No doubt.
But the small sample of under-30s to whom I’ve spoken haven’t had anything like the sense of urgency I have about the elections. Thus my worry about the center of mass of their collective opinions.

I am marked by having been sentient from 1966 on. The nation in which I grew up is not in their experience. I find it difficult to see things from their perspective. (When’s the last time you saw a vacuum tube tester in a department store?)

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You can't expect 20 somethings to have the same gravitas you have. It's your place to help them along however much you can. I admit there is only so much you can do but one thing that doesn't work on today's kids is the same thing that didn't work on us when we were in our twenties and that is telling them how they are worse than your own much older generation.

Because that's not true.

I know it's not your music or your culture and her music is trivial pop shit but do you know what Taylor Swift repeated many times throughout her mega-tour? "Be Kind". From her words and actions, I don't see any hypocrisy either. I never once heard anybody from the Stones band say similar. Not even Pink Floyd. Not Van Halen. Not Kiss.

I don' t like their music but I like these kids.
You can't expect 20 somethings to have the same gravitas you have. It's your place to help them along however much you can. I admit there is only so much you can do but one thing that doesn't work on today's kids is the same thing that didn't work on us when we were in our twenties and that is telling them how they are worse than your own much older generation.

Because that's not true.

I know it's not your music or your culture and her music is trivial pop shit but do you know what Taylor Swift repeated many times throughout her mega-tour? "Be Kind". From her words and actions, I don't see any hypocrisy either. I never once heard anybody from the Stones band say similar. Not even Pink Floyd. Not Van Halen. Not Kiss.

I don' t like their music but I like these kids.
I didn’t expect this to become about pop culture. I see politics as distinct from pop culture, to which I pay little attention. I’ve never listened to anything by Swift, but I like what you said.

I was thinking more about the space program and F-105s going thud in the jungle and dad buying a tiny Toyota after the summer of gas lines, and civil rights after King got shot, and the apparent permanence of the East Bloc, and when the Big Mac was a novelty.

Floyd let me down hard when Roger Waters spoke to UN about a ceasefire on Vladolf’s terms.
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I didn’t expect this to become about pop culture. I see politics as distinct from pop culture, to which I pay little attention. I’ve never listened to anything by Swift, but I like what you said.

Floyd let me down hard when Roger Waters spoke to UN about a ceasefire on Vladolf’s terms.
I don't see or understand the distinction you draw.
I expanded on one old guy’s perspective. For me, pop culture was incidental to the bigger things.
Taylor Swift.

Ever hear of her? She's a pretty big deal nowadays and Trump is afraid of her. She's not overtly political although she did say she was voting for Biden in 2020, has come forward with strong words against the antiabortion movement and encourages people to register and vote.

I couldn't tell you the name of a single song of hers but I can say her following is pretty big. So, yeah, if you don't know who she is, you don't have a clue about today's young culture.

Taylor Swift.

Ever hear of her? She's a pretty big deal nowadays and Trump is afraid of her. She's not overtly political although she did say she was voting for Biden in 2020, has come forward with strong words against the antiabortion movement and encourages people to register and vote.

I couldn't tell you the name of a single song of hers but I can say her following is pretty big. So, yeah, if you don't know who she is, you don't have a clue about today's young culture.

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A bit more about her.

According to a 2023 survey by Morning Consult, in the U.S., 53% of adults said they were fans of Swift, of whom 44% identified as Swifties and 16% as her "avid" fans. Of the fans, 52% were women while 48% were men. Racially, the 74% of the fans were white, 13% were Black, 9% were Asian, and 4% from other races. Politically, 55% of the fans were Democratic, 23% were Republican, and 23% were independent. In terms of generations, 45% are millennials, 23% are baby boomers, 21% are Generation X, and 11% are Generation Z.[141] Journalists have also noted an increase in Swift's boomer and Generation X fans, known as "senior Swifties".

Recently, and only as a result of the political news in which she featured.
Maybe its time to start paying attention to the world you now live in, old man. In order for Biden to win, old white men aren't going to do it alone. They represent the least important gender and age demographic to Biden's campaign. The younger voter is necessary but not sufficient. In order to beat back the Christiofascist Trump political movement, we need to embrace differences, not look down on others for being so.

Swifties have a distinct set of habits and traditions the are inclusive, kind and thoughtful. I'm not one of them but I appreciate their ways and respect their differences from myself.
They seem to me to be better informed than the hippie, disco or 80's twentysomethings were. There is a kindness, acceptance and broader view taken among kids these days than what I saw in my day. They are still dumbass kids but they seem to me to in general be starting at a higher point.
I agree,think due to electronic/semi sheltered upbringing that they learn some life lessons real late( I mean some of these kids struggle w/eye contact),but RACIALLY,they are MILES ahead,they don't have ANY hangups there,I mean it's simple and prev. generations struggled,if you have racial aversions,just stay in your lane then,no reason to hate,this country is for every citizen of every race,many ethnicities have bled for Uncle Sam,diversity is a pillar of America.
I think a big problem is that young voters are totally immersed in social media, a shallow sea infested by propaganda sharks that “kids these days” fail and even refuse to recognize.

They’re being bombarded by more or less subtle messaging to instill a fundamentally nihilistic attitude about the efficacy of the voting process. A massive amount of manpower — and now AIpower — is being expended by foreign powers in a war of a new sort.

