It's a big deal in the news right now. Huffpo is making hay with this histrionic headline on the same matter:

Judge Clears Way For Trump To Appeal Ruling Keeping Fani Willis On Georgia Election Case

Trump's appeal is not going to succeed. There is no merit to their argument that Willis committed a corrupt act by having an affair with somebody who worked in her office. There is no evidence to justify their claim that she lied under oath when she said the affair began after he started working in her office and not before. There is no merit in their claim that this issue has any bearing on her ability to act in a fair and impartial manner as the chief prosecutor of his case and the cases of tens of others involved in the conspiracy that he allegedly led.

So, let him spend more of his campaign funds on a meritless appeal. As Judge Engoron said, he has plenty of other (meritless) pretrial motions by the various defense teams and will let Trump's appeal work its way through the process.

And Huffpo, a clearly liberal biased media site makes its own hay by posting an article that casts Trump's defense of it all in a negative light.

So much winning.
Fanni is single,has a relationship w/a co-worker AND she's a villain?,Trump wife is preg. and he's swapping bodily fluids w/a porn star and he's Presidential material????WOW America has been turned upside down so utterly simplistically and blatantly recognizable for even the most IQ challenged that it boggles the mind.This MF had the audacity/ balls yest. to show up at the slain NYPD officers funeral and get this promote "LAW and ORDER",the CKsucker who knows no rule that applies to himself and did not give a flying FK about officers beat down by his mob on the 6th,since this prick rode down his gold plated escalator in 2016 it has been a out of body experience,I'm Xing off days on the calendar for 8 yrs. waiting patiently for this guy to go swirling down the drain that continually coughs him back up,is their a Roto-Rooter on the Fed. level or do we need larger pipes WTF
What Trump did when he committed financial fraud was a corrupt act and he's being held accountable for it. The case went through the entire process from investigation to grand jury to indictment and finally trial, where Trump was convicted of lying on financial documents for his personal gain. He's being held accountable but it doesn't stop there. The wealthy are outright saying that all real estate transactions involve financial fraud, as if that makes it legal and not corrupt. This is what corruption is and what corruption does to people. They are saying it's OK because everybody does it and doubling down with propaganda as well as appeals to of all places, Christians.

So, now these people who have been stealing and socking away huge amounts of capital are trying to use your faith to help them continue to commit fraud and worse crimes.

Look at the evidence. I can't get you to see the truth, that's up to you.
Fanni is single,has a relationship w/a co-worker AND she's a villain?,Trump wife is preg. and he's swapping bodily fluids w/a porn star and he's Presidential material????WOW America has been turned upside down so utterly simplistically and blatantly recognizable for even the most IQ challenged that it boggles the mind.This MF had the audacity/ balls yest. to show up at the slain NYPD officers funeral and get this promote "LAW and ORDER",the CKsucker who knows no rule that applies to himself and did not give a flying FK about officers beat down by his mob on the 6th,since this prick rode down his gold plated escalator in 2016 it has been a out of body experience,I'm Xing off days on the calendar for 8 yrs. waiting patiently for this guy to go swirling down the drain that continually coughs him back up,is their a Roto-Rooter on the Fed. level or do we need larger pipes WTF
It doesn't seem that Trump's lawyers have a good case and the judge said so in his ruling. Not letting them appeal now gives Trump's team just another bad faith argument to make later on by saying the judge was biased. So, he's letting them make their weak and losing appeal while continuing the work that has to be done anyway without that distraction.

I think the root of our difficulties with Trump is that billionaires have been treated differently under the law and it took a billionaire sociopath like Trump to push his privilege to the point where everybody can see it. Listen to the arguments they are making as presented in by Jon Stewart in his magnificent monologue:

If you want to listen to what Steward said, click on the video embedded in the page. Some ads. But Stewart speaks truth in this. Trump is actually doing what he's done his whole life and people in his social circle have done for all of theirs. If the argument they make is true, the $450 B in fraud that Trump committed is not only commonplace but is taken for granted as a privilege that they are granted by society.

