The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.
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The Department of Homeland Security tried to ensnare hundreds of protesters who attended social justice protests in Portland in an effort before the 2020 election to bolster President Donald Trump’s claims about a “terrorist organization” that was supported by Democrats, Gizmodo reports.

An internal report shared by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) contends that Trump’s acting secretary of homeland security, Chad Wolf, led an effort to collect secret dossiers on people in Portland attending protests in the wake of George Floyd's death at the hands of a Minneapolis Police officer.

"The DHS report offers a full accounting of the intelligence activities happening behind the scenes of officers’ protest containment; 'twisted efforts,' Wyden said, of Trump administration officials promoting 'baseless conspiracy theories' to manufacture of a domestic terrorist threat for the president’s 'political gain.' The report describes the dossiers generated by DHS as having detailed the past whereabouts and the 'friends and followers of the subjects, as well as their interests' — up to and including 'First Amendment speech activity.' Intelligence analysts had internally raised concerns about the decision to accuse anyone caught in the streets by default of being an 'anarchist extremist' specifically because 'sufficient facts' were never found 'to support such a characterization,'" Deadline's report stated.

The report states that dossiers were also collected on people who were never arrested but were merely accused of issuing threats and “on persons arrested having nothing to do with homeland security or threats to officers.”

The DHS report also describes orders handed down to “senior leadership” instructing them to broadly apply the label “violent antifa anarchists inspired” to protesters unless there was information showing “something different.”

"Once the dossiers were received by the agency’s emerging threat center, it became clear that DHS had no real way to tie the protesters to any terrorist activities, neither at home nor abroad," Deadline reports.

Read the full report over at Gizmodo.
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A man who marched at the notorious 2017 "Unite the Right" Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia got elected last year as a councilor in the city of Enid, Oklahoma, and NBC News reports that it has driven a deep rift within the community.

According to NBC News, Enid City Councilor Judd Blevins' ties to white nationalists were exposed by two local residents in early 2023, shortly before voters went to the polls.

Blevins was elected weeks later, and NBC News notes that word of his participation in the violent Charlottesville march hadn't spread throughout most of the community by the time voters went to the ballot box.

Since his election, however, it has become more commonly known and has led to voters in the city mounting a recall campaign against him.

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"Blevins’ election galvanized an opposition," NBC reported. "In March 2023, around 100 people ... met at a community center. By the end of the evening, they had formed the Enid Social Justice Committee and decided on its first order of business: recalling Judd Blevins."

The recall campaign has seemingly been helped by the fact that Blevins made no effort to distance himself from Nazi groups, and he pointedly said he had "nothing to apologize for" when asked about the campaign against him last year.

In fact, his opponents even said that they would withdraw his recall campaign if he would publicly renounce his past statements in support of white nationalism — but he still completely refused.

That said, the report notes that Blevins has plenty of supporters within the community, including one man at a recent city council meeting who praised him for attending a "demonstration to protect American history" at Charlottesville in 2017.

The election to recall Blevins will be held on April 2nd.
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It was Trump and his administration that not only tried to but pressured DHS to label BLM protesters terrorists. What DHS officials who were on the scene at the time reported is they could not find the evidence that Trump and his wannabe SS asked for. They reported that the DHS investigators were treated with disbelief and told to keep looking.
It must have really pissed him off that all that work his bestie Roger Stone did into planting all those little hate filled terrorists in the protests did not pay off.
It must have really pissed him off that all that work his bestie Roger Stone did into planting all those little hate filled terrorists in the protests did not pay off.
It was a close thing, though. DHS officers were put into an awful situation and they followed the law instead of the corrupt man at the top. This situation was awful for the men that Trump ordered to go to Portland and some of them did not act any better than some of the people who were protesting. But most people in blue and in black did not cross the line and that made all the difference.

Trump and his cadre seem determined to not let that happen again if they get another chance.
They used the word 'claims' quite a bit.
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John Sullivan, a convicted rioter in the January 6 Capitol attack, has been sentenced to six years in prison, reported Politico's Kyle Cheney on Friday.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth cited Sullivan as a "chaos agent" at sentencing, saying that he was acting not out of support for former President Donald Trump, as most of the rioters were, but simply for the sake of causing social disruption and violence.

A Utah-based man who describes himself as a "political activist," Sullivan was convicted of several offenses including entering a restricted area with a deadly weapon and obstructing police officers during civil disorder. He also captured footage of the moment when fellow rioter Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot trying to force her way through a window into a part of the Capitol where lawmakers were evacuating; federal agents seized $90,000 he made selling that footage.

