Ph level keeps rising

Tom Buzz

Active Member
Plant huge and in flower 4 weeks. Ph level keeps getting to 8 and I put stuff to bring down and it gets 5.5 -6. But then go back check that night etc and 8 again and did nothing. Been going in daily for weeks. What’s wrong. Never had this before ??
Omg thank you guys big plants flower we’re very bad all sudden. Found out it was my cheap ph pen. It kept saying oh 7-8. I kept bringing level down and check later pen said was 7-8 again so would bring ph down again went in for few weeks. Plants we’re getting bad. I got a real ph pen Bluelab. $98. Checked ph. Wow was 3.2. No wonder !!!! You guys said it was the cheap ph pen. It was !!!! Thank you they are on the long road to recovery now


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Omg thank you guys big plants flower we’re very bad all sudden. Found out it was my cheap ph pen. It kept saying oh 7-8. I kept bringing level down and check later pen said was 7-8 again so would bring ph down again went in for few weeks. Plants we’re getting bad. I got a real ph pen Bluelab. $98. Checked ph. Wow was 3.2. No wonder !!!! You guys said it was the cheap ph pen. It was !!!! Thank you they are on the long road to recovery now
Wow - 3.2! That's a pretty tough plant you've got there! :-)

I started with the $15 specials and then switched to Bluelab. No regrets.
Wow - 3.2! That's a pretty tough plant you've got there! :-)

I started with the $15 specials and then switched to Bluelab. No regrets.
I never had that problem before all these years with a pen that pen was brand new and tried to save money with us moving in the new house. Lesson learned. Respect the plants don’t be cheap if want a good harvest.
that’s like sending your kids out with rags for clothes to school , i
Instead of good nice clothes. Lol
Huge bit of equipment I got to control all this is blue lab ph controller does the job easy…
You won’t have to check up on ph at all does all the dosing sounds hard to use but really not it is £600 but good investment also has 5year warranty
PH all ways rises
Huge bit of equipment I got to control all this is blue lab ph controller does the job easy…
You won’t have to check up on ph at all does all the dosing sounds hard to use but really not it is £600 but good investment also has 5year warranty
PH all ways rises
Thank you. But I got one of the blue lab pens already 4-5 days ago when was discussed on here and plants are recovering it was the cheap pen. The blue lab pen saved the day. Lol


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