6 surprising facts about cannabis

Wow, I wonder how they proved in court the cannabis caused it ? Or could it be the defense lawyer took advantage of how still uneducated people are on cannabis and all the propaganda put out for years and years saying it makes you mad. Bet it wasn't the first time she smoked it, and I guess she never attacked anyone before (or has she). An I wonder were the knife suddenly came from into her hands. And now the girl is walking free, I think the judge is off his rocker.
It's California you would be surprised yup claimed temporarily insanity even doctors came on to say it's not possible two bong hits,there was obviously a underlying condition going on.
On a side note im sure certain batches of strong indian hash oil seized by customs tested at about 70 or 80% thc over here and that is in the 80s sure most would be testing in the 50s but even back then you got some batches stronger than others i remember reading a thing over in icmag i think it was a while ago when the subject of todays cannabis and potency came up so its worth remembering that
Oh definitely there's the occasion of high % on anything Im just tired of idiots talking on live TV saying all cannabis now is like 80% and that's the problem with legalize in the states because it's to strong. Got that stupid judge to agree.
It's California you would be surprised yup claimed temporarily insanity even doctors came on to say it's not possible two bong hits,there was obviously a underlying condition going on.
Definitely sure cannabis isnt for everyone some people with underlying health conditions that wouldnt mix well shouldnt smoke in the first place but i never bought that it can cause anything like that i always been of the belief it can just bring out what is already there or make it worse for a certain percentage of folks same thing with psychedelics imo as well
Everyone needs to realize though WEED is not a medicine.
this is a flase. By all scientific criteria. Are there side effects and downsides just like any other drug, whether medication or recreational absolutely. Cannabis products have been proven to be the most effective anti seizure medication with far less negative side affects of traditional med. Marijuana has proven to have potent anti nausea effects, a safer pain reliever then most available alternatives(opiods)
Anti phycotics, anti depressants, mood stablizers are all very hard-core and toxic medication. Cannabis probably is not as effective in severe cases but has to be a much safer starting points in acute and intermittent cases
this is a flase. By all scientific criteria. Are there side effects and downsides just like any other drug, whether medication or recreational absolutely. Cannabis products have been proven to be the most effective anti seizure medication with far less negative side affects of traditional med. Marijuana has proven to have potent anti nausea effects, a safer pain reliever then most available alternatives(opiods)
Anti phycotics, anti depressants, mood stablizers are all very hard-core and toxic medication. Cannabis probably is not as effective in severe cases but has to be a much safer starting points in acute and intermittent cases
Yup just don't smoke if worried about carcinogens take tincture and such. I won't touch a pain pill anymore
this is a flase. By all scientific criteria. Are there side effects and downsides just like any other drug, whether medication or recreational absolutely. Cannabis products have been proven to be the most effective anti seizure medication with far less negative side affects of traditional med. Marijuana has proven to have potent anti nausea effects, a safer pain reliever then most available alternatives(opiods)
Anti phycotics, anti depressants, mood stabilizers are all very hard-core and toxic medication. Cannabis probably is not as effective in severe cases but has to be a much safer starting points in acute and intermittent cases
It speaks to the wider problem that those drugs are over prescribed. I swear half he doctors in this country exist just to push pills on people. Oh you're depressed? Here have take these pills. And if they do this negative thing to you, well here's some more pills that can help with that, and on and on and on. The harsh reality is most of these people would feel better if they dieted and exercised like they should. No one should be of the mindset that a pill is the silver bullet to all that ales them. It's flawed thinking imo.

And I have to laugh (although it's not a joking matter) at the side effects of some of these. Why is it anti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughts? Like wait a darn minute, aren't these supposed to help with that? They are also physically addictive. You have to wean off them if you've been on a long time and/or took high doses. Quitting cold turkey can cause seizures. Quitting alcohol cold turkey for some people can be lethal. And I've yet to meet a pothead that had to quit for a job or whatever that even struggled with it.
We should organize a national F*** Y** BIG PHARMA day. Let them deal with that negative PR on national news when people take to the streets and march with their middle fingers raised high in the air.
It speaks to the wider problem that those drugs are over prescribed. I swear half he doctors in this country exist just to push pills on people. Oh you're depressed? Here have take these pills. And if they do this negative thing to you, well here's some more pills that can help with that, and on and on and on. The harsh reality is most of these people would feel better if they dieted and exercised like they should. No one should be of the mindset that a pill is the silver bullet to all that ales them. It's flawed thinking imo.

