Karma Genetics

I just had to cull 3 diffrent phenotypes of Mango Lassi that couldn't hang through stress testing, and started throwing male flowers. I got them as freebies so no big loss. I'll pop the rest to see if they fare any better.

Sucks. I just started a couple myself. Hoping I get some better luck. What is "stress testing"?
Sucks. I just started a couple myself. Hoping I get some better luck. What is "stress testing"?
Temp swings, high ppms, uneven dry backs. Basically anything I think a grower could do to a plant I check before I'll put cuts of a new strain out to market. I don't go super rough on the plants, but I wanna see what they'll do under varying conditions.
Sucks. I just started a couple myself. Hoping I get some better luck. What is "stress testing"?
You basically before you keep a cut or breed with something you torture it every which way u can think of especially the ways newbie growers would mess with the photo period withold water poke at its roots etc if you do all this and it doesnt herm you have something that is sexually stable and is worthy breeding material it is something every breeder or seed producer should do
Temp swings, high ppms, uneven dry backs. Basically anything I think a grower could do to a plant I check before I'll put cuts of a new strain out to market. I don't go super rough on the plants, but I wanna see what they'll do under varying conditions.
Got it thx. Ya breeding and larger scale production has been the only time I've heard of the term.
I grew some clearwater(karma) sowah x rex sour d that was trash. Maybe people should stop hyping this stuff.
Alright well you can't come into the karma thread bashing his sowah when it was a cross made by Clearwater to rez sour. Karmas line is worked towards his own selections and who knows what selections Clearwater used for that cross. Sour d in seed form takes a ton of experience and a sour head to make the right selections. That's why top dawg sour d bx3 and karma sowah, sour d bx2 are considered some of the best sour d in seed form. Two of the biggest sour heads in the game.
Best of luck on your grows and happy hunting
Mango 1
The least photogenic and I had to snip off the cola because it was going past the lights but it is the most mango smelling of the bunch. No idea about the leaves. #2 had some crinkle that it kinda grew out of

Mango lassi 2
Quickest developing. They all have a lot of side branching. She is the least mango of the 3. In my head I'm thinking of picking my favorite two and letting them have the tent to scrog. With the side branching I'm guessing they would fill up the net without too much messing around.

ML 3

More mango than 2 less than 1. I'm guessing it will be 1 & 3 but overall happy with these and to report they have all been sexually stable