Political Satire

Eveniof they are asylum seekers, they entered country illegally. So they are illegal immigrants seeking asylum.


(add) hello, brand-new member who limits profile views.
Eveniof they are asylum seekers, they entered country illegally. So they are illegal immigrants seeking asylum.
No. Seeking asylum is not an illegal act in US and international law, regardless of how someone entered the country. Not having a legal status doesn't not automatically mean they "are" illegal. Like I said, actions can be illegal, people cannot. It's all about the intent. Staying in the US without seeking asylum while evading authorities would be illegal.
talk to the food companies, Biden has no control over those either, and that called greedflation.....js
You definitely don't understand how economics work, do you?
FYI, inflation is increas of money mass, which triggers price rise. Because, you know, if you print more money each dollar costs less than before.



(add) hello, brand-new member who limits profile views.
Actually, if you cross border illegally, you are illegal imigrant.

(add) I am a member for more than 5 years.
FYI, inflation is increas of money mass, which triggers price rise. Because, you know, if you print more money each dollar costs less than before.
"You definitely don't understand how economics work, do you?"

More importantly, inflation means little to nothing on its own. What you need to be looking at is real wages and purchasing power, which have increased in the US. Under Biden, the US recovered better and faster (from economic effects of the pandemic and war) than any other large economy in the world. It's in fact quite exceptional. Show me one respectable economist who disagrees with Biden's success and I'll show you a thousand how don't. And a whole bunch who can easily predict what effect Trump would have. If you would understand how economic work, and you'd care, voting for Biden is a no-brainer.

Actually, if you cross border illegally, you are illegal imigrant.
Repeating your erroneous claim doesn't make it any less erroneous. You're not entitled to your own facts.
You definitely don't understand how economics work, do you?
FYI, inflation is increas of money mass, which triggers price rise. Because, you know, if you print more money each dollar costs less than before.
Actually, my brand-new playmate, the major cause of the recent inflation spike was twofold.

1) Diminished supply of goods due to the pandemic savaging global supply chains. Money supply (what is the mass of one (1) euro?) steady, but each dollar is competing for fewer available goods.

2) Producers declining to drop prices once supply chains recovered.

No. Seeking asylum is not an illegal act in US and international law, regardless of how someone entered the country. Not having a legal status doesn't not automatically mean they "are" illegal. Like I said, actions can be illegal, people cannot. It's all about the intent. Staying in the US without seeking asylum while evading authorities would be illegal.
Seeking asylum is not illegal, crossing the border through the gap in the wall is. To seek asylum you should enter in designated entery points and fill asylum seeker papers there. Only this way it would be legal.
Seeking asylum is not illegal, crossing the border through the gap in the wall is. To seek asylum you should enter in designated entery points and fill asylum seeker papers there. Only this way it would be legal.
No. International law, particularly the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, as well as U.S. law through the Immigration and Nationality Act, recognize the right of individuals to seek asylum, irrespective of their mode of entry.
I am glad, I am paying an extra $7,000 more for necessary items courtesy of Biden, plus my area has illegals up the wazoo, all sucking tax payer dollars, closind down schools so illegals can live there, making our kids learn remote again. .
Thank god the GOP house was able to kill the border deal. (trans kids will break your heart. Just ask little Ronnie Desantis)
Here you go, you need $88,494 in November of 2023 to buy the same stuff you could have bought in November 2020 for $75,000.

Anyone who doest think inflation has eaten into an average family, and worse for those with lower incomes, is just plain out of touch. Use your common sense. You can at least call the guy out on the stuff that has gone to shit under his watch. That's how it works, you fire the coach if you don't get results.View attachment 5373520
But on the bright side, interest rates are up. Inflation is running just over 3% and I'm making 6% on my money. I'm hoping it stays above 2% so the fed doesn't lower rates anytime soon.