Canadian Stuff

We currently generate over 50% of our electricity using coal and the federal government mandated an end to coal power generation by 2030. This is why they are giving such sweet deals in the form of loans, rebates, tax credits, grants and above all else net metering where they give you equal credit for the power generated, a 1:1 ratio. With net metering NSP becomes your battery if you use solar, allowing you to at least break even on your power use.

Even with tariffs in Canada on Chinese solar panels of over 150%, solar is still the cheapest form of energy production for NSP or you. Installation costs are the biggest cost factor now, not the panels and they are expected to get much cheaper over the next couple of years along with the electronics that go with them. It might be wise to get a system that can accommodate a battery (or a variety of them with future software updates), just in case NSP changes their net metering policy in the future. By then batteries for home storage should be much better and cheaper. A few hours of evening stored power and adjustments to the home energy management system should reduce grid dependence and costs.

If home solar becomes popular it will mean changes in the way the grid operates. An abundance of daytime power could see the policy change to encourage home batteries and plugged in EVs to distribute grid power storage and spread capital costs to consumers. It might be part of a transformative robust green new grid that includes utility solar, wind, tidal and storage along with distributed domestic generation and storage in home batteries and plugged in EVs. There are new standards now for EVs and chargers that will allow them to be used this way as well as standards for charging connectors etc.

I think NSP will drop or modify net metering when more solar wind and storage are rolled out, particularly domestic power generation by prosumers (homeowners and businesses that both use and generate electricity using mostly solar). When what is called the “duck curve” in solar power generation happens to the NSP grid and becomes an issue, net metering might be here for a decade, considering our coal use. Even if the policy is modified or eliminated, a system that you can add a cheap future home battery to would still save you money and reduce or eliminate your power bill, except for the $20 connection fee. Also, even if they screw you on net metering in the future, you still have the government rebates and other benefits from installation of a system that should last 25 to 30 years.

There will be a green revolution in power generation, if it is cheaper and a good deal for you, imagine what the price drop in solar and batteries will mean to utilities. It's all about money and costs folks, not so much the environment, it's also about national energy independence for many countries and geopolitics too. Sure, climate change is driving it, but the technology has taken on an economic life of its own now and it is challenging fossil fuels on price for power generation and light transportation.
Not sure how Canada can supply Florida, never mind the rest of the US.

The Americans will be stuck with high drug prices until they get rid of the republicans, ironically the ones most affected mostly vote republican, they have other reasons more important than their own self-interest.
I Won!!!! I Really Won!!!

Just got off the phone with someone from Publisher's Clearing House and I won $880k, or was it $660k, should have been paying more attention. But I am getting some Honda (I picked the pearl white colour) four door. also missed what kind, wish English were some of these people's first language. Had to tell him I am unemployed Syrian, no passport or drivers licence, he was ok with a non-photo ID. After about ten minutes I thanked him for this life changing event (he mentioned it many times) and said I will be excited about them coming by next week with the cheque and the car.
The sewers are crawling with the latest strain of covid, so get a vax update and wear a mask inside public places. It can help out the overwhelmed healthcare systems across the country and yourself, its fu season too and you can get a 2 for one visit for free.

Make me wonder what was promised?

I'm willing to bet that most of the seriously ill and deaths were among the elderly and immuno-challenged in our communities. What I thought was promised was this: Covid will push down live expectancy among all humans, most seriously among population sub groups that were already dealing with health issues. Those who are underfed, those who deal with trauma, those with health issues and those whose immune systems are worn down through stress, other diseases and time. Covid is another factor that compromises their chances of a healthy, happy life. This is what I expected when our society refused to take actions to protect vulnerable people.

So, what was promised that I didn't hear?
Make me wonder what was promised?

I'm willing to bet that most of the seriously ill and deaths were among the elderly and immuno-challenged in our communities. What I thought was promised was this: Covid will push down live expectancy among all humans, most seriously among population sub groups that were already dealing with health issues. Those who are underfed, those who deal with trauma, those with health issues and those whose immune systems are worn down through stress, other diseases and time. Covid is another factor that compromises their chances of a healthy, happy life. This is what I expected when our society refused to take actions to protect vulnerable people.

So, what was promised that I didn't hear?
"Two chickens in every covid pot."
Make me wonder what was promised?

I'm willing to bet that most of the seriously ill and deaths were among the elderly and immuno-challenged in our communities. What I thought was promised was this: Covid will push down live expectancy among all humans, most seriously among population sub groups that were already dealing with health issues. Those who are underfed, those who deal with trauma, those with health issues and those whose immune systems are worn down through stress, other diseases and time. Covid is another factor that compromises their chances of a healthy, happy life. This is what I expected when our society refused to take actions to protect vulnerable people.

So, what was promised that I didn't hear?
It is actually a triple epidemic of covid, flu and rvs, afflicting the vulnerable, most people seem to have immunity at some level or another, there are antivirals and better treatments now, so deaths are low, but appears to be fucking many people over for a long spell.
Finish off the meal with a parfait of ivermectin horse paste
There was a study done about back in the pandemic when the republicans and Trump started peddling bullshit about it. They found republicans at one point were dying in shockingly high numbers when compared to democrats. I remember the party bosses getting worried about it and thought it might upset the election outcome.