Blaze & Daze

Chicago got to 94% eclipse. I got to sit on my back deck on my glider rocker bench. It was both bright and dim simultaneously, as if a large camera filter was being used. 72f, nice weather. Surreal. Very enjoyable, next one in this area is in 2099. I'll revert back to space dust by then...
just got home from our day chasing the eclipse. 100% totality for over 3 minutes. never seen anything like it and there really aren't any words to describe what it *felt* like to witness it. just beyond cool, i guess. it was surprisingly emotional for both of us. we went to a friend's house, and they were away at a different spot in town at a party. but i wanted to be alone, or at least NOT at an event or party. i got my wish. we laid a blanket out on the grass, not a cloud in sight from 12:30pm on. eclipse started at 1:45ish and the totality was at 3:07pm. we took off our glasses and just both looked at each other in complete amazement. honestly, before today i was "meh" about eclipses. i saw the 2017 one at like 93% totality and it was neat. but THIS was just other worldly. i guess i'm an eclipse nerd now.

also the tent plants are getting culled tomorrow. i just can't look at the sad ones any longer. gonna restart the chernobyl and the bubblegum, this time i'm gonna use promix with maxigrow and maxibloom. i'm going to reuse the BaS mix in the outdoor beds so it won't go to waste. it just wasn't a good/smart idea to switch up the soils on those plants like i did. oh well. lesson learned.

Mid 60°s and lots of sun today. Still in the 30°s now but it's gonna warm up fast.

Happy taco Tuesday everyone! How's it goin?
We didn't get the full effect here @ 60'ish %...but the clouds kinda rolled in at the same time and you could tell it was happening cus it got darker than it should have. Yard work continued unabated here during the entire event. :D Got the pump and hoses out and sprayed some water around. Might try to fire up the irrigation systems today...the ground doesn't seem to be frozen except in the deep shadows. The pump was sitting in ice a few days ago I uncovered to so the sun could hit it. Prolly good to go by now...

Tuesday, huh? Thanks for the reminder. :D