Sullivan, noted Cheney, is "unique among Jan. 6 defendants in that he has claimed left-wing ties ... Since his conviction, Sullivan has been in the DC jail. But because of his claims of a left-wing affiliation, he says he’s been kept in total isolation from other Jan. 6 defendants. He tearfully described the suffering he says he’s endured in the jail for the last 5 months."

For their part, prosecutors "say despite his claims to be on the left, he’s really a 'one-man band' who was happy to join Trump supporters when they were willing to burn down the same system he opposes. They said he has espoused 'noble' goals but deployed 'violent' means to achieve them."

The January 6 attack has become one of the largest criminal prosecution efforts in the history of the United States; more than 1,000 people have been arrested in connection with the event. Most of them were arrested on misdemeanor offenses like unlawful picketing, trespassing, and disorderly conduct. However, a smaller number were charged or convicted of more serious offenses like assaulting police officers, and, in some cases, seditious conspiracy.
Is it? All I read about him was he was armed and sold the video that showed the idiot losing her life when she tried to go after congress people.

ya same guy. He had blm references on his social media posts and was kinda like there cheerleading the chaos if I remember correctly. basically anti-establishment-burn-it-all-down kinda vibe.
ya same guy. He had blm references on his social media posts and was kinda like there cheerleading the chaos if I remember correctly. basically anti-establishment-burn-it-all-down kinda vibe.
Another radicalized idiot. It was be interesting to do a deep dive on his internet history to see if he was just blm-facing it or actually cared about social justice and was just a dickhead. It would also be interesting to see where he was when Chicago PD were attacked in the 2020 protests.
Another radicalized idiot. It was be interesting to do a deep dive on his internet history to see if he was just blm-facing it or actually cared about social justice and was just a dickhead. It would also be interesting to see where he was when Chicago PD were attacked in the 2020 protests.
It would be credible that with his nihilist attitude, he claimed ties to the left in order to f as many people at once as possible (in his mind).
Another radicalized idiot. It was be interesting to do a deep dive on his internet history to see if he was just blm-facing it or actually cared about social justice and was just a dickhead. It would also be interesting to see where he was when Chicago PD were attacked in the 2020 protests.
That one out of hundreds convicted doesn't fit the typical profile proves the rule.

This was an attack by, for and of the radical right.
All this time later and I still never saw any footage of the church being burnt near the White House that Trump used as a backdrop for his photo op.
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The Justice Department Inspector General released its report about the officers sent into a group of peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., so Donald Trump could conduct a photo-op when he was president
NBC News justice reporter Ryan Reilly pointed out one excerpt: "Allowing federal law enforcement to operate with anonymity all but eliminates accountability when force is inevitably used against demonstrators."

He also cited, "A senior Justice Department official credited [Bill] Barr with the idea of bringing in federal prison corrections officers, calling it an example of Barr’s 'outside the box' thinking."

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"Remember that day Trump had to walk across the street from the White House, lift a Bible to the heavens, and have his photo taken? Happy to see AG Bill Barr's leadership that day roundly criticized in this new IG report," confessed teacher Rodney Wilson.

A 2021 report claimed that the U.S. Park Police didn't clear the square of protesters so Trump could host a photo op.

“The evidence we obtained did not support a finding that the USPP (United States Park Police) cleared the park to allow the President to survey the damage and walk to St. John’s Church," the preliminary report said.

In fact, the Park Police and Secret Service didn't clear the square at all. The new report shows Barr used others to conduct the operation.
“Instead, the evidence we reviewed showed that the USPP cleared the park to allow the contractor to safely install the antiscale fencing in response to destruction of property and injury to officers occurring on May 30 and 31,” the 2021 report claimed.

The new inspector general report says the fence wasn't going to be put up until the morning of June 3. Trump's photo-op was on June 1.
NBC reporter Garrett Haake took photos of the armed riot police as reporters asked who they worked for. "All insignias and name plates have been removed," he reported at the time. The report said that the Bureau of Prisons "declined to verify whether the armed men photographed facing off with peaceful demonstrators Wednesday did, in fact, work for BOP."

The inspector general wrote that the "BOP deployed the personnel without vests or jackets clearly identifying them as BOP law enforcement personnel. BOP does not traditionally deploy personnel in a public-facing role outside the prison setting."

The officers also told the IG they were given no guidance what the rules were when facing off against the crowds.

In an interview with a BOP officer, he explained that for "an inmate we know our use of force, we know exactly what we can and can't do when an inmate does something in a facility. A little bit different out here, with a teenager and a cellphone."

One Alaska voter recalled Sen. Dan Sullivan (R) "assured us that it was Democrats burning down our cities."

