4 1/2w old original white WIDDOW auto.


New Member
Am I screwed? I got off to a slow start because I'm still learning with nutrients and it's my first time growing in coca. So I didn't water enough and I didn't give enough nutrients so now I'm playing Catch up. The plant just started growing pistols. Is the plant going to continue to grow? Or am I just gonna have a plant this size with 1 little BuD on it? LOL



Well-Known Member
Yeah, pretty much you’re screwed. You’ll get some more growth, but it’s not gonna be a big plant. Learning experience, and you get to see the stages and feeding of plants in flower.


New Member
Yeah, pretty much you’re screwed. You’ll get some more growth, but it’s not gonna be a big plant. Learning experience, and you get to see the stages and feeding of plants in flower.
LOLI figured that! I'm using advanced nutrients and I had a bad experience with knock off nutrients During my first Grow, Which this is my second, And I was a little too scared with them. But now I'm starting to get a hang of it and the plants are coming back to life. But thanks for replying