Yellowing leafs / burnt tips


I’ve got 2 plants both just under a week since I turned them to 12/12, leafs are starting to look slightly yellow with burnt tips appearing, they’re being fed about 1.5ml/ L water biogrow but starting to swap out the biogrow for bio bloom slowly over next 2/3 weeks, also have bioheaven and activera been giving them a little of that maybe .5ml/L per week of both, they are in soil under 2 250w leds dimmed to 80% and ph from 6-6.5, any help would be appreciated thanks.IMG_2692.jpegIMG_2693.jpegIMG_2694.jpegIMG_2696.jpegIMG_2695.jpeg

Sticky Bandit

Well-Known Member
I don't claim to know much so don't listen to me :P
I would check pot weights for water saturation and ease off the feeding strength for a little while, a little pale out won't hurt and is easy to catch up on.
Can give a foliar spray with a little Epsom Salts also at about a tablespoon per gallon
They will likely pick up as the soil matures if not too much more food is added

Carpet Surfer 80

Active Member
I don't claim to know much so don't listen to me :P
I would check pot weights for water saturation and ease off the feeding strength for a little while, a little pale out won't hurt and is easy to catch up on.
Can give a foliar spray with a little Epsom Salts also at about a tablespoon per gallon
They will likely pick up as the soil matures if not too much more food is added
Yeah I just Top Dressed them. I might have used a little too much of the 2-8-4
I don't claim to know much so don't listen to me :P
I would check pot weights for water saturation and ease off the feeding strength for a little while, a little pale out won't hurt and is easy to catch up on.
Can give a foliar spray with a little Epsom Salts also at about a tablespoon per gallon
They will likely pick up as the soil matures if not too much more food is added
I just top dressed them recently with 2-8-4
Bloom or worm castings and might have used too much possibly. I could be watering a little too much. Thanks for the feedback. I have (3) Other Plants in the Tent that are 3 weeks ahead in Flower and are probably drinking more water. I'm supposed to water tomorrow but maybe I'll wait another Day on that Plant.