Got guns?

You'll have to take that wrap off the ring to spin it like The Duke tho. I always wanted a rifle like that when I watched Chuck Connors in The Rifleman as a kid.

I loved watching ol' Chuck in "The Rifleman". Did you know he was a pro baseball player in the 40's for New York Yankees and Chicago Cubs and played basketball for the Celtics?

They had a toy cap rifle about that time I begged and pleaded for and finally got one at Christmas. First time trying to spin-cock that fucker smacked me right in the mouth. LOL.
"Shotgun Slade" was another program from that era. Sawed off O/U .32?/12 ga.
And of course, Matt in "Gunsmoke"

Many of the actors of that era (Jerry Lewis, Sammy Davis Jr., Glenn Ford, Michael Landon, Charlton Heston, Audie Murphy and Dean Martin among others) were actually very proficient in gun handling and had the benefit of legendary Hollywood quick-draw expert(s) and gun coach(s) Arvo Ojala and Rodd Redwing.
Ojala was in the opening gunfight scene of "Gunsmoke"

More TMI for you...

link to info:
No :(. I'll be throwing a red dot on it prob
I'll see how I shoot with the irons then make a call. I'd like to put a magnifier on it but it ejects the casing from the top rather than the side like the Henry so there's no room. Eye relief on magnifiers is really low so you gotta be butts to nuts with it. I'm waiting for the big boy x model to come back in stock. I'll be able to run one on that model.
The r92 is gonna be a plinking/paper shooter. Not much land around here I can just go and openly shoot on.
With the Scout Rifle concept you could easily attach a scope to your top ejector.

I have a scope on my Marlin 30-30 only because I was messing around reloading rounds trying to make the perfect one. Was reloading with the FTX bullets. Adds 200 FPS to that 30-30 round. Pretty bad ass!
But i never liked the scope being on that lever action. I will take the thing off when I have time to get back into shooting some day lol. I love the lever action with just iron sights and trying to see how accurate I can be while also unloading the thing as fast as I can. The 30-30 is probably still my favorite rifle out of my collection. I’ll post a pic of it later. It’s stainless w/synthetic stock like the lever action @Jjgrow420 posted pics of

here’s my marlin 30-30. Love this thing, bought it used at a D&R auction hella days ago and added the scope.
Here is a place in Santa Rosa, CA USA that I am told can make harder to find ammo. I am heading there tomorrow for the first time so will see 1st hand but they come highly recommended from a police officer.

I need to find a “real” gunsmith to fix my grandmothers old Crackshot 26. She used it as a kid as did my Dad.
My Dad refinished the stock, wish he wouldn’t have.
I need to find a “real” gunsmith to fix my grandmothers old Crackshot 26. She used it as a kid as did my Dad.
My Dad refinished the stock, wish he wouldn’t have.
View attachment 5363925
What kind of work do you need to have done? Parts replacement or actual machine work? Looks like parts are still available, don't know how much "fitment" is required. I don't have any specific recommendations about gunsmiths but here's some links that might help on a start to your search. Many of the old line gunshops/gunsmiths don't have much of a online presence so you may have to distill what folks are saying in the forums about who they would use. Most of the forums have sponsor lists too which you'll probably have to join the forums to access that or member info. Hard to tell who are actually 'smiths without reading their profile(s). Lots of DIY'ers. Good luck, let me know if I can help.

These are pretty active communities:

Might pick up a name here:

Saw good things about these guys (Parts)

More parts:

And these guys for repair:
DW Wilson

Old post from 2006:
"Contact Steve Durren at Johnson's Sporting Goods Adrian Michigan 517-265-2545. He specializes in old single shots and is Gunsmithing editor of The Journal of the American Single Shot Rifle Association. He can do as much or as little as you want and is willing to work with your needs and wants. "

Old recommendation from 2012 for Stevens repair:
Martin Custom
42803 Moccasin Trail ,
Shawnee, OK 74804
(405) 275-4730

This magazine/club may be helpful:
Last edited:
What kind of work do you need to have done? Parts replacement or actual machine work? Looks like parts are still available, don't know how much "fitment" is required. I don't have any specific recommendations about gunsmiths but here's some links that might help on a start to your search. Many of the old line gunshops/gunsmiths don't have much of a online presence so you may have to distill what folks are saying in the forums about who they would use. Most of the forums have sponsor lists too which you'll probably have to join the forums to access that or member info. Hard to tell who are actually 'smiths without reading their profile(s). Lots of DIY'ers. Good luck, let me know if I can help.

These are pretty active communities:

Might pick up a name here:

Saw good things about these guys (Parts)

More parts:

And these guys for repair:
DW Wilson

Old post from 2006:
"Contact Steve Durren at Johnson's Sporting Goods Adrian Michigan 517-265-2545. He specializes in old single shots and is Gunsmithing editor of The Journal of the American Single Shot Rifle Association. He can do as much or as little as you want and is willing to work with your needs and wants. "

Old recommendation from 2012 for Stevens repair:
Martin Custom
42803 Moccasin Trail ,
Shawnee, OK 74804
(405) 275-4730

This magazine/club may be helpful:
Well one thing i know for sure is the firing pin. Even when my dad was a kid he was rigging up shit to use as one so i know it needs that. And something is wrong with the whole lever mechanism doesn’t work.

badass dude. I didn’t even look to see if parts were available. Thanks once again buddy.