And I have to laugh (although it's not a joking matter) at the side effects of some of these. Why is it anti-depressants can cause suicidal thoughts? Like wait a darn minute, aren't these supposed to help with that? They are also physically addictive. You have to wean off them if you've been on a long time and/or took high doses. Quitting cold turkey can cause seizures. Quitting alcohol cold turkey for some people can be lethal. And I've yet to meet a pothead that had to quit for a job or whatever that even struggled with it.
I only knew one person in my life that said he had withdrawals from bud and is my cousin he would say he gets headaches and can't eat. I'm pretty sure most of his withdrawals were him just wanting to burn one. He was only like 20 back then. Maybe if smoked heavy for 40 years doing dabs, concentrate might get a headache but that's it.
We should organize a national F*** Y** BIG PHARMA day. Let them deal with that negative PR on national news when people take to the streets and march with their middle fingers raised high in the air.
Right actually protest something that makes sense for once
I only knew one person in my life that said he had withdrawals from bud and is my cousin he would say he gets headaches and can't eat. I'm pretty sure most of his withdrawals were him just wanting to burn one. He was only like 20 back then. Maybe if smoked heavy for 40 years doing dabs, concentrate might get a headache but that's it.
Some people get headaches when they smoke too. Hard to say what the cause is, but if the sum of his negative effects was a headache, then I'd say that's not even that bad. That sounds like switching to decaf lol.

I used to drink a lot. It wasn't the quantity, more the frequency for me. But the withdraws I experienced were bad enough to make me pretty much quit. I would experience severe panic attacks. My doctor wanted to prescribe prozac or some shit. I declined, and chose to suffer through it. Non-stop panic attacks all waking hours for 2-3 weeks. It was rough, but I can tell you I'm a lot happier on the other side of all that.
Some people get headaches when they smoke too. Hard to say what the cause is, but if the sum of his negative effects was a headache, then I'd say that's not even that bad. That sounds like switching to decaf lol.

I used to drink a lot. It wasn't the quantity, more the frequency for me. But the withdraws I experienced were bad enough to make me pretty much quit. I would experience severe panic attacks. My doctor wanted to prescribe prozac or some shit. I declined, and chose to suffer through it. Non-stop panic attacks all waking hours for 2-3 weeks. It was rough, but I can tell you I'm a lot happier on the other side of all that.
Yea I would shake if didn't have a beer never could hold my liquor anyway so wasn't to bad for when stopped. Also on other stupid stuff so body was focused on that. I wished I never touched a opioid that was my weakness real weakness. Just my cannabis now.
I only knew one person in my life that said he had withdrawals from bud and is my cousin he would say he gets headaches and can't eat. I'm pretty sure most of his withdrawals were him just wanting to burn one. He was only like 20 back then. Maybe if smoked heavy for 40 years doing dabs, concentrate might get a headache but that's it.
Gonna have to disagree with this. Anytime you remove a phycologicaly effective comical from longer-term daily use there is going to be effects. I was very irritable with increased moodswing, unstable appetite, sleep disturbances, night sweats. Pot withdraws are real but the are not medically dangerous
Gonna have to disagree with this. Anytime you remove a phycologicaly effective comical from longer-term daily use there is going to be effects. I was very irritable with increased moodswing, unstable appetite, sleep disturbances, night sweats. Pot withdraws are real but the are not medically dangerous
Ok yea he said those happened as well now that you said. Just not sweats. Appetite and nausea he had. He did smoke 3 to five blunts a day so. Your right everyone different.
Ok yea he said those happened as well now that you said. Just not sweats. Appetite and nausea he had. He did smoke 3 to five blunts a day so. Your right everyone different.
Though, extensive research, personal experience, multiple medical and phycolgical consultation and anecdotal exposure the conclusion I have come to is. MJ is a psychoactive chemical and comes with all the effects and conditions of any other drug, but to the safest and lowest extent of any chemical commonly known/used/studied by humans. There is no such thing as a miracle drug. MJ is safer then any other recreational intoxicant, has the least dangerous withdrawal cycle, and is far less damaging to the body and brain the the majority of pharmaceutical medication. There is still potential for addiction/abuse and there are still consequences both medical and phycolgical to over use.
this is a flase. By all scientific criteria. Are there side effects and downsides just like any other drug, whether medication or recreational absolutely. Cannabis products have been proven to be the most effective anti seizure medication with far less negative side affects of traditional med. Marijuana has proven to have potent anti nausea effects, a safer pain reliever then most available alternatives(opiods)
Anti phycotics, anti depressants, mood stablizers are all very hard-core and toxic medication. Cannabis probably is not as effective in severe cases but has to be a much safer starting points in acute and intermittent cases
It helps some people with seizures and others sky rockets anxiety causing very sever panic attacks. So it very person to person and if it did not have thc CBD would be in a pill form and just another medication you take. Let's be real here also nothing has been proven with solid evidence because it has different benefits and side effects almost every person. Healthy diet and nutrition is going to benefit your health more than anything else and actually psylicobyne is producing more medical benefits in a shorter time than cannabis. Let's be real though it's absolutely a much better option than alcohol and relaxing after work but the cbd % which is barely above 1% is not enough to heal cannabinoid receptors in a productive medical way. Psylicobyne however is one of the very few chemicals that helps repair neurological pathways in the brain.

