Zero, not until afternoonOk so how high are you lol

Zero, not until afternoonOk so how high are you lol
how did I know that you was going to say that lol well as long as you know where your towel is I'm going to stop nowZero, not until afternoon. Need to reread those books it's been quite awhile
I left it with a perfectly normal beasthow did I know that you was going to say that lol well as long as you know where your towel is I'm going to stop now
It's all good not all of us are meant to be nerds lolJoke lost in translation and my poor knowlidge of the book, never red it.
She is looking better now after some rest and medicine. Seems to be used to people, will have good life here, lots of space, mice and birds to catch...
Zetor has a certain ring to it!
Well, she is Rozalka, short Roza. Not that bad.Zetor has a certain ring to it!
Zetor has a certain ring to it!
Was that Oveur Under or Under Dunn?... What's your vector Zector? ...
Lovin' this afternoon so far. @Laughing Grass & @DMChiz - you folks might be able to relate.
I've been on hold with our CRA for over 1 hour with another 30 minute wait expected. And with the CRA being a Government agency, I betcha that 30 minutes easily turns into another full hour - and then some.
And another wonderous thing about the CRA being part of our Federal Government ... they have some of the shittiest hold music known to man!
OK ... I feel better.
Even as a teen growing up in their hay days, I never understood the awe that Vox Populi displayed for "The Zep".... Led Zeppelin?...
LOOK AT THAT DARLING NOSE!! Two things that I adore in this order - fully packed cones and cold & wet dog noses.... We're outside soