Blaze & Daze



I planted 4 orangegasm the other day. I go to grab the seed trays to pot into cups and I have 6 seedlings. WTF are 2 of these? And which ones are the orangegasm?
My most recent round of pollination produced a whole bunch of seeds that are joined together like twins. On a few it's hard to see the seam, so it looks like a single more rounded seed. I bet several of them pop as doubles. It's weird the things plants do!
After a foot of snow, now we got freezing rain here this lovely AM.. Plows, cars and city trucks sliding off the road everywhere. Having some morning bean before I start a little chopping for the Mrs to do while I'm gone. Have to see a dental surgeon today about fixing my fucked up mouth. Dental implants, root canal, the whole deal, I'm terrified...

Hope everyone else is having a good morning!