The Long March to 11/24

Republican group planning $50M campaign to block Trump from reelection
An anti-Trump Republican group is planning to spend $50 million in a campaign to stop the former president from winning a second term to the White House.

Republican Voters Against Trump plans to share testimonial videos of Trump’s past backers who will share why they won’t be supporting the former president come November.

The campaign is orchestrated by Sarah Longwell, a Republican strategist who has long been critical of Trump. The plan is to target “moderate Republican” and Republican-leaning voters in swing states with videos. The group had a similar strategy in 2020 where they shared over 1,000 testimonials during an election that President Biden won.

The ads featuring the former Trump voter testimonials will be deployed on TV, streaming platforms, billboards, radio and digital media. They will run in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Longwell believes the anti-Trump coalition built up in 2020 was one of the determining factors in that contest, and that expanding the demographic in 2024 could be a determining factor in whether Trump returns to the White House.

“Former Republicans and Republican-leaning voters hold the key to 2024, and reaching them with credible, relatable messengers is essential to re-creating the anti-Trump coalition that made the difference in 2020,” Longwell, the president of the group’s Republican Accountability PAC, said in a Tuesday statement.

“It establishes a permission structure that says that—whatever their complaints about Joe Biden—Donald Trump is too dangerous and too unhinged to ever be president again. Who better to make this case than the voters who used to support him?”

The voters who are sharing their testimonies are generally not applauding Biden or arguing why he should be reelected in 2024, but mostly sharing which incidents made them oppose the former president.

“I voted for Donald Trump in 2020. January 6 was the end of Donald Trump for me,” Ethan, a Wisconsin resident, says in the video. He will be voting for Biden. “The peaceful transfer of power is one of the defining pieces of our democracy, and I could not believe that someone I had formerly supported would get behind an effort that would throw that under the bus … There is no choice.”
Judges Luttig & Tribe examine SCOTUS ruling on 14th Amendment disqualification…it’s rather damning

Less than 40 percent of young Black voters say they will vote this year: Poll
A new poll has found that less than 40 percent of young Black voters are motivated to vote in November’s election.

The poll, conducted by In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda with PerryUndem and released on Monday, found that just 38 percent of Black voters between the ages of 18 and 29 said they are “almost certain” to vote in the fall. This number is in stark contrast to 59 percent of all respondents who said the same.

A gender divide also cropped up in the poll. While 63 percent of Black men said they are “almost certain” to vote in November, 56 percent of Black women said the same.

While 54 percent of total respondents said voting in the 2024 elections is “extremely important, 48 percent of young Black voters lean away from thinking it’s important to vote this fall.

Twenty-five percent of young voters said they have considered withholding their vote as a form of protest.

These voters identified the choice of candidates and issues such as the ongoing war in Gaza as reasons why they wouldn’t vote. Young voters were three times more likely than those 65 and older to strongly disapprove of how Biden has dealt with the Israel-Hamas war.

But if young Black voters don’t turn out, it could spell trouble for President Biden, who relied heavily on Black voters in swing states to win the White House in 2020.

The Biden-Harris campaign has been working to speak to Black voters. The campaign recently released two new ads, to air on Black-owned properties, highlighting the work the administration has done for Black voters. In February, ads the campaign released focused on investments made in Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

But 48 percent of young voters have an unfavorable view of Biden, and 41 percent have an unfavorable view of Vice President Harris, according to the poll.

Former President Trump has also been courting Black voters, specifically Black men. He has already hinted at choosing Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) or Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) as a running mate.

But Black voters in general disapprove of the former president even more than Biden and Harris. Sixty-six percent of Black voters said Trump’s policies negatively affected Black people.

Still, young Black voters are aware of the power of their vote. According to the poll, 72 percent of young voters feel the Black community has the power to change elections.

For those who are motivated to vote, nearly 25 percent identified that people’s rights and freedoms are at stake as a top reason. Their second reason was because people fought and died for the right to vote.

Young voters were clear about the issues at the top of their minds: lowering the cost of living and inflation, lowering taxes for the middle and lower classes, and making sure schools teach students about American history.

