Donald Trump Private Citizen

Easy enough. "We do not like where society is going so we will support anyone that tries to take us back to the 50's and family values, law and order."

A big problem with that is it was all fantasy created by early TV sitcoms and a totally white middle class centred view of American society. The post-war boom created an optimism that of course many would like to have again but it's never again going to be our reality.

As a boomer I miss those days too but know there's no use fighting progress and our rapidly changing world. Since the advent of the digital age the changes are coming faster all the time and I've pretty much given up on trying to keep up.

I thought by now things like wars would just be sad memories and cancer would be cured. So much of what was in the sci-fi books I grew up on is now part of mainstream life and tho I don't like a lot of it it's interesting and I hope I'm around for a while longer to see what else pops up.

Fingers crossed that it gets better than the mess we find ourselves in these days.

Cool,Politically I sat on my ass for 50 yrs. living in a deep blue state,unmotivated,didn't even despise the R party then,but NOW??,Off the charts in terms of chaos,lack of any bi-partisanship to move the country forward,extremely vile R's in the House w/absolutely 0 redeeming qualities,and of course Agent Orange himself,a draft dodging tough guy poser who has pulled off the biggest dupe of my lifetime.This MF has served as a one man wrecking crew of our country,in terms of division,endless judicial challenges,confusion w/ allies etc,etc., all for a self centered SOB w/the gall to elevate his self interest over that of over 360 million citizens as he chases his deranged illusions that he wears a crown.
Me voting for Clinton in 2016 after 8 great years looking forward for the next 4.
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Me voting for Biden in 2020 after 4 years of Trump.
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Me voting for the rest of my life.
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I'm not a political historian by any means and yeah some R's prior to 2000 like Gingrich said and preached some radical shit but I remember moderate R's who disagreed over size of govt,how to enable small bus. to succeed,and were conservative regarding social change,and favored the rich but weren't just cold blooded absolute haters backing an inept shell of a human being.There was a time when Congressmen shared apartments in DC and bi-partisan dealing happened at restaurants and bars and animosity wasn't through the roof. I'd like to see some of these people who are still alive speak out,I'd like to see W come out of the closet w/what he thinks about Trump, I WILL take their silence as a thumbs up to this BS if you know who occupies the Oval Office again,the mere thought is so dire it's country over party time.
It was likely a lot easier when they were all (well almost, think white men own like 98% of land in America last time I looked) wealthy white men is my guess. Shit gets uncomfortable when they were no longer to put their blinders on when talking with people who grew up in a totally different America. I don't think it is a coincidence that right around then was when we got Fox News and hate radio was really taking off. All those grievances getting dialed up to 10 on those rights home from work, trying to relax afterwards pile up over the last couple decades.

I just wish people would have woke up after the astroturf Tea Party. It would have been so much easier to have dealt with before the Russians and other despots hijacked their con and radicalized everyone.
A big problem with that is it was all fantasy created by early TV sitcoms and a totally white middle class centred view of American society. The post-war boom created an optimism that of course many would like to have again but it's never again going to be our reality.

As a boomer I miss those days too but know there's no use fighting progress and our rapidly changing world. Since the advent of the digital age the changes are coming faster all the time and I've pretty much given up on trying to keep up.

I thought by now things like wars would just be sad memories and cancer would be cured. So much of what was in the sci-fi books I grew up on is now part of mainstream life and tho I don't like a lot of it it's interesting and I hope I'm around for a while longer to see what else pops up.

Fingers crossed that it gets better than the mess we find ourselves in these days.

The obvious fify to Printer’s post is that the 50s in question were the 1850s during James Buchanan’s time in office.
Easy enough. "We do not like where society is going so we will support anyone that tries to take us back to the 50's and family values, law and order."
I'd say you were right except Trump does not promise to take us back to the 50's, family values and law and order. His base do not care that Trump is not a family values or law and order leader. He offers the opposite. He's only offered chaos, disdain for the rule of law and as far as family values go, he's an unrepentant rapist grab'em by the pussy kind of guy who on camera felt up his teenage daughter.

So I understand that's what the Christian right say they want but they aren't selecting Trump based on it. Clearly not.
I'd say you were right except Trump does not promise to take us back to the 50's, family values and law and order. His base do not care that Trump is not a family values or law and order leader. He offers the opposite. He's only offered chaos, disdain for the rule of law and as far as family values go, he's an unrepentant rapist grab'em by the pussy kind of guy who on camera felt up his teenage daughter.

So I understand that's what the Christian right say they want but they aren't selecting Trump based on it. Clearly not.
That man put the nub of his grievance politics in four words.

I am your retribution.
Me voting for Clinton in 2016 after 8 great years looking forward for the next 4.
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Me voting for Biden in 2020 after 4 years of Trump.
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Me voting for the rest of my life.
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It was likely a lot easier when they were all (well almost, think white men own like 98% of land in America last time I looked) wealthy white men is my guess. Shit gets uncomfortable when they were no longer to put their blinders on when talking with people who grew up in a totally different America. I don't think it is a coincidence that right around then was when we got Fox News and hate radio was really taking off. All those grievances getting dialed up to 10 on those rights home from work, trying to relax afterwards pile up over the last couple decades.