I moved to Humboldt county ca for my passion in the weed industry but also not going to lie to myself and others and say it helps with so many medical problems when certain vegetables do a much better job at already. Also it is the only substance I can handle responsibly not smoking until the end of the day when all priorities are finished. The excuses people make up for weed consumption reminds me of how I was when addicted to alcohol or meth. Extremely small habit forming traits which makes it a much better mind altering substance alternative but come on dude I know so many people that smoke when they wake up, get to work, lunch break, and say they need it all bullshit. I personally hate smoking at sawmill I work at because I take pride in my work ethic and anyone that says it makes them work harder and more efficiently are lying through their teeth. Being sober is when any human being is at their best.
By all scientific criteria
Also do you have links to it being stated as factual medical evidence and confirmed by multiple reputable medical researchers. Because everything I read says greatly very per individual but does show medical benefits more than negatives.
@Sade it sounds like you've done your research and any link I provide is just going to have arguments on semantics.
anyone that says it makes them work harder and more efficiently are lying through their teeth. Being sober is when any human being is at their best.
When my ADHD is particularly bad I can't focus on shit, couldn't get thought 2min conversations. A slight buzz is enough to slow my mind enough that I can focus on a task. Not as well as I normally can but it's the difference between me being able to focus on the task at hand at all or not. Same said with severe bouts of anxiety.
@Sade it sounds like you've done your research and any link I provide is just going to have arguments on semantics.

When my ADHD is particularly bad I can't focus on shit, couldn't get thought 2min conversations. A slight buzz is enough to slow my mind enough that I can focus on a task. Not as well as I normally can but it's the difference between me being able to focus on the task at hand at all or not. Same said with severe bouts of anxiety.
No same here man it's funny because when I was having addictions to meth on and off was hard for people to tell because the amphetamines didnt make me hyper like most people but actually made me zone the fuck out and want to fuck everything lmao. All good man.

Edit: however you can turn the ADHD energy into a positive as in I have probably the best work ethic and get jobs done quickly than most people I have worked with at sawmills. ADHD however has made relationships tough because I tend to focus on things that I'm interested in oh well lol
No same here man it's funny because when I was having addictions to meth on and off was hard for people to tell because the amphetamines didnt make me hyper like most people but actually made me zone the fuck out and want to fuck everything lmao. All good man.

Edit: however you can turn the ADHD energy into a positive as in I have probably the best work ethic and get jobs done quickly than most people I have worked with at sawmills. ADHD however has made relationships tough because I tend to focus on things that I'm interested in oh well lol
At the moment I'm "sober". When I started growing my own I stop all moderation and use of discipline and that lead to problems. I've started on Strattera. It's definitely a trade off in a lot of ways I have an attention span that is consistently >15min and I'm not so easily distracted. I've lost the hyper fixation that use to allow me to block the world out and power though major projects and my almost superhuman ability to multi task. It's probably what's best for me at this moment in life raising young children and the priority being consistently setting an example, but I hate the fact that I am dependent on a daily medication. In the long term I feel as though an "as needed " style of medication is preferable and weed works for me.
Likewise weed is my recreational drug of choice. It's safer then booze, hallucinats stopped before fun for me during our 1st pregnancy, and blow I just too damn expensive and habit forming.
I think we are mostly in agreement in our overall views, outside of requirements of burden of proof and use of the term "medicine "
Healthy living is key. Discipline and moderation are necessary. Weed is good
I’ve been wake n baking for I dunno, a couple years straight now? Only a good sativa works for me though. No medical reasons, I just like the energy and vibes.

BUT, I just ran out of sativa so I haven’t wake n baked inna few days now. Been following the 5’o’clovk rule and it doesn’t bother me at all in the mornings.