We got castor oil when needed and a big spoonful of cod liver oil once a week. Mom knew dozens of home treatments so we hardly ever needed a doctor for anything other than near death experiences. I was talking to her last week about how much things like diet and home treatments have changed since our days. Hardly anything you could call junk food and we had a huge garden and a pantry full of canned stuff mom would can up even chicken in mason jars. She grew up during the depression on a farm in southern Alberta when a shopping trip was a big deal so you grew your own veggies, raised your own meat and traded with neighbours for what you didn't produce yourself.
I used to love coming home from school on baking day and having a big slab of fresh bread still warm slathered with butter and homemade strawberry jam for an after school snack then outside to play until dinner then outside to play again until the street lights came on.
My dad worked at a meat packing plant so we had steak 3 or 4 times a week and roast beef every Sunday with all the trimmings like Yorkshire puddings full of gravy. With my gut problems I can't even eat beef any more but don't really miss it. Bacon and eggs almost every morning for breakfast until mom went to work full time and then lots of cereal tho often Red River cooked cereal or porridge and eggs. Liver and onions is still something I like to cook up once in a while but it's just for me as the wife and stepdaughter won't eat it.
You can just look around at all the super-sized people walking around and see what today's diets are doing for us. Big-boned my ass.