So, let's get some good out of all of this and file what they are saying away for later. We need to elect lawmakers, governors and other leaders who will work to put an end to their corruption, take back the money they stole and put an end to their two-tier justice system. We need that money for other uses, and more super yachts is not one of them.
THEY are so easily distracted,unfortunately they are going to drag us down with them!Please, vote election day everyone.
It's a real shitty perilous feeling,never felt this way until this con burst on the scene(was not even political),it's like watching a car go off a cliff before it goes off the cliff,helpless,knowing he WILL lose pop. vote by millions yet still possibly "WIN" due to the increasingly sinister electoral vote process. Six FKN states determine the WHOLE country,it was one thing when whatever party had a candidate that agree/disagree stayed in the Constitution's lane,this clown has no boundaries,flouts his malfeasance,thinks he's a FKN God. It is utterly incomprehensible that this "man' is actually taken seriously,he is by miles the most flawed individual to ever reside in the WHouse and the harrowing/chaotic 4 yrs. he put on record seems to be amnesia for his minions.
It's a real shitty perilous feeling,never felt this way until this con burst on the scene(was not even political),it's like watching a car go off a cliff before it goes off the cliff,helpless,knowing he WILL lose pop. vote by millions yet still possibly "WIN" due to the increasingly sinister electoral vote process. Six FKN states determine the WHOLE country,it was one thing when whatever party had a candidate that agree/disagree stayed in the Constitution's lane,this clown has no boundaries,flouts his malfeasance,thinks he's a FKN God. It is utterly incomprehensible that this "man' is actually taken seriously,he is by miles the most flawed individual to ever reside in the WHouse and the harrowing/chaotic 4 yrs. he put on record seems to be amnesia for his minions.

I feel for people who only got involved in politics after trump cause it’s always been a shifty loose sorta clumsy democratic process with all kinds of bad actors stealing things from the American public but this is a whole nother level imo. like I am not surprised our young people are not getting involved tbh. It’s embarrassing
It doesn't seem that Trump's lawyers have a good case and the judge said so in his ruling. Not letting them appeal now gives Trump's team just another bad faith argument to make later on by saying the judge was biased. So, he's letting them make their weak and losing appeal while continuing the work that has to be done anyway without that distraction.

I think the root of our difficulties with Trump is that billionaires have been treated differently under the law and it took a billionaire sociopath like Trump to push his privilege to the point where everybody can see it. Listen to the arguments they are making as presented in by Jon Stewart in his magnificent monologue:

If you want to listen to what Steward said, click on the video embedded in the page. Some ads. But Stewart speaks truth in this. Trump is actually doing what he's done his whole life and people in his social circle have done for all of theirs. If the argument they make is true, the $450 B in fraud that Trump committed is not only commonplace but is taken for granted as a privilege that they are granted by society.

So, let's get some good out of all of this and file what they are saying away for later. We need to elect lawmakers, governors and other leaders who will work to put an end to their corruption, take back the money they stole and put an end to their two-tier justice system. We need that money for other uses, and more super yachts is not one of them.
Well it is heartening to see Obama/Clinton mobilize (as I encouraged),this has got to be ALL HANDS ON DECK,Trump has to go up in flames,otherwise this nation is doomed,the precedent he's set has to end in abject failure,if for anything to deter any monkey see monkey do BS. What we are experiencing now is INSANITY,never did I believe our nation was susceptible to such a easily identified con, I assumed we were better than this/that guess you can always learn something new,unfortunately.
I feel for people who only got involved in politics after trump cause it’s always been a shifty loose sorta clumsy democratic process with all kinds of bad actors stealing things from the American public but this is a whole nother level imo. like I am not surprised our young people are not getting involved tbh. It’s embarrassing
The young have to VOTE,millenials are open minded,Trump's quasi racial right wing BS should appall them,Biden's old but he has a good heart,he cares,Trump is a ONE man wrecking ball,they should be embarrassed that such a evil narcissistic poser whose self preservation "trumps" the nation would EVER represent our country again.
I feel for people who only got involved in politics after trump cause it’s always been a shifty loose sorta clumsy democratic process with all kinds of bad actors stealing things from the American public but this is a whole nother level imo. like I am not surprised our young people are not getting involved tbh. It’s embarrassing
I think a big problem is that young voters are totally immersed in social media, a shallow sea infested by propaganda sharks that “kids these days” fail and even refuse to recognize.

