Would you run these

No but thats cos its too weak for my tastes for the most part i dont rate cookies or gelato or most of its hybrids minus a few exceptions but by all means if you like that sort of stuff sure id run it seeds are a lottery of sorts anyway
That's my thoughts, I hate smoking pot and waiting for the high that never comes. These freebies were with a pack of Ace Malawi
That's my thoughts, I hate smoking pot and waiting for the high that never comes. These freebies were with a pack of Ace Malawi
With me with cookies and gelato etc i find the stone too short lived and the tolerance builds almost instant compared to some other stuff like the Malawi you brought up thats a good example of something with a bit of legs to it for me at least anyway
That's my thoughts, I hate smoking pot and waiting for the high that never comes. These freebies were with a pack of Ace Malawi
To freebie or not to freebie that is the question…
I’d say no as well. Why would you deviate from your plan? You bought Malawi. Grow Malawi.
I usually ask for no freebies because they are not worth thinking about.
My last nasc freebie was 2
blue dream and 2 rd ghost train haze #1 I'm running both now, 1 of the gth beans won't pop, you could tell by looking at it, I'm not surprised