In Our Own Voice’s Lives and Voices of Black Families in 2024 poll surveyed 1,005 Black adults between Jan. 22-27.
Less than 40 percent of young Black voters say they will vote this year: Poll
A new poll has found that less than 40 percent of young Black voters are motivated to vote in November’s election.

The poll, conducted by In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda with PerryUndem and released on Monday, found that just 38 percent of Black voters between the ages of 18 and 29 said they are “almost certain” to vote in the fall. This number is in stark contrast to 59 percent of all respondents who said the same.

A gender divide also cropped up in the poll. While 63 percent of Black men said they are “almost certain” to vote in November, 56 percent of Black women said the same.

While 54 percent of total respondents said voting in the 2024 elections is “extremely important, 48 percent of young Black voters lean away from thinking it’s important to vote this fall.

Twenty-five percent of young voters said they have considered withholding their vote as a form of protest.

These voters identified the choice of candidates and issues such as the ongoing war in Gaza as reasons why they wouldn’t vote. Young voters were three times more likely than those 65 and older to strongly disapprove of how Biden has dealt with the Israel-Hamas war.

But if young Black voters don’t turn out, it could spell trouble for President Biden, who relied heavily on Black voters in swing states to win the White House in 2020.

The Biden-Harris campaign has been working to speak to Black voters. The campaign recently released two new ads, to air on Black-owned properties, highlighting the work the administration has done for Black voters. In February, ads the campaign released focused on investments made in Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

But 48 percent of young voters have an unfavorable view of Biden, and 41 percent have an unfavorable view of Vice President Harris, according to the poll.

Former President Trump has also been courting Black voters, specifically Black men. He has already hinted at choosing Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) or Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) as a running mate.

But Black voters in general disapprove of the former president even more than Biden and Harris. Sixty-six percent of Black voters said Trump’s policies negatively affected Black people.

Still, young Black voters are aware of the power of their vote. According to the poll, 72 percent of young voters feel the Black community has the power to change elections.

For those who are motivated to vote, nearly 25 percent identified that people’s rights and freedoms are at stake as a top reason. Their second reason was because people fought and died for the right to vote.

Young voters were clear about the issues at the top of their minds: lowering the cost of living and inflation, lowering taxes for the middle and lower classes, and making sure schools teach students about American history.

In Our Own Voice’s Lives and Voices of Black Families in 2024 poll surveyed 1,005 Black adults between Jan. 22-27.
FWIW, is a notorious both-sider, and it shows most plainly sometimes in the polls they choose to ‘elevate’

Not dismissing this…but it is classically mood-of-the-moment, during a time of competition between outrages for headline supremacy…and ignoring deep currents while focusing on wave-foam is like their version of plausible deniability

We may end up having some protest voting, but that happens every election, and this ‘poll’ if repeated, will fluctuate wildly & rapidly over the next 8 months; just remember that they’re digging into this *instead of* digging into what GOP primary trends say about the general.

What those primaries are telling us, tho, is that TFFG can’t win an honest election - that he’ll lose by 10-20 million, not by the ~5 mill that knocked him out in ‘20.

We must remember: THERE ARE NO *NEW* VOTES for the traitor-in-chief, there is only the MAGA faithful - and as their numbers shrink, their anger, venom, & will to violence will grow more & more threatening & unhinged while their ‘victory’ dwindles

That said, I *do* expect this year will be the most violent national election we’ve ever had. If I were prez going into this, I’d be prepared to mobilize the NG to maintain peace & order @ polling places across the nation.

Following the election, I’d call for universal franchise legislation: an election isn’t a neighborhood yard sale, and IF we’re going to actually BE a nation, we should have ONE set of rules governing elections in ALL states. The notion of the states as independently sovereign is a tragic hold-over from the justly-discarded Articles of Confederation; the idea they constitute “laboratories of democracy” is nothing but another bullshit bully tactic - and yet another way of making our society more of a scrambled dysfunctional mess than we want.
Montana’s high court strikes down voting reform laws
The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled a series of voting reform laws passed by the state Legislature in 2021 violate the fundamental right to vote.

The ruling, issued Wednesday, reaffirms a 2022 lower court ruling that found four voting-related bills from the 2021 Legislature session are unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.

The case combined a challenge against Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen brought by the Montana Democratic Party and various youth organizations with a case from Western Native Voice and other Native American-focused organizations.