They’re being bombarded by more or less subtle messaging to instill a fundamentally nihilistic attitude about the efficacy of the voting process. A massive amount of manpower — and now AIpower — is being expended by foreign powers in a war of a new sort.

I think a big problem is that young voters are totally immersed in social media, a shallow sea infested by propaganda sharks that “kids these days” fail and even refuse to recognize.

They’re being bombarded by more or less subtle messaging to instill a fundamentally nihilistic attitude about the efficacy of the voting process. A massive amount of manpower — and now AIpower — is being expended by foreign powers in a war of a new sort.

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They seem to me to be better informed than the hippie, disco or 80's twentysomethings were. There is a kindness, acceptance and broader view taken among kids these days than what I saw in my day. They are still dumbass kids but they seem to me to in general be starting at a higher point.

Trump raised more than 250 million dollars between Nov 2020 and Feb 2021, after which Biden took over and it became harder for his "donors" to circumvent legal controls (imo). The vid in the link above describes how Trump has shifted more than a hundred million dollars to pay for his legal expenses using contributions from who knows who? So, out of all he started with in 2021 through now, when he's raked in IDK how much, his accounts are all drying up. $100 million went to pay for legal expenses. But that leaves more than 150 million dollars spent and unaccounted for in that vid. Where did that all go?

Something tells me he's facing even more investigations and legal problems from all of this after he loses in 2024. If he loses, that is.

Vote Republicans out.
Looks like Eastman is done for in do DC??

After a California judge issued a ruling of disbarment for Trump co-defendant and co-conspirator John Eastman, he went on Charlie Kirk's show to whine about how unfair it is to him. The judge issued a scathing and detailed order following a ten week trial.

The judge's ruling means he is now suspended from practicing law. He is allowed to file an appeal to the California Supreme Court on Monday, which he said he will do. However, he will not be permitted to practice law while that appeal is pending. Eastman was also fired from his job as a law professor by two Law Schools because of his role in attempting to overturn the 2020 election, and he was also indicted as part of the Georgia RICO case.

Eastman conceded that some of the evidence of election fraud he attempted to use to overturn the election was later proven to be false, but said he shouldn't be punished for that because that happens all the time in court cases. He was also upset that the judge presiding over his disbarment found his expert witness was not credible.

Eastman then rolled out the same tired line that comes directly from Donald Trump's playbook, arguing that "they" will go after other Americans and take away their right to earn a living because he is being held accountable:

"If they can take out me for advocating for a client who is unpopular to elites, with arguments that were certainly open (questions), but creative no doubt. That's why I was hired ... If they can take out me they can take out anybody they want for any reason."

One part of that is true - he was hired by Trump because he was the only one willing to set his Bar license on fire and risk indictment to push his crackpot scheme. But what Eastman did went far beyond simply arguing the facts of his case. He contacted elections officials in Arizona and Georgia to pressure them to appoint alternate electors. He told Mike Pence to refuse to count the electoral ballots so these fake electors could be appointed by Republican state legislatures, among other things. He was the legal architect behind Trump's entire plan.

Eastman also spoke at the Trump rally on J6, whipping up the crowd with a series of election lies and exhorting them that they should not stand for any Member of Congress who voted to certify the election that day, telling them that "anybody that is not willing to stand up to do it (object to electors) does not deserve to be in office."

