Forgot to fill my humidifier and I've been out of town. The controller was angry and beeping when I got back home.

Plants looked loopy and sad but perked right up after about two hours, was away for 5 hours. 30C/86F and 28% RH is not optimal VPD! Lol!
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Recovering! No burnt hairs so I think we're good! Lol! Increased RH to 70% for two hours and going to run 65% until tomorrow, then dial back to 60%.

They will look really happy again in a couple of more hours but it's good to show all the mishaps! Cheers!
Nice save. I've been gone for a while and makes me wonder how my plants are doing LOL. Your grow is looking great! Cheers!
I need to share this experience I had on a sister forum. I've come the realization that it's a steep difference in knowledge and standards between the different forum.

This one is located in CA and the senior editors pride themselves as experts with instructions of how to water a plant!, duh we learned that a long time ago and watering technique may vary heavily depending on environment and setup.

In the guide she heavily promotes dryouts and put out quotes like "you have to be a little cruel to make them happy" then you find out she top dresses with dry salts, doesn't pH but talk about pH as important, next sentence it's not important at all "in soil". A total mix matched of ideas and when you give references to actual data to support your claims from highly educated and experienced people you just get ridiculed. She claims her plants grow like hydro grown plants while they all have different stages of deficiencies in all her pictures.

People post pictures of sad sick and dying plants that haven't been growing for weeks and instead of giving them possible solution they say it's "normal" just rug your shoulders and move along. Every problem is "overwatering", it's like they live back in the early 2000's. Luckily I'm mostly there for the giveaways and contests they have. Cheers!
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Curious what other ingredients are in your foliar sprays? nice plants btw
I only really foliar spray in veg nowadays but to lazy to keep a strict regiment. But my rolling list of foliar sprays are:

1. TRIA 0.1-5ppm, 0.6g Humic/Kelp mix and 0.1g hydrolysed whey isolate as added aminos.

2. Brassinolide 0.05-0.075ppm, Humic/Kelp 0.6g mix and 0.1g hydrolysed whey isolate as added aminos.

Per 1 liter of water.

I do 0.4ppm stock Brass solution with 0.1g per 0.5 liter of water. Then dilute down to 0.05-0.075.

TRIA I usually do 200ppm stock solution. TRIA lasts way longer than Brassinolide.
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600ppm / 1.2 EC in, 750ppm / 1.5 EC out.

pH 6.1 in, pH 6.4 out. Lowering input to 5.7. taking another reading in 3 hours and mixing some top off to the reservoir.

I normally make 3-5 gallons at a time since bigger volumes are harder to work with. I mix a 3 gallon stock solution every week at about 5.0 EC that I use to dilute to desired strength.

I mix 75ppm potassium silicate, about 30ppm elemental silicate, 150ppm Calimagic and stock solution til I reach 600ppm/1.2 EC and then add 2ppm residual chlorine. I dip 4 fingertips in the cup and clean it in the solution.

She's being fed 5 times a day with no drybacks. The top layer stays wet at all times. I'm growing in hydro growing in coir and about 40-50% perlite. It took me many years to grasp how to optimally feed in coir and how I should think of it as a medium. It was after running DWC for 10 years and then going back to coir that I understood how to properly cycle the media and nutrient solution and feed coir or any soilless media.

I had great results back then to in soilless but I did a lot of mistakes and errors looking back on my early growing years. Thought I understood more than I did. Probably still do but I feel old and I imagine and believe myself to be more humble and wiser these days, lol! It's better to be an open book and accept your own faults and limitations to easier see room for improvements.


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500ppm / 1.0 EC in, 850ppm / 1.7 EC out. Lowering EC to 0.8.

pH 7.0 in, pH 6.3 out.

I think she's decided to finish, consuming less food and the last little growth spurt was shorter than the ones before. Just low feed and let her do her thing in the last couple of weeks.

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575ppm / 1.15 EC in, 900ppm / 1.8 EC out.

She's reacting positively to the increased light intensity (550w total) with higher nutrient intake and lower runoff.

pH 5.3 in, pH 6.2 out.

Tent is getting full and she's happy! Alternating nodes and spears forming. Topping off the res with about 25L / 6.5 gallon today. I have to add and mix more or less every other day. I top off about half the volume (16 gallons) every time.