***DAT's Art Cave***

One man’s trash is another women’s treasure.
Some douche bag had the nerve to throw
My work in progress in the recycle trash. What a complete moron. What an Asshole!!
Thank goodness I will never work with him again.
I pulled it out of the bin and took it home. Maybe I will bring it to the next job and see what happens with it there.. No big deal just an experiment now. To see how other workers respond to such an insignificant piece of doodle.
thats so amazing!! How did you do that? so much detail, so trippy!! you really captured the vibe so well! It sooooo ALIVE! You have a real knack for perspective. and space. You also have a touch of Van Gogh in the feeling I am getting here. A couple questions for you.
Who are your biggest artistic influences and have you ever been to church while tripping?

Thanks for Sharing!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Wow your work is something amazing as you stated hints of Salvador Dali the pencil artwork with hidden characters are so wild. Ceramics are wild and interesting love em, perfect color.So glad I stumbled into here being mentioned in another forum. Psychedelic ones are up my alley as well. Would love to see any you created in pencil or any color of mushrooms in a Forest or psychedelic colors even ceramic mushroom would be wild with some crazy colors. Got me wanting to start playing with ceramics my aunt used to do all that when I was a kid just brought me back. That and blowing glass is on top of my list. Was going to try with candy since kinda similar and don't have kiln and all that for glass. Got lost in your works looking at all the details. Hope all is well ;)
thats so amazing!! How did you do that? so much detail, so trippy!! you really captured the vibe so well! It sooooo ALIVE! You have a real knack for perspective. and space. You also have a touch of Van Gogh in the feeling I am getting here. A couple questions for you.
Who are your biggest artistic influences and have you ever been to church while tripping?

Thanks for Sharing!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you! Well I’m pretty new at the whole thing, photography is the base skill and I’ve been a hobbyist for awhile. I hadn’t had a nice camera, like a DSLR in 5 years or better, but I got a late model iPhone and I started messing with the settings before a shot. Then I started planning for certain times and lightings before going somewhere. As the pictures got better I started editing them, just messing around to see what all the different dials did. I realized i could make them look pretty neat. Then as we got a MacBook I started bouncing things back and forth between the iPhone editor and the MacBook, saving the layers as I went (sometimes lol). I haven’t been able to get the celestial photography very great on my iPhone, I need to get out into the mountains close by me and give it a better go, but I edit in the backgrounds/skyline, at least on these 3 photos. I just searched for one that kind of matched my exposure and the blue tones really blended well. I edit these in entirely with my fingers on my iPhone, hyperzoomed in. I use Snapseed, that’s the name of the app.

it’s funny you mention Van Gogh, I toyed with the idea of using starry night, but I scrapped it. I would say alongside him, I love Alex grey’s work, Banksy, Andy Warhol, Gaudi the architect, Victorian and gothic architecture, Roman and Greek architecture, renaissance art in general. I’m very new at this though, I’m not even sure if what I do is 100% kosher as far as my backgrounds being another persons photography. Never a whole image, and never ever stealing their theme, or using their work as the focus, just to highlight my own, and always tastefully, I hope. I’ve never been to church tripping, but I was forced through childhood in a devoutly catholic home.
Thank you! Well I’m pretty new at the whole thing, photography is the base skill and I’ve been a hobbyist for awhile. I hadn’t had a nice camera, like a DSLR in 5 years or better, but I got a late model iPhone and I started messing with the settings before a shot. Then I started planning for certain times and lightings before going somewhere. As the pictures got better I started editing them, just messing around to see what all the different dials did. I realized i could make them look pretty neat. Then as we got a MacBook I started bouncing things back and forth between the iPhone editor and the MacBook, saving the layers as I went (sometimes lol). I haven’t been able to get the celestial photography very great on my iPhone, I need to get out into the mountains close by me and give it a better go, but I edit in the backgrounds/skyline, at least on these 3 photos. I just searched for one that kind of matched my exposure and the blue tones really blended well. I edit these in entirely with my fingers on my iPhone, hyperzoomed in. I use Snapseed, that’s the name of the app.

it’s funny you mention Van Gogh, I toyed with the idea of using starry night, but I scrapped it. I would say alongside him, I love Alex grey’s work, Banksy, Andy Warhol, Gaudi the architect, Victorian and gothic architecture, Roman and Greek architecture, renaissance art in general. I’m very new at this though, I’m not even sure if what I do is 100% kosher as far as my backgrounds being another persons photography. Never a whole image, and never ever stealing their theme, or using their work as the focus, just to highlight my own, and always tastefully, I hope. I’ve never been to church tripping, but I was forced through childhood in a devoutly catholic home.
Fascinating! Keep up the good work. When you get a show in a gallery up please let me know. I think all your pieces hanging together would be very powerful.
I’m working on a much more tangible concept! A coffee table book with somewhere around 40 poems and a selection of my photo edits, I have around 10 of each completed
That’s a terrific idea! Would you be willing to share a poem with me? I would absolutely love to hear one. I have these letters /words going on and thinking about a wall of them. Possible Arranged so maybe a couple words can make another one simultaneously . I don’t know, this is all completely in its infancy. I am working on completing the word FLOw and the other HIke. After they dry they will get packed up and shipped to my new location. Hopefully there is a space at my new pad to continue this project.

That’s a terrific idea! Would you be willing to share a poem with me? I would absolutely love to hear one. I have these letters /words going on and thinking about a wall of them. Possible Arranged so maybe a couple words can make another one simultaneously . I don’t know, this is all completely in its infancy. I am working on completing the word FLOw and the other HIke. After they dry they will get packed up and shipped to my new location. Hopefully there is a space at my new pad to continue this project.

View attachment 5369552
Looking awesome yuppers I've been playing with wire again lol and hopefully you are doing well 17076860736211537718771.jpg
One man’s trash is another women’s treasure.
Some douche bag had the nerve to throw
My work in progress in the recycle trash. What a complete moron. What an Asshole!!
Thank goodness I will never work with him again.
I pulled it out of the bin and took it home. Maybe I will bring it to the next job and see what happens with it there.. No big deal just an experiment now. To see how other workers respond to such an insignificant piece of doodle.
View attachment 5365215
Very organic ! Sweet.