I just wish people would have woke up after the astroturf Tea Party. It would have been so much easier to have dealt with before the Russians and other despots hijacked their con and radicalized everyone.
I just don't get bro,I'm wht. and I'm proud,but I'm fair,and I believe that this is a country in which all races and creeds can improve lives from wherever they came from,when I see people who immigrated achieve through work/opportunity what was not possible where they came from and say this is the"greatest country" and that they love America that's unique and heartwarming and stories like this go back through waves of immigration of all races. Biden is NOT a far left wing radical,Trump is a despicable human being and 45% of this country is not far right nationalists,I'll be generous and say 15%,well the other 30% are reg R in their thinking.Biden is pretty much a centrist(we're not talking a squad member here) so how they get down w/this crazed racist MAGA movement confounds me.It's inaccurate as a bastard that every Dem is a radical far left liberal as this race is being painted.Is someone w/a open mind, considerate of change w/pragmatism,strong defense,fair taxation,reasonable programs and social services to help citizens,immigration w/reasonable requirements,pro-choice,while respecting the rule of law and Constitution a radical far left ANTIFA member.
I'd say you were right except Trump does not promise to take us back to the 50's, family values and law and order. His base do not care that Trump is not a family values or law and order leader. He offers the opposite. He's only offered chaos, disdain for the rule of law and as far as family values go, he's an unrepentant rapist grab'em by the pussy kind of guy who on camera felt up his teenage daughter.

So I understand that's what the Christian right say they want but they aren't selecting Trump based on it. Clearly not.
I started reading a paper that was written about the movement and they say it is anger and indignation Trump is selling. It could be for a number of reasons but basically they do not like globalist policies, much better when the US was #1. Then there are the more local issues, gays forcing their ideas on children...
I started reading a paper that was written about the movement and they say it is anger and indignation Trump is selling. It could be for a number of reasons but basically they do not like globalist policies, much better when the US was #1. Then there are the more local issues, gays forcing their ideas on children...
the bolded is a paper tiger, a manufactured grievance to stoke the culture war.
I started reading a paper that was written about the movement and they say it is anger and indignation Trump is selling. It could be for a number of reasons but basically they do not like globalist policies, much better when the US was #1. Then there are the more local issues, gays forcing their ideas on children...
With technology, especially the WWW, shit's changing too fast. Standing athwart the river of history is rough, as it's flooding.
last night town hall was a shit storm specticle:

and from listening to the clips in the article all you can do is
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I listened to a podcast yesterday where the pundit said Biden should address the "age" thing by showing he's still got it through frequent appearances in press conferences or media speaking events. From that post, it seems the Biden should just stay quiet and let Trump perform own goals like he did in that thing.

I wonder what the ratings were for that TH?

“I got indicted four times ... all because of the fact that I’m in politics,” Trump said. “They indicted me on things that are so ridiculous.”

What frightens me is the large segment of people who vote who are not offended by such plain and unsophisticated dishonesty from a plain and unsophisticated psychopath.

I’m imagining how a thoughtful German felt in 1932. Wouldn’t it be a kick in the jimmies if in WW3, we were the Enemy against whom the democratic world united.

Should anyone dismiss this as pessimism, over the last eight years I’ve watched our politics and appellate decisions boldly go where I never imagined Americans would allow it to go.
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I listened to a podcast yesterday where the pundit said Biden should address the "age" thing by showing he's still got it through frequent appearances in press conferences or media speaking events. From that post, it seems the Biden should just stay quiet and let Trump perform own goals like he did in that thing.

I wonder what the ratings were for that TH?

don't know, it's recent from South Carolina

imo Biden should stay his own course and keep doing what he's doing, i think he's doing a wonderful job
I listened to a podcast yesterday where the pundit said Biden should address the "age" thing by showing he's still got it through frequent appearances in press conferences or media speaking events. From that post, it seems the Biden should just stay quiet and let Trump perform own goals like he did in that thing.

I wonder what the ratings were for that TH?
Imo Biden should persistently call out the media for not challenging each obvious lie mouth-shat by that man and his (presumably) paid mouthfpieces. <— not a typo

Imo that is the story behind the story, and every Democrat campaign should feature it, as a way to emphasize the message with a higher tone than the usual ad hominem mudslinging.
Imo Biden should persistently call out the media for not challenging each obvious lie mouth-shat by that man and his (presumably) paid mouthfpieces. <— not a typo

Imo that is the story behind the story, and every Democrat campaign should feature it, as a way to emphasize the message with a higher tone than the usual ad hominem mudslinging.
In my personal experience, denying a shitty untrue accusation that was made for gossip or political points just pours fuel on the fire. One has to deny it when confronted by it in person but otherwise, let it rip. Lies wear themselves out. But for Biden, it's a tricky deal because he IS over 80. He is past his prime and he does make gaffes that, fair or not, are magnified by the attention he's being given. He's not going to get younger, he's not going to stop making gaffes or stutter, he's not going to change the behavior of the press. There is no denying the rumor has some truth to it, so he can't really deny the rumor. Also, let's not forget that old line about "the lady doth protest too much". I think we agree, Biden should just let the rumor play itself out while ramping up the focus on the reality of Trump's corruption.

In a recent podcast that I listened to, one former Republican who has no love for Democrats but holds country over party said, "Sure Biden is old but Trump is old and corrupt". At some point, we have to trust that most people will see that obvious point. If most people can't, then we are doomed one way or the other. That's democracy for you.
don't know, it's recent from South Carolina

imo Biden should stay his own course and keep doing what he's doing, i think he's doing a wonderful job

P 2+P 25-54

3.2 million people saw that melt down. IDK, but it's my guess that more than a few came away wondering about That Man's cognitive ability.

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There it is, all broken down nice and neat in this podcast posted elsewhere but relevant here.

Trump is trying to delay payment to NY and E. Jean until he can access the DWAC cookie jar.

Not that I blame him, of course, I blame the SEC for letting this happen by looking the other way after investigating insider trading that was going on within DWAC and Trump Media.

I hope the sales Trump makes are tracked. FWIW, I'm convinced that DWAC stock has been pumped up and is propped up by dirty Russian mob money. Of course they will let their greatest asset, Donald Trump sell massive number of shares in order to settle his legal bills. Good for Carroll and good for NY. It's just hard to watch this grift take place without consequences.