearm."

"Three-in-ten American adults say they currently own a gun, and another 11% say they don’t personally own a gun but live with someone who does."

So 30% as compared to 26%. Not that big a difference.
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That is only 1.1M handguns, not firearms in the country, you are forgetting the long guns.

"Approximately 7 million firearms are estimated to be owned by private individuals; this number includes as many as 1.2 million restricted firearms. The overall rate of firearm ownership is at least 241 per 1,000 population and is comparable to ownership rates in other countries where hunting is a significant activity.

Recent estimates indicate that 26 percent of Canadian households own at least one firearm."

"Three-in-ten American adults say they currently own a gun, and another 11% say they don’t personally own a gun but live with someone who does."

So 30% as compared to 26%. Not that big a difference.
That obviously doesn't tell the whole story, we have FACs (called something else now) and restrictions on long guns such as mag capacity, not any lunatic can buy a gun or ammo in Canada. Handgun ownership has been progressively restricted and now outlawed unless grandfathered in. The difference in gun homicide rates between Canada and America speak loudest of all and they are much lower in the UK and Australia. Handguns smuggled from America are the biggest issue and we lost over 20 people in NS to a mass shooting a few years back using them, the guy couldn't get a gun or ammo here.

We are not morally superior to Americans, we watch the same movies, TV shows and play the same video games, we also have as many nuts per capita. The only real difference in this area are the laws surrounding guns. America have more of them than we do, it is estimated there are more guns than people in America, but most of them are owned by a relatively small number of people.
handguns are illegal here now.

No they're not. If you already own a legally registered handgun you can keep it and still take it to the range following all the rules.

Buying and selling is on hold for now but it's still not carved in stone so if little PP gets in he can open the doors again like Harper did with the stupid long-gun registry the Libs brought in over 20 years ago.

The only decent thing Harper did but still won't convince me to vote Con.

No they're not. If you already own a legally registered handgun you can keep it and still take it to the range following all the rules.

Buying and selling is on hold for now but it's still not carved in stone so if little PP gets in he can open the doors again like Harper did with the stupid long-gun registry the Libs brought in over 20 years ago.

The only decent thing Harper did but still won't convince me to vote Con.

Only if you are grandfathered in for now, wannabe handgun owners are out of luck and when the owner dies so does the gun. What do you figure the average age of a legal handgun owner is in Canada? A hunter? A buddy of mine is a retired forest ranger, used to give the mandatory hunter safety course a couple of decades ago here in NS, he said then there were fewer hunters every year. There used to be a lot more when I was a kid, but many urban people have lost their connection to the land and that particular lifestyle. I used to hunt with my dad as a kid and as a young man, but never cared for it much. There were 1.3 million hunters in Canada for a country of 40 million people according to the latest stats, about 25% of those hunt for food. Dunno if that includes natives, they don't need licenses I believe.
Only if you are grandfathered in for now, wannabe handgun owners are out of luck and when the owner dies so does the gun. What do you figure the average age of a legal handgun owner is in Canada? A hunter? A buddy of mine is a retired forest ranger, used to give the mandatory hunter safety course a couple of decades ago here in NS, he said then there were fewer hunters every year. There used to be a lot more when I was a kid, but many urban people have lost their connection to the land and that particular lifestyle. I used to hunt with my dad as a kid and as a young man, but never cared for it much. There were 1.3 million hunters in Canada for a country of 40 million people according to the latest stats, about 25% of those hunt for food. Dunno if that includes natives, they don't need licenses I believe.

I mentioned that the buying and selling of handguns is on hold for now but it hasn't been made into law yet and there are plenty of court cases pending.

They should just have it so if you want to shoot handguns or assault style weapons you can go to a licensed range and rent one out to blast away to your heart's content then sign it back in and go home.
Good thing it wasn't Trump, or he would be out running around for years shitting on the victims in the media before he would even have to plead in court and then he could carry on shitting on witnesses and his victims for years after. Imagine if every criminal defendant in serious crimes was treated like that. But you might say this is a serious crime, so are his, but they have lots of witnesses and evidence and are certain he did it, there is a very strong case (or not), I'd say it is the same with Trump for his J6 crimes and top-secret documents cases. Equality under the law, unless you happen to be popular, I guess, because Trump holds no office and isn't even a party nominee yet, and ex-presidents have no special statues under the constitution or law.

Suspect in shooting of 3 Palestinian college students in Vermont pleads not guilty
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Goddammit. Another one.

So, here we are. Another bump to a thread that I hope one day will sink into the depths of RIU's archive.

Nevada's Republicans rallied to the NRA's banner in 2017 to prevent better gun regulations after 400 were killed. It's not as if we should be surprised that this happened. That would be like making no changes but expecting a different outcome.

This is a cause that can't get traction because there has been nothing to celebrate. There has only been a long list of regrets. After each and every mass shooting. Thoughts and Prayers.
Goddammit. Another one.

So, here we are. Another bump to a thread that I hope one day will sink into the depths of RIU's archive.

Nevada's Republicans rallied to the NRA's banner in 2017 to prevent better gun regulations after 400 were killed. It's not as if we should be surprised that this happened. That would be like making no changes but expecting a different outcome.

This is a cause that can't get traction because there has been nothing to celebrate. There has only been a long list of regrets. After each and every mass shooting. Thoughts and Prayers.
It’s odd living in one of the most progressive states in the union, and I’m only a coupla hours illegally-fast drive from libertarian Disneyland.

Goddammit. Another one.

So, here we are. Another bump to a thread that I hope one day will sink into the depths of RIU's archive.

Nevada's Republicans rallied to the NRA's banner in 2017 to prevent better gun regulations after 400 were killed. It's not as if we should be surprised that this happened. That would be like making no changes but expecting a different outcome.

This is a cause that can't get traction because there has been nothing to celebrate. There has only been a long list of regrets. After each and every mass shooting. Thoughts and Prayers.
I keep wundrin' whar all these patriotic open-carry good guys are. They's in the moovies, that's whar.
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I keep wundrin' whar all these patriotic open-carry good guys are. They's in the voovies, that's whar.
They’re busy providing fifteen gun deaths by deliberate or accidental shooting and fifteen deaths by gun suicide for each one defense shooting.

I wish I had the reference to those numbers, posted on this forum four, five? years ago.

It was the straw that broke this camel’s back. I switched from a political to an epidemiological position on civil gun ownership.

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. And people with guns kill a metric fuckton more people than those without.