Hello from Cape Town SA.

Side ways Onion

Well-Known Member
I would like to say hello or as we say on the Southern Tip of Africa .......Howzit to all, and thank you to all the posters who are so happy to share their knowledge.

I have been a lurker here for quite a while and decided to take the plunge and introduce myself.

I am a small scale organic, outdoor grower in Noordhoek, Cape Town, South Africa. I have been a consumer for about 45 years, most of that time it's been illegal to consume or grow in South Africa but since 2018, it's legal to grow at home for personal use, which is probably the best thing the suits have done in ages in this county.

The wealth of info on this board is astounding, so thanks again all.


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I would like to say hello or as we say on the Southern Tip of Africa .......Howzit to all, and thank you to all the posters who are so happy to share their knowledge.

I have been a lurker here for quite a while and decided to take the plunge and introduce myself.

I am a small scale organic, outdoor grower in Noordhoek, Cape Town, South Africa. I have been a consumer for about 45 years, most of that time it's been illegal to consume or grow in South Africa but since 2018, it's legal to grow at home for personal use, which is probably the best thing the suits have done in ages in this county.

The wealth of info on this board is astounding, so thanks again all.


Welcome to RIU! Have any issues getting good genetics in SA? Gromer (Thug pug genetics) has a friend over there.
I would like to say hello or as we say on the Southern Tip of Africa .......Howzit to all, and thank you to all the posters who are so happy to share their knowledge.

I have been a lurker here for quite a while and decided to take the plunge and introduce myself.

I am a small scale organic, outdoor grower in Noordhoek, Cape Town, South Africa. I have been a consumer for about 45 years, most of that time it's been illegal to consume or grow in South Africa but since 2018, it's legal to grow at home for personal use, which is probably the best thing the suits have done in ages in this county.

The wealth of info on this board is astounding, so thanks again all.


Welcome and the whole time I'm reading your introduction all I could think about was Durban Poison sorry but like I said welcome lol
Welcome to RIU! Have any issues getting good genetics in SA? Gromer (Thug pug genetics) has a friend over there.
Thanks for the info Hydro, I will keep that in mind. I think we get pretty good genetics here. I like Sativas, I'm growing some Jazz at present with some unknown seeds I have had for a while. I will post pictures in time. We have a cannabis expo here annually where some of the top seed banks show their wares. That is where I got my Jazz seeds from a Danish outfit.
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Welcome and the whole time I'm reading your introduction all I could think about was Durban Poison sorry but like I said welcome lol
Wow Jeff, you made me go way back, when we used to get our Durban Poison in what we called pencils back then. Im not sure if you know what that is, but the best way I can describe it as looking like an Indian Beedi cigarette. Or google DP pencil and see the pics.
Here's a bit of history of weed smoking in SA, we smoked most of our weed in bottle necks in those days. Yes savage I know but that's how it was back then, what memories you have jogged.
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Wow Jeff, you made me go way back, when we used to get our Durban Poison in what we called pencils back then. Im not sure if you know what that is, but the best way I can describe it as looking like an Indian Beedi cigarette. Or google DP pencil and see the pics.
Well I'm glad that I could bring back some good times and I can't say that I have but I've smoked a lot of it freshly dried from Hot Rocks I'm old lol and I absolutely love your country :hump: :weed: :peace:
Well I'm glad that I could bring back some good times and I can't say that I have but I've smoked a lot of it freshly dried from Hot Rocks I'm old lol and I absolutely love your country :hump: :weed: :peace:
Im oldish too recently retired and Weed was legalised for personal use here awhile back, so I grow annually outdoors. Last year I had so much weed drying in my garages cars had to park outside. We can't sell here so I give it away or trade for veggies even traded some for a beautiful pair of hiking boots. Retired life is great, things slow down and seem to fit in place and you can focus on what makes you happy and forget the rat race.
Welcome from 12,644km away!

Would love to see some pics of your plants and country!
I will post some pics of my current grow as one thing I have not done is photograph my grows. I have one pic my wife took complaining my drying took over the cars garage space and her indoor washing line became my drying line. lol
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As promised,
Below are some of my plants under the African sun.

I predominantly grow Sativas, at the moment I have some Jazz Plant ( the 2 plants on left of bottom pic) and Durban Poison growing and I have 1 x Badazz Cookie OG (70% Indica plant on the right of the bottom pic) growing in 200ltr bags.

These Ladies have been topped 3 times so as to prevent them growing too tall. (They are about 7 ft tall at present and just started to flower). The reason I keep them shorter is we have incredibly strong winds here on the southern tip, its called the Cape of Storms for that reason.

I wish you all a wonderful day.
