Blaze & Daze

Tinctures are fun. Sometimes they hit weird like a bad pharma high
Since I learned and found the right ratio and dose it is the only thing that I can take to sleep for hours and not wake up. I would toss and turn every couple hours before but it always carries over a couple hours in morning,if I don't take enough won't work so will always probably gonna feel still in mornings.
Same never tried apple terps and the whole amber making you sleepy needs more research. Every one reacts different so who knows. For me when I smoke most indicas I immediately start yawning and could sleep, with sativa for the most gives energy just finished a tincture and and used Durban poison and thought if I took double my normal dose it would knock me out like the strain I usually use, indica hybrid. Not the case took, hour later wide awake could of went to work at midnight and started doing pushups freaking full of energy. Thankfully I found enough to make Last batch with other stuff.

That Durban sounds like a zinger.... LOL @ your story.

No doubt...more "research" is definitely needed on the topic. :bigjoint: Leaning hard into the med side/indica fare/etc over the last few decades...I haven't grown many sativa-leaning plants in 20+ am kind of excited to see what the Slymer and Hella Jelly bring to the table.
Since I learned and found the right ratio and dose it is the only thing that I can take to sleep for hours and not wake up. I would toss and turn every couple hours before but it always carries over a couple hours in morning,if I don't take enough won't work so will always probably gonna feel still in mornings.
My gorilla zkittles butter puts my wife out all day. I hear if you paint your closet, ganja clause leaves special gifts
Sunny and cold day, so why not a little Italian braised beef and cabbage stew. Gonna let this simmer for a few hours….
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Found these at the local store I don't know if you ever had real popcorn off the cob it's pretty neat also comes in a rainbow of colors but popcorn has no colors when popped. It grows just like regular corn and when its ready pluck and hang to dry then kids can break em apart and pop on stove. These ones I saw are wild and stopped me in store to see what it was in seed section it looked like glass pearls of every color and kinda see thru. Just thought if had enough room in garden kids would like. Help grow and and dry and pull off cob and put in a nice glass jar on kitchen counter. Even if not these particular ones IMG_20240219_135005.jpgIMG_20240219_134951.jpg red,blue, yellow ones.