What did you consumer fucks buy today?

In general, absolutely recently I asked myself the question of tuning my old car. Having equipped myself with a computer, I started looking for information on the Internet about how to do it properly. After I read more than one article, I realized that I lacked a special adapter, which I could not find for a long time. I tried a huge number of different alternative ways, but it turned out to be all wrong. But ecutools.eu provided me with the option I had been missing for so long. Now, I will soon be able to download the new software and read the errors that occurred.
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In general, absolutely recently I asked myself the question of tuning my old car. Having equipped myself with a computer, I started looking for information on the Internet about how to do it properly. After I read more than one article, I realized that I lacked a special adapter, which I could not find for a long time. I tried a huge number of different alternative ways, but it turned out to be all wrong. But ecutools.eu provided me with the option I had been missing for so long. Now, I will soon be able to download the new software and read the errors that occurred.
That's an OBD II connector to USB A
Sticky traps but now I am thinking about it and they seem kinda inhumane cause like wtf am I gonna do once that poor little mouse is stuck on there?

We've been invaded by mice this fall sometimes catching a dozen a day. I use the old fashioned one but have that plastic phony cheese slab up front. Just some peanut butter in the little pocket in front of where the trigger latches gets them good every time. I toss them up on the chicken coop roof for the local magpies and crows. I have one of those flat box type traps called the Iron Cat that can hold about 40 of the little buggers but then you have to drown them or gas them to kill em all. No snow to speak of yet so the coyotes, hawks etc must be feeding good this year.

We have a strain of mouse called a Deer Mouse that carry hantavirus sometimes that near killed a friend of ours last year. Cleaning out an old shed on his farm and got it from the dust. Was on a ventilator for 2 weeks. Saw him a couple weeks ago in town and he's had a stroke now too. All weak on his left side and slurring his words. shudder I had a little stroke about 8 years ago but not that bad.

I feel a bit sorry for the little buggers but stay outside or I'll send you straight to hell! :D

We've been invaded by mice this fall sometimes catching a dozen a day. I use the old fashioned one but have that plastic phony cheese slab up front. Just some peanut butter in the little pocket in front of where the trigger latches gets them good every time. I toss them up on the chicken coop roof for the local magpies and crows. I have one of those flat box type traps called the Iron Cat that can hold about 40 of the little buggers but then you have to drown them or gas them to kill em all. No snow to speak of yet so the coyotes, hawks etc must be feeding good this year.

We have a strain of mouse called a Deer Mouse that carry hantavirus sometimes that near killed a friend of ours last year. Cleaning out an old shed on his farm and got it from the dust. Was on a ventilator for 2 weeks. Saw him a couple weeks ago in town and he's had a stroke now too. All weak on his left side and slurring his words. shudder I had a little stroke about 8 years ago but not that bad.

I feel a bit sorry for the little buggers but stay outside or I'll send you straight to hell! :D


we have cats but they lazy af lol. I keep threatening to trade them in for some “mousers” but they called my bluff. we haven’t had mouse issues in over 10 yrs but this year we had a grass fire that burned a few acres right next to us and I think it drove them out. all our neighbors are also seeing them. I put out a few of those old traditional traps and they are stealing the peanut butter (little bastards) so I went back and got these sticky traps to show them a lesson but now I am pussing out lmao
Finally pulled the trigger on a nugsmasher! ... now if they will only contact me about ya know ANYTHING since I ordered it 2 weeks ago. damn
Well I contacted them and said that they must be upgrading me to the sweet Nugsmasher IQ, since it is taking so long. I told them all my followers will be so excited!... Sadly I don't think it worked hahaha they DID however at least reply and say they are slow due to the holidays or something... like everyone is out here buying nugssmashers for xmas hahaha but hey they got families too right ;-) who knows maybe ill get that IQ upgrade... i will let you all know!
we have cats but they lazy af lol. I keep threatening to trade them in for some “mousers” but they called my bluff. we haven’t had mouse issues in over 10 yrs but this year we had a grass fire that burned a few acres right next to us and I think it drove them out. all our neighbors are also seeing them. I put out a few of those old traditional traps and they are stealing the peanut butter (little bastards) so I went back and got these sticky traps to show them a lesson but now I am pussing out lmao

We have 3 cats that catch a lot of mice. The old girl is 18 now so doesn't get many but still tries. Those traps of ours have been working great and are cheap at $2.39 a pair. They're not the Victory ones but called TomCat and seem to get them as they step on that yellow pad to reach the hinge where the peanut butter is so I rarely have to add more peanut butter. Kills them fast which I prefer. Damn squirrel living in the carport is pissing me off. Should have caught him in the live trap and relocated him during the summer but don't want him to die if we moved him now when he won't be able to store up food for the winter. Thinking of catching him then skinning him out for fly tying material but already have a couple of squirrel skins in my supplies so don't really need more. I need to be more heartless but as I get older my blood-lust has dissipated. Don't even want to shoot magpies and crows any more. Recently bought a .270 deer rifle to take up hunting for free meat but not sure if I could actually shoot one now. The season is over now so I'll see how it goes next year. Still have to take the first time hunter's course online to be able to buy deer tags and legally hunt. As a pensioner I can get tags for whitetail or mule deer for $8 instead of $45 for the younger crowd.

If you have a pellet gun you could shoot the little buggers in the head then peel them off the sticky traps for disposal I guess or toss the trap into a bucket of water and drown them but that turns me off. When you think of how cats torture them sometimes for an hour or so before killing them it doesn't seem so cruel tho. :)
