Blaze & Daze

I have Same I used to wake up every 3 hours until I got up but tincture knocks me out and sleep right now thru first time ever really on a regular time. Insomnia probably from all acid I used as a kid.
A lot of times, I'll toss and turn for hours before managing to nod off. Xanax helps me fall asleep much easier, but I'll still come wide awake every other hour or so. Kinda just gotten used to shit sleep schedule. 4-6 hours seems to be my sweet spot. Much longer and I wake up feeling shittier.
I might get 2 hours sleep at a time, beer in the evening and a diuretic during the day for my BP requires frequent visits to the reading room. I try to get a nap in in the afternoon to get a couple more hours.
Yea I get that,you gotta do what makes you feel ok, supposedly taking nap like that messes with sleeping at night but in pain doesn't matter. I do same when can too
That's okay,
It's not loaded,
Don't worry baby,
I'm a good driver. [Repeat]

Chanted chorus of a snotty punk song from the 80s I think. Now scrubbed from the internet because I can't find it. Title was Famous Last Words, but not the My Chemical Romance song.
Oh, of course, 9353, duh. They were in the DC hardcore scene when I was living there. Sorry, random old person synapse firing.