The four bills in question included one that eliminated same-day voter registration and closed registration at 12 p.m. the day before an election. Pointing to the lower court’s finding that same-day registration was “wildly popular” and tens of thousands have used it to vote, the state’s high court affirmed the law “interferes with fundamental voting rights.”

One of the laws prevented a 17-year-old individual who would be 18 by election day from receiving and voting with an absentee ballot, which would’ve contradicted current state law accepting new voters’ ballots by mail if they were 18 by election day.

The court said the law places an “unreasonable burden” on electors’ fundamental voting rights.

The court gave the same reason for striking down another law that prevented the use of student ID cards as acceptable forms of identification for in-person voting.

The fourth law required Montana’s secretary of state to adopt administrative rules to prevent the paid collection and submission of absentee ballots by other individuals or groups, per court filings. The lower court found the ballot collection methods are often used in remote areas and Native reservations due to their distance to polling places or for those with disabilities.

Montana’s Supreme Court ruled it is still illegal to pay ballot collectors by the number of ballots they collect, but “paying employees for duties that include general ballot collection will be allowed.”

“Broadly excluding assistance to disadvantaged voters by collection and submission of previously voted, sealed ballots interferes with those voters’ fundamental voting rights and is therefore unconstitutional,” the state’s high court wrote in a synopsis opinion.

The Montana Secretary of State’s Office said the secretary is “devested by the gross injustice” and “assures Montanans that her committee to reasonable election integrity will not waver.”

“State and county election officials have been punched in the gut. Well-funded groups deceived the court and the media in a sad way,” the office said in a statement to The Hill.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Montana celebrated the ruling on Wednesday, calling it a “great victory” for their clients and Native Americans in Montana.

“Once again, courts have struck down the Montana Legislature’s attempts to unconstitutionally burden the constitutional rights of Native Americans across the state,” said Jonathan Topaz, staff attorney at the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project.

Ronnie Jo Horse, the executive director of the nonprofit Western Native Voice, said he is “pleased” with the ruling.

“By striking down laws that impede Native American participation in our electoral process, the court reinforces the principle of equitable access to voting services and the protection of the rights for all voters, especially those residing on reservations where voting barriers are much higher,” he wrote in a statement.
CNN gave RFK Jr the chance to introduce himself and let people get to know him.

He's claiming Biden is a threat to free speech while he exercises his right to free speech. This guy doesn't measure up to his family's legacy. Because he was banned from a private company's social media site and the government had nothing to do with it. Imagine that, the RFK name, in one generation, went from one synonymous with understanding of the problems in this country and world, gravitas to shallow anti-fact conspiracy theory monger.

That right there is why speech shouldn't be suppressed. After people get to know him, he's less likely to have an effect on the election.
CNN gave RFK Jr the chance to introduce himself and let people get to know him.

He's claiming Biden is a threat to free speech while he exercises his right to free speech. This guy doesn't measure up to his family's legacy. Because he was banned from a private company's social media site and the government had nothing to do with it. Imagine that, the RFK name, in one generation, went from one synonymous with understanding of the problems in this country and world, gravitas to shallow anti-fact conspiracy theory monger.

That right there is why speech shouldn't be suppressed. After people get to know him, he's less likely to have an effect on the election.
And the right wing media bubble is claiming the Democratic Party is divided between this nut case and Biden
I don’t have a soul I’ve spoken to who are voting for him
He is funded by Republican money and an embarrassment to government in general
And the right wing media bubble is claiming the Democratic Party is divided between this nut case and Biden
I don’t have a soul I’ve spoken to who are voting for him
He is funded by Republican money and an embarrassment to government in general
"polls say" 10% say they will vote for RFK Jr, split heavily to take away Biden voters. Then again,

Last night I declined to answer poll questions over the phone because they wanted too much personal information (age, gender, race, probably more but I stopped it right there after I refused to answer the first questions). It's not that I'm against answering questions like that if it's anonymized but I didn't know who I was talking to. Personal identity theft is a real thing too. Which gets back to "polls say". This day and age, people who give away information like that over the phone are not "representative" of that community or group.
"polls say" 10% say they will vote for RFK Jr, split heavily to take away Biden voters. Then again,

Last night I declined to answer poll questions over the phone because they wanted too much personal information (age, gender, race, probably more but I stopped it right there after I refused to answer the first questions). It's not that I'm against answering questions like that if it's anonymized but I didn't know who I was talking to. Personal identity theft is a real thing too. Which gets back to "polls say". This day and age, people who give away information like that over the phone are not "representative" of that community or group.
Polls are the non-nutritive sweetener of today’s news/opinion outlets.

