CFL's are stupid. I took them down.


Well-Known Member
dude stop complaining about cfls. just b/c you didn't use them correctly and didn't get good results doesn't mean that they are crap. many people have good success with cfls b/c they research and use them the right way.


Well-Known Member
But the fact is the yield from cfl's isn't as good as from a hps or from growing outdoors.


Well-Known Member
dude stop complaining about cfls. just b/c you didn't use them correctly and didn't get good results doesn't mean that they are crap. many people have good success with cfls b/c they research and use them the right way.

CFL's are stupid for what i was doing. happy?

so we get all these noobs in here. they've heard you can grow with cfl's. they have 1 maybe 2. trying to yield ounces. it's deceiving.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
and don't ferget that you can also grow under yer bed with CFL.

You can't do that with an HID...which is a definite disadvantage for the serious growers out there trying to bring in some poundage.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
thomas edison is rolling over in his grave. those of you who do not know who he is are blessed with google and should really reconsider growing indoors, cfl's = ......:spew:


Well-Known Member
dude stop complaining about cfls. just b/c you didn't use them correctly and didn't get good results doesn't mean that they are crap. many people have good success with cfls b/c they research and use them the right way.
You ever get that "Why are my plants tired at the end of the light cycle?" question figured out? Try a real light and see if you have the same results. I'm not flaming you, just saw both threads and thought maybe it's somehow CFL related? Inadequate lighting or excessive heat from having the bulb so close?

That's the part I never really understood about CFL's. You have to run enough of them that you are creating problems with heat and require ventilation. The light doesn't penetrate very far or very well and they require MORE electricity to run than an HPS.

What exactly is the advantage?


Well-Known Member
thats what i use for my mother(s), works really well. i dont need supe fast regeneration though otherwise i would use a 400. they are cheap and i got mine on craigslist. its good to be back, i was having withdrawls!


Well-Known Member
I just finished my soil grow with a 250w HPS. Got over an oz/plant with no veg. Flower straight from clones. Only 2 plants the first time, because I used large pots.

This time I tried vegging with a T-5 Floro fixture and found it was causing one of my strains to stretch like crazy. Immediately switched to HPS and the stretch stopped. Started 12/12 and of course, the stretch is back, but that's to be expected.

I just don't like Floro's. If it's the cost of the light that turns people to CFL's then I guess I can kind of see that, but really if you look at total cost of ownership for CFL vs HPS (Small like a 250w or 400) the HPS is cheaper. It produces more product with less electricity. After the first grow the difference in production covers the cost of the light.


Well-Known Member
But think about this with cfl's

in a small enough space you can have ahole bunch of plants under cfl light.

clf r good for growing little plants like the sog method

so for real cheep every 2 1/2 3 months you may have up to five onces and it doesn't even take up that much space r eneregy.:peace:

r u can grow ahole bunch of really big plants under a hps and get a lot of really nice bud every 5 months.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I grow in a closet. It's a tiny space. My 250w HPS is currently flowering 7 plants. They went straight from clone to flower. I am expecting about 4 1/2oz total from them. The whole process only takes 2 1/2 months from clone to harvest. It requires a whole lot less energy than the CFL's and the yield isn't even comparable. If you like CFL's use them, maybe it's the nice white lights that aren't too bright to look at, but you aren't doing yourself any service.


Well-Known Member
I will admit that I considered using CFL's for side lighting. Only because a 250w HPS doesn't have the penetration power to get enough light to the sides of the enormous cola's I am looking for. So I may even hang a couple of extra lights for the additional lighting, but it certainly isn't efficient for your only source of light.


Well-Known Member
i know things other may not.........

it's a light meter. there is a thread here on reflective materials. maybe i should do one on light lumen output. i've done my own checking and i have a VERY good idea exactly how many and where my lumens are.



Well-Known Member
the proof is in the poodin.... no the the freakin light meter! this is going to get good. the only thing that bugs me about how much i dont like cfls, is ; didnt roseman o a whole grow on them and it came out good? other then that they light my way down the whole at night so i dont step on my daughters toys