Blaze & Daze

Mornin' folks. Up with the cup and feeling pretty good. Kinda rare. LOL. Sssshhhhhhhh. Don't awaken the beast...

Heehee...we got off on a good tangent there. Fun to see that others are playing lumberjack as well. The folks who just turn up the thermostat don't play that way or get the ins and outs of it all. My electric bill is high enough as it is...can't even imagine "paying" for heat though none of it is "free". I'm not a fan of fracking so the gas/propane wasn't ever a consideration here. Idiots.

Yeah...the 261 is a really nice saw. I love my 391 but she's a beast for all day cutting. Had an 029 for over 30 years. One Hell of a saw. I was sad when she finally crapped out. I also have an Oregon sharpener. I try to keep 10 chains on the ready and rotate in 5 new chains every year. I'm taking my 391 in for service/a tune up/etc. this week. Wish the Stihl's went on sale more but it is what it is. Good saws.

More sun here today. 60+ again. Barely got down to freezing last night. Day 62 in the tent. Will likely take those girls down this weekend when it's supposed to rain/snow. That's a great rainy day chore. A few of these plants have some really interesting smells so we will see how they play out once they are dried/etc.

Wonderin' if I should try drying some in the freeze dryer. Hmmmmm. It'd be a busy day but I should do a hash run @ the same time....

125cc Husqvarna......
I mean, you do if you fucked your seasoning and want a redo... Also these grates ARE cast iron, and are deffo a grease fire hazard >.<

Manufacturer recommended hot water soak with vinegar, but I only have seasoned rice wine vinegar, so I went iso, lol
I put my grates in the oven and run the clean cycle. They come out coated with a light ash that rinses away and they look like new.
I'm screwing around lol I just had to do it to my Dutch oven. I forgot to clean it out and the lid was on......sat on the stove for a week before I realized :spew:

Had to redo the seasoning and still working on it lol
You Dutch ovened your kitchen using a Dutch oven? o_O

I love my Dutch oven. I wonder if regular bread would rise mixed with powdered trim... I only did quick rolls.


*proceeds to destroy the kitchen she just cleaned*
Still trying to understand how you functioned for a week with that in the way!
Same ;)
put my grates in the oven and run the clean cycle
That’s a great idea. Mine aren’t gross, but could use a spring clean. Don’t even get me started on the bbq grates. That’ll be a big spring job reserved for when it’s not Snowmageddon outside ;)
It didn't smell......till i openedthe lid. I thought my wife took care of it and when I went to use it :spew:

I considered getting a new one :lol:
Surely you just light it on fire in the back yard and hose it out. Cleaning and a show?

I also keep covered cast iron on the stove. Fish stew got left overnight, it wasn't THAT bad, but the flies sure thought it was a treat
Our railings are cast iron. I hate them and plan on replacing them with wood. Such a pain in the ass to keep clean.

Clean it then use this.

And just buff it.
Yeah my friends don't play around. Logging is the business.

I know a couple of guys here who play at a similar level/sell wood/etc. One of my other buddies was a sawyer for Vail Resorts and cut all of the "Birds of Prey" ski runs were they hold the World Cup/etc. It was cool hearing how they did strategic/partial cuts on a huge stand and then would fall hundreds of trees at once...down the mountainside. Then the copters come in and hauled it out/piled it....and they cut it all up into 4-6' lengths. We had wood for years from those cuttings. Always good when someone else does a buncha the work. :D

Damn...I'm gonna go look in the kitchen and make sure nothing has been forgotten on the stove....heehee.