Blaze & Daze

just finished a big batch of weed brownies. i had some extra dispo weed that was 6+ months old, so decided this would be a good use vs smoking them. pretty excited about these; two types of chocolate including hershey's chips, and i threw in a bag of reeses peanut butter chips at the end of the mix. spelt flour, buttah, sugar, and lots of eggs from my girls. each piece should have ~10mg, and i cut them small enough that you can have 2 or 3+ without od'ing on sugar.
Planning a trip out to California to go to doublejj's BBQ. Wife picked out campsites and hiking along the way. Now I get to pick a rout and make reservations. Hot showers are a must when camping. We set the tent up to put our shit in, then we blow up an air mattress and sleep in the van.
No trip across the country can be made without roadside attractions!


Windy and in the 20°s here.

How's everyone today? Happy Friday!
Mornin' all....

Camping, huh? We used to do a buncha that here...especially pre-kids. Find a 4 wheel drive forest road...boonie in as far as possible. Set up camp. See no one for days. Did a lot of backpacking as well. Talk about getting remote/out there. Some very memorable times, for sure.

There are some cool places out there the RV/hotel/"I won't sleep in a tent, dammit" crowd simply miss...and that's an awesome thing. Thank you.

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Good morning, happy Friday.

Three day weekend woot!
Happy Friday indeed. All out of work to do so I get to push a broom around until the material truck arrives. Hopefully it's a morning delivery and not after lunch today. If we weren't getting material today, I think I would have turned my 11 day weekend into a 12 day weekend. Lol
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Happy Friday indeed. All out of work to do so I get to push a broom around u til the material truck arrives. Hopefully it's a morning delivery and not after lunch today. If we weren't getting material today, I think I would have turned my 11 day weekend into a 12 day weekend. Lol

How stoked are you for your vacation? Do you have everything dialed in so they'll be fine while you're away?