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Yeah it's a sure sign of the times driving by kids waiting to board the bus for school and EVERY one of them has their phone in hand totally immersed in their own thing,there's a school at the bottom of my street and I've seen kids posting to Tic/Toc or whatever while walking by my house,everyday is a video shoot now or seemingly a quest to be a influencer/internet "star",it is becoming increasingly apparent through study that a lot of kids are getting depressed.
Maybe its time to start paying attention to the world you now live in, old man. In order for Biden to win, old white men aren't going to do it alone. They represent the least important gender and age demographic to Biden's campaign. The younger voter is necessary but not sufficient. In order to beat back the Christiofascist Trump political movement, we need to embrace differences, not look down on others for being so.

Swifties have a distinct set of habits and traditions the are inclusive, kind and thoughtful. I'm not one of them but I appreciate their ways and respect their differences from myself.
Yer gonna hafta SPEAK UP there young man! I can’t make out the words. ~wicked denture-smacking sounds~

I am largely indifferent to the entertainment industry, and refuse to believe that is a bad thing.
Maybe its time to start paying attention to the world you now live in, old man. In order for Biden to win, old white men aren't going to do it alone. They represent the least important gender and age demographic to Biden's campaign. The younger voter is necessary but not sufficient. In order to beat back the Christiofascist Trump political movement, we need to embrace differences, not look down on others for being so.

Swifties have a distinct set of habits and traditions the are inclusive, kind and thoughtful. I'm not one of them but I appreciate their ways and respect their differences from myself.
I like her,she works hard,her shows are a marathon,she's pretty,and better yet she's pro Biden and encourages her vast entourage to vote and for Biden obviously,every gen has it's own thing,I will say when rap started gaining a foothold in the mid 80's I thought it would go the way of Disco,a decade run and see ya,boy was I wrong on that account. I also promised myself(at a early age) that I wouldn't react to culture change like WW2 gen did w/long haired hippie stereotypes, all the fads/fashion that seemingly define gens. are just bells/whistles to me and distract from what real character is,fads/fashion are just people trying to fit in w/their peer groups and I think a deeper dive is required in getting to the core of who/what people are/stand for.
Yer gonna hafta SPEAK UP there young man! I can’t make out the words. ~wicked denture-smacking sounds~

I am largely indifferent to the entertainment industry, and refuse to believe that is a bad thing.
Ignorance of the culture of others is not a strength. Maybe I am projecting something different than what you meant but my impression of your disdain for young people is due to their being young. You were a stupid ass twentysomething once too.
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Ignorance of the culture of others is not a strength. Maybe I am projecting something different that what you meant but my impression of your disdain for young people is due to their being young. You were a stupid ass twentysomething once too.
I never intended disdain. I was trying instead to highlight a difference of experience without placing mine higher. Different times, different experience matrices. So yes, I think there is a mild strawman in play.
I never intended disdain. I was trying instead to highlight a difference of experience without placing mine higher. Different times, different experience matrices. So yes, I think there is a mild strawman in play.
I'm glad you 2 worked that out,think both of you are intelligent/cool,thought the back forth was going to morph into a think tank depth of debate:D,we are all banded TOGETHER on what the core issue is,exchanging views on the vilest political phenomenon of our lifetimes. New lows provided on a daily basis,shocking hypocracy (even for the political arena),lies,distortion,mis/disinformation that'd blush Satan,outrageous acts and political stunts(BIDEN hogtied in the back of a pu/truck???, WTF), seemingly resistant to any "crush depth" it's all stressful, for me anyway ,and I'm hoping against hope that we can all collectively breath a well earned sigh of relief/deliverance on a glorious DAY AFTER in NOV.
I'm glad you 2 worked that out,think both of you are intelligent/cool,thought the back forth was going to morph into a think tank depth of debate:D,we are all banded TOGETHER on what the core issue is,exchanging views on the vilest political phenomenon of our lifetimes. New lows provided on a daily basis,shocking hypocracy (even for the political arena),lies,distortion,mis/disinformation that'd blush Satan,outrageous acts and political stunts(BIDEN hogtied in the back of a pu/truck???, WTF), seemingly resistant to any "crush depth" it's all stressful, for me anyway ,and I'm hoping against hope that we can all collectively breath a well earned sigh of relief/deliverance on a glorious DAY AFTER in NOV.
The bolded shocks me. That man’s ongoing malfeasance is obvious and severe. He is still at large, taking foreign money (with which he can absorb eight-figure judgments) laundered through his latest bs criminal enterprise, now trading on the NYSE! His several known collaborators in Congress have not even been charged. His judicial lackey in Florida has not been recused. Scotus spake utter bs regarding the 14th Amendment, fobbing the matter off on a dysfunctional legislature — and has taken his specious immunity claims under delay consideration.

Meanwhile Tiktok and Xitter are telling people Biden is, like, old&shit, ignoring how effective his administration has been despite a hostile and petulant Congress.

After these messages, Japanese dwarf flying squirrels!
Moreon that

Remember the Rev. Raphael Warnock, who put paid to Herschel “I talk real gud” Walker?

“Donald Trump is doing what he’s always done, and this time it’s a risky bet because the folks who buy those Bibles might actually open them up, where it says things like, ‘Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not bear false witness,’ where it warns about wolves dressed up in sheep’s clothing,” he added. “I think you ought to be careful. This is risky business for somebody like Donald Trump.”