Blaze & Daze

No judgements. Opinions. It's just something that gets to me 'cus I spent decades taking the time to offer the best possible looking product I could for folks. I can see it for the $100-150 a z. weed that's common here now...but back in the $400 a z caveman days you woulda had folks lookn sideways at you...if not out and out accusing you of ripping them off... but yeah...things change....and not always for the better. It's about profits now (cutting corners to get product on the shelf ASAP). Silly me...I keep forgetting that in my old age. :rolleyes:
This is what we do, you don't approve. Got it. Let's move on, eh?
I think we're mostly personal growers in this thread, not retailers or street salers (not that I have issues with either, I have bought from my friendly guy on street before hehe)

This is what we do, you don't approve. Got it. Let's move on, eh?

I'm confused...why do you dread the task so much if you have a trimmer?

I was rolling hard when trimmers hit the market but I knew my folks were spoiled AF...and they'd balk at the change in appearance of the buds. It was my "job" I took the time. I totally get it...but I just never fell for it/made the "jump"/left the cave. LOL. There were no dispensaries raping buds everyone had far different standards re "bag appeal".

Coincidentally...I just went and found a thread from about 15 years ago last week... and saw one of my old grows...and the comment that followed....

Aug 4, 2010. (my old lifetime...pre the death of my son...growing for/following the $$$)

"I finished the trim last night. 5 days...6 pounds...and about 50 hours of micro-trimmin'. Haaarrrrump!

A trimmer woulda made the job a snap, but then everything woulda looked like fuckin' BROCCOLI! All that time and effort deserves a hand job. At least that's what I keep telling the wife! LOL."

At least I'm consistent in my opinions whether you approve of them or not....:D :rolleyes:

"Trim on"!!!

I'm confused...why do you dread the task so much if you have a trimmer?

I was rolling hard when trimmers hit the market but I knew my folks were spoiled AF...and they'd balk at the change in appearance of the buds. It was my "job" I took the time. I totally get it...but I just never fell for it/made the "jump"/left the cave. LOL. There were no dispensaries raping buds everyone had far different standards re "bag appeal".

Coincidentally...I just went and found a thread from about 15 years ago last week... and saw one of my old grows...and the comment that followed....

Aug 4, 2010. (my old lifetime...pre the death of my son...growing for/following the $$$)

"I finished the trim last night. 5 days...6 pounds...and about 50 hours of micro-trimmin'. Haaarrrrump!

A trimmer woulda made the job a snap, but then everything woulda looked like fuckin' BROCCOLI! All that time and effort deserves a hand job. At least that's what I keep telling the wife! LOL."

At least I'm consistent in my opinions whether you approve of them or not....:D :rolleyes:

"Trim on"!!!

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Captain Caveman. Lol17107706945041160412743.jpg
I love my Trimpro so much I contacted the company and had them make a SS top for me - so I can scrape off the resin buildup. Larger slits work very well. Some years I've grown more than 70 plants outdoors - still weeks worth of work with a trimmer. Grow plants that mature at different times.
Screenshot_20240318_100806.jpgScreenshot_20240318_100729.jpgI've slowed down since legalization.
I love my Trimpro so much I contacted the company and had them make a SS top for me - so I can scrape off the resin buildup. Larger slits work very well. Some years I've grown more than 70 plants outdoors - still weeks worth of work with a trimmer. Grow plants that mature at different times.
Ive slowed down since legalization.

That's a buncha plants. Must be a lot of trimmer hash! bongsmilie

I haven't done any close-in trimming since about 2015 when I finally decided that it was futile to keep plugging away at the ever-diminishing game
of returns. I haven't/didn't really ever slow down on the growing end if it all...I just switched to chopping it all into bags...with very, very liddle trimming...and freezing it for hash. Still takes a lot of time to do 45 big plants...but it's a snap compared to the old days of spending weeks @ a time at it.

I envy the folks who can get going early on their outdoor. It's an extra step here to have to grow em inside and time em right as to when you sit em out. (June 1 here at the earliest)

Anybody have anything outside yet?
Damn those are nice plants. If I sat 4 ft tall/wide plants out I started in January under lights (LOL) I MIGHT be able to get plants that size. A big plant for me here is 4' wide x 5-6 tall.
This was the progression here last year.... June 1 or so.....June 10 or so....and probably late July....just about when flowering started.

Sorry for the liddle pics. I didn't save the originals and copped these from my Fakebook...
Ordered groceries yesterday so I need to run into town this afternoon and pick them up. With the way my back is this is a great option.
I did finally get an appointment at a pain clinic, my initial visit is Wed. Hopefully I can get some shots in the near future to alleviate the pain.
Here hoping that you get some serious pain relief lol the wife heard and asked me if I just called her a pain in the ass no no I would never sweetheart but anyways good luck
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