They’re a perfect adjunct to a low-fact diet.
Not to suggest it means a whole lot but if you remember my post on betting odds in regards to presidential elections, things have changed in a good way. And while its worthiness is highly debatable, I'll take it (average over 4 major bookies) over a phone poll. Trump dropped to below 50%, and Biden's chances went up to almost the same percentage. RFK just 3%-ish.

Screen Shot 2024-04-03 at 00.37.47.png
Not to suggest it means a whole lot but if you remember my post on betting odds in regards to presidential elections, things have changed in a good way. And while its worthiness is highly debatable, I'll take it (average over 4 major bookies) over a phone poll. Trump dropped to below 50%, and Biden's chances went up to almost the same percentage. RFK just 3%-ish.

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They certainly chose the right color for that man.
He goes from "why should I attend a debate when I'm this far ahead" in the primary. Now he says "any time, any place". Sounds desperate. But Trump isn't going to debate because he won't agree to rules that prevent him from ignoring the rules and shouting the moderator or Biden down whenever he likes.

Trump calls for Biden to debate ‘any time, any place’
Speaking besides a an empty podium that read “Anytime. Anywhere. Anyplace.” Donald Trump called on President Joe Biden to have a “good, solid, friendly debate” to discuss the “real problems of our country.”

Give him a mic with a transmitter, a speaker to hear questions and his opponent, shove him inside and slam the door shut. Do the same with Biden The transmitter is only on for the agreed upon time interval allowed to answer the question. Trump can use his time to rant if he likes but then it's Biden's turn.


Trump would never agree to a real debate. The last ones in 2016 and 2020 were a sham. We don't need anymore of those.
Republican group planning $50M campaign to block Trump from reelection
An anti-Trump Republican group is planning to spend $50 million in a campaign to stop the former president from winning a second term to the White House.

Republican Voters Against Trump plans to share testimonial videos of Trump’s past backers who will share why they won’t be supporting the former president come November.

The campaign is orchestrated by Sarah Longwell, a Republican strategist who has long been critical of Trump. The plan is to target “moderate Republican” and Republican-leaning voters in swing states with videos. The group had a similar strategy in 2020 where they shared over 1,000 testimonials during an election that President Biden won.

The ads featuring the former Trump voter testimonials will be deployed on TV, streaming platforms, billboards, radio and digital media. They will run in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Longwell believes the anti-Trump coalition built up in 2020 was one of the determining factors in that contest, and that expanding the demographic in 2024 could be a determining factor in whether Trump returns to the White House.

“Former Republicans and Republican-leaning voters hold the key to 2024, and reaching them with credible, relatable messengers is essential to re-creating the anti-Trump coalition that made the difference in 2020,” Longwell, the president of the group’s Republican Accountability PAC, said in a Tuesday statement.

“It establishes a permission structure that says that—whatever their complaints about Joe Biden—Donald Trump is too dangerous and too unhinged to ever be president again. Who better to make this case than the voters who used to support him?”

The voters who are sharing their testimonies are generally not applauding Biden or arguing why he should be reelected in 2024, but mostly sharing which incidents made them oppose the former president.

“I voted for Donald Trump in 2020. January 6 was the end of Donald Trump for me,” Ethan, a Wisconsin resident, says in the video. He will be voting for Biden. “The peaceful transfer of power is one of the defining pieces of our democracy, and I could not believe that someone I had formerly supported would get behind an effort that would throw that under the bus … There is no choice.”
Beautiful,been waiting for mobilization like this,America has been sleepwalking as this guy has risen again,hope more is to come,maybe it's time to take RFK seriously also,this guy has enabler/spoiler written all over him,he knows damn well his run for Pres. only helps Trump and his persistence in doing so leads to the implication that he's OK w/that.