Another stupid question.

So I read a couple books and I try to gather info on here. One of my problems is that people use abbreviations and wording that im not quite
sure what it means. I am doing my best. Anyway....
I have 6 plants in 5 gallon buckets with hole in the bottom on plastic trays for drainage they are about 2 to 4 inches tall and I watered them 4 days ago.
so far so good. They all look healthy . The soil in half of them about 2 inches down is dry the other half it is barely moist.
I believe they need watered. But how much ? A cup, a pint, a quart ? should I use a little nitrogen too ? Nobody has the same answer. So here I am.
Any and all help is appreciated just remember I know NOTHING so type slow and spell out your words like you are giving directions to a 6 year old.
Folks will respond more readily if you provide pictures and information about your soil, and if/what you're feeding it. :]
Folks will respond more readily if you provide pictures and information about your soil, and if/what you're feeding it. :]
Sorry, I barely have internet. wi fi hotspot
Im just using some standard potting soil, I keep the ph at 6.5 and am using just a tiny bit of nitrogen. Less than half of what was recommended