Got guns?

Link to their monthly magazine, lots of ads but a few good articles, free.

Link(s) to many of Massad's articles
Not sure how you got the sig tag "Virtually Unknown Member" but I absolutely _love_ it!!!! Harley Farley just said, it's because their _DEA_ :o.

I'm virtually unknown _everywhere_, so I know you're not DEA. :cool:
I didnt read the whole thread and skipped to the end, so this might have already been discussed. Just curious about peoples opinions on something like this for folks that are NOT ALLOWED TO OWN, or for whatever other circumstances, CANT CARRY FIREARMS, for concealed personal protection.

I know this is like bringing a knife to a gun fight, but has to be better then a can of pepper spray or a tazer, no? I would think a couple well placed shots to the chest, neck/face area at close range with a couple pepper/tear gas balls would stop most aggressors. Obviously I'd rather have the real deal but better then nothing?

Most of my guns are old, very old, but still shooters. Got everything from turn of the century (1900's) shotguns, to a full military 30-40 kraig that my wife's grandfather carried in WWI. My favorite is a lever action, octagonal barrel, 25-35 from1896 (marked "For Black or Smokeless Powder"), it's tough to find shells for, but it quite accurate out to about 125 yards, good brush gun for deer. My newest is a Marlin .270, that I could basically take any game animal in North Amerca with. Also have a side by side percussion cap muzzle loader, but it is a shootable replica, really fun, I 've taken it pheasant hunting, got to pull the second barrel quickly or you can't see through the smoke!
Most of my guns are old, very old, but still shooters. Got everything from turn of the century (1900's) shotguns, to a full military 30-40 kraig that my wife's grandfather carried in WWI. My favorite is a lever action, octagonal barrel, 25-35 from1896 (marked "For Black or Smokeless Powder"), it's tough to find shells for, but it quite accurate out to about 125 yards, good brush gun for deer. My newest is a Marlin .270, that I could basically take any game animal in North Amerca with. Also have a side by side percussion cap muzzle loader, but it is a shootable replica, really fun, I 've taken it pheasant hunting, got to pull the second barrel quickly or you can't see through the smoke!

JMHO, the .270 is a great round but lacking superior bullets, surgical skill with it and precise anatomical placement it is lite for Moose, Muskox, Bison, the big bears and adult wild hogs. Most all my Alaskan guide friends (myself included) wouldn't even entertain taking someone in the field for bear with one.

I too have a side by side percussion in .58. - I did take a caribou with it at around 50 yds - managed to hit the shoulder socket (at that range it is minute of DVD, plus or minus). He went down ass first!
"Your ma and me were real excited, thinking that now we could get you that rifle, and I started into town this morning to do just that. But on the way I saw little Jakey out scratching in the woodpile with his feet wrapped in those gunnysacks, and I knew what I had to do. Son, I spent the money for shoes and a little candy for those children. I hope you understand.”

Lol that .308 is gonna be a beast.
Was looking for a .30-06, but ended up getting a.308 instead with a nice vortex crossfire 2 scope and some ammo. Gotta start reloading my own .308s. Price of ammo is exp
Can you guys get .410 shotgun ammo in the states??? Can't find any in Canada anywhere.....

I have not bought any ammo in the last few months but looks available when I search for it. Expensive…like $9 US/round.
Lol that .308 is gonna be a beast.
Was looking for a .30-06, but ended up getting a.308 instead with a nice vortex crossfire 2 scope and some ammo. Gotta start reloading my own .308s. Price of ammo is exp
Can you guys get .410 shotgun ammo in the states??? Can't find any in Canada anywhere.....
308 is the favorite here. Really a great universal cartridge. The 6.5 Creed is a dandy too.
I'll check the brand 410 shells I found online later and see if I can locate some online.