"The volume of illegal orders from Bill Barr clearing Lafayette Square are stunning," said James DeSarno. "The lack of accountability is the roadmap for civil rights being stripped away."

Intelligence professional Eric Garland noted that Barr also deployed "approximately 500 [Washington Field Office] Special Agents to patrol designated areas."

On June 1, Barr told FBI officials he was annoyed by the expanded perimeter on H Street, the report said. "From the beginning, the U.S. Park Police intended" to erect anti-scale fencing, and Barr thought law enforcement would be stationed at I Street to protect St. John's Church. The Department began preparing for the second perimeter the evening of June 2, but the Park Police head urged they wait until the morning of June 3.

"Instead, at approximately midnight on June 2, the FBI deployed eight [Washington Field Office] special agents in plain clothes to protect St. John's Church," the report continues. "An FBI Hostage Rescue Team unit also deployed to serve as a quick reaction force in support of the WFO agents. One June 3, at the direction of the attorney general [Barr]" they "initiated an operation—using BOP, FBI, DHS and DNCG personnel, but with no deployment by USSS or USPP personnel—to establish a new security perimeter at I Street."

This reportedly means that Trump told Barr to act, but they all failed to inform the U.S. Secret Service and the Park Police, both of which monitor the area daily and were doing so amid the protests.

"Bill Barr declined to explain himself. So did a bunch of others," Garland said.
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CHICAGO — While hundreds of hard left, pro-Palestine activists faced off against Chicago police officers in riot gear outside the Israeli consulate on Tuesday night, agents of chaos lurked nearby.

Nazis and white nationalist provocateurs tailed the protest, along with right-wing media performers seeking potentially violent content for MAGA audiences that support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

One of the Nazi provocateurs, a woman with purple hair identified by her LinkedIn profile as Rachel Siegel, drew immediate attention before the protest by unfurling a banner before the start of the protest that read, “Stop white replacement. Deport them all.”

After the police arrested several pro-Palestine protesters by wading into the crowd and grabbing them — sometimes with nightsticks swinging — Siegel stood with a group of right-leaning onlookers observing as uniformed officers led the zip-tied activists into the back of a prisoner wagon.

An unidentified, left-wing woman confronted the group.

“You can shut the f--- up, white supremacist,” she said.

Siegel called the woman a “fat b----” and covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

“Is that all you have to say?” the left-wing woman asked.

“Filthy old f-----,” Siegel rejoined, and then threw up a straight-arm Hitler salute, waving her arm slightly as if to turn the military salute into a light-hearted gesture of mockery.

One of the right-wing men standing nearby taunted the left-wing woman.

“Blame white people for all your problems,” he said.

“Yeah, blame white people for all your stupid, insignificant problems,” Siegel agreed.

The others in the right-wing group mostly avoided any overt gestures of support for white supremacy, giving them a thin shroud of plausible deniability.

When another woman confronted the man about “hanging out with a literal fascist who hates Jews,” he protested that Siegel was just “making fun” of the pro-Palestine protesters.

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The provocateur playbook
The exchange here in Chicago’s streets illustrates the often murky circumstances surrounding Nazi provocateurs who insert themselves into left-wing protests, especially when they attempt to graft their antisemitism onto pro-Palestine protesters’ opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza.

And while pro-Palestine protesters often let Nazis know they’re not welcome, the aim by the more militant left-wing faction to cause maximum disruption to the Democratic National Convention means they don’t always have much bandwidth to police their own ranks.

The protest, organized by a group called Behind Enemy Lines — a militant alternative to the more moderate Coalition to March on the DNC — named the protest outside the Israeli consulate “Make it great like ’68.”

The term is a direct nod to the troubled legacy of the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, when street violence marred the city and doomed the Democratic Party’s prospects ahead of that year’s general election.

“We’re here to make it great like ’68,” one of the protest leaders shouted, as rows of Chicago police flanked the protesters at either end of the 500 block of Madison Street. “In 1968, thousands of people marched on the DNC. Thousands of people made history.”

That 1968 is historic isn’t in dispute. But the allegory today’s anti-war protesters are making doesn’t foreshadow a promising outcome. That year, Republican Richard Nixon won the presidency, which led to an expansion of the war in Vietnam, which would drag on for another seven years.

What these protesters think about that is unclear: Two protesters approached by Raw Story curtly declined to talk.

Separately, a protest leader expressed frustration with “the failure of the left to mount any offensive against this bullshit, to mount any offensive against these pigs.” The goal, he suggested, was not to sway Vice President Kamala Harris to adopt a more even-handed policy on Israel and Palestine, but to “bring the war home.”

“Make the DNC feel what Gaza feels,” he raged. “The f---ing empire has got to burn to the ground.”

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The militant, far-left insistence on tearing down the system or entertaining support for a third-party spoiler candidate — as they did when they listened to Green Party nominee Jill Stein at Chicago’s Union Park on Wednesday — creates a magnet for far-right provocateurs looking for openings to inject their ideas into the national discourse.

“White nationalists have a long history of inserting themselves into left-wing spaces in an attempt to provoke conflict and also gain media attention,” Stephen Piggott, a director at the Bridging Divides Initiative dedicated to tracking and mitigating political violence, told Raw Story. “Their presence at the DNC is just the latest example of this tactic.”

‘Get AIDS and die!’
For all the shouting and scuffling, the pro-Palestine protests this week have created minimal disruption for the convention itself.

The protest outside the Israeli consulate on Tuesday took place about two miles from the United Center and likely made next to zero impression on Democratic delegates participating that hour in a ceremonial roll call to nominate Kamala Harris for president.

During a march on Monday, protesters briefly removed a section of security fencing on the outer perimeter, but police officers — there are thousands of law enforcement officials patrolling and guarding the convention facilities — quickly responded and sealed the breach. Other protests throughout the week have remained largely peaceful.

That hasn’t stopped Nazis and other far-right activists from nevertheless using the protests to seek attention for themselves.

Siegel, the Nazi who threw up a Hitler salute on Tuesday night, had strolled around Union Park on Monday holding a cardboard sign with messaging lifted from the most vile, abjectly racist, antisemitic and homophobic corners of the internet.

The incendiary slogans on the sign included, “Jews f--- off,” “F--- n------,” and, “F—s eat s---. Get AIDS and die!”

Siegel explained to a reporter that her presence at the protest was meant as a response to both the pro-Palestine protesters’ insistence that Americans care about the suffering in Gaza and a “globalist, interventionist agenda” that sustains U.S. support for Israel.

“I see that this is kind of like an insult to being an American and being an insult to being proud of who you are and having integrity in your nation,” she told a reporter, referring to the pro-Palestine protest. “And I feel personally as a white person that things are kind of getting out of hand for my race. I feel that things are kind of going down the toilet. I feel that we are not being taken seriously as individuals of this nation.”

By Wednesday, the ranks of oddball far-right provocateurs at the pro-Palestine protest at Union Park had expanded to more than a dozen, including one man who carried a swastika flag. While their ideological signaling may have varied, they demonstrated a common affinity for trolling leftists by mingling with one another.

One faction included three men who paraded around with a National Bolshevism flag representing an ideology that blends Nazism with Bolshevism, a political ideology inspired by the communist government of the 1917 Russian revolution.

Paul, one of the men who would only identify himself by his first name, said none of them were actually National Bolsheviks. “It’s a meme ideology,” he said. “I don’t take it seriously.

They were joined by a group of young men from New Frontier, which openly supports fascism and excludes Jews. The five men followed Williams around the park as he carried an American flag.

Williams, who is Black, confronted protesters wearing kaffiyehs — scarves that represent Palestinian national pride — and T-shirts displaying the Palestinian flag.

“America first,” he said. “Put your nation and your people first…. My nation, and my people first.”

Some of the protesters were visibly angered by Williams, and a Black protester called him a “disgrace.” A speaker from the stage urged protesters to not engage with Williams, and eventually, the police escorted him away from the rally.

Nick Sortor, a right-wing video journalist who has been interviewed by Tucker Carlson and Tim Pool, quickly circulated a video clip of the confrontation to his nearly 500,000 followers on X that cast the protesters as unpatriotic.

“NOW: This Army veteran is being HARASSED by ‘protestors’ at Union Park in Chicago simply for flying an American flag and saying ‘America First,” Sortor’s post reads. “These people aren’t just anti-Israel. They’re ANTI-AMERICA.”

Making the issue of Nazi provocateurs even more murky, some Nazis have claimed that Siegel is a Jew, notwithstanding the fact that her sign on Monday included the invective, ‘F— off Jews.”

The banner that Siegel displayed promoting the false Great Replacement conspiracy theory included an address for a Telegram channel of a white supremacist group that calls itself “White Lives Matter.”

On Wednesday morning, the white supremacist group disavowed Siegel. A post on the channel read: “You will never see a jew throwing a roman salute at a legit WLM event. We have no clue who Rachel Siegel is, nor have we ever engaged with her.”

Siegel told Raw Story that she’s Persian-Russian, and not Jewish.

“That’s false,” she said. “Absolute smear campaign.”