Now, a California court has determined that John Eastman does not deserve to be a lawyer. Justifiably so.

creative lawyering???? What?
I think a big problem is that young voters are totally immersed in social media, a shallow sea infested by propaganda sharks that “kids these days” fail and even refuse to recognize.

They’re being bombarded by more or less subtle messaging to instill a fundamentally nihilistic attitude about the efficacy of the voting process. A massive amount of manpower — and now AIpower — is being expended by foreign powers in a war of a new sort.

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Was going to put this in the war thread but this goes along with your post well enough.
They seem to me to be better informed than the hippie, disco or 80's twentysomethings were. There is a kindness, acceptance and broader view taken among kids these days than what I saw in my day. They are still dumbass kids but they seem to me to in general be starting at a higher point.
No doubt.
But the small sample of under-30s to whom I’ve spoken haven’t had anything like the sense of urgency I have about the elections. Thus my worry about the center of mass of their collective opinions.

I am marked by having been sentient from 1966 on. The nation in which I grew up is not in their experience. I find it difficult to see things from their perspective. (When’s the last time you saw a vacuum tube tester in a department store?)

No doubt.
But the small sample of under-30s to whom I’ve spoken haven’t had anything like the sense of urgency I have about the elections. Thus my worry about the center of mass of their collective opinions.

I am marked by having been sentient from 1966 on. The nation in which I grew up is not in their experience. I find it difficult to see things from their perspective. (When’s the last time you saw a vacuum tube tester in a department store?)

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Drug store was the closest to us. They were not the best testers, really only to give the public a go, no go answer. Maybe things were as simple then also? I need to test mine at some point.
Trump ‘hoodwinked’ Scotland with golf course promises, says former project director
Neil Hobday, the former project director for former President Trump’s golf course in Scotland, said the country was “hoodwinked” by his claims that he would spend 1 billion pounds to develop the property.

Hodbay told the British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) that he felt “hoodwinked and ashamed” that he and Scotland fell for Trump’s overestimate.

Trump claimed that he would spend one billion British pounds on the new project, about $1.2 billion. Hobday was the consultant project director for the Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf course, which opened in 2012, BBC News reported.

In 2006, Trump purchased land near Aberdeen. He had planned for the 18-hole course to have a 5-star hotel, villas and more, and was supported by the local economy looking for tourism and jobs.

In 2018, Trump’s golf course had reportedly “destroyed the vast majority” of protected sand dunes in the area, despite a pledge not to. After opening in 2012, the golf course didn’t live up to its promises, losing millions.

BBC News reported that the Trump Organization said it spent around 100 million pounds on the Aberdeenshire golf resort, but new accounts show the facility has a value of 33.2 million pounds. It’s racked up 13.3 million pounds in losses since opening.

“I don’t think even if he could raise the money to build the whole thing out, he wanted the golf course and that was it,” he said. “He was willing to fight the environmental battle and create this impression that this was a $1 billion project and Scotland absolutely needed it. But I think he never really had the money or the intention of finishing it.”

“I feel very hoodwinked and ashamed that I fell for it and Scotland fell for it. We all fell for it. He was never going to do it,” Hobday said.

Trump’s Aberdeenshire course was included in his New York civil fraud case, which found he conspired to alter his net worth to receive better tax and insurance benefits. A judge found Trump liable and ordered him to pay more than $355 million in penalties.

In May 2023, Trump traveled to Scotland to break ground on a new golf course in honor of his mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, who was born in the Isle of Lewis in Scotland.
Drug store was the closest to us. They were not the best testers, really only to give the public a go, no go answer. Maybe things were as simple then also? I need to test mine at some point.
Tube audio is one rabbit hole I sidestepped.

I still remember the odd pleasant smell that came from the old Zenith TV that was in the living room when its complement of tubes was hot. And the channel selector was a long white bar (press the right end to go up one channel, the left for down) which, when you pressed it, made this loud mechanical ka-chunk! as something rotary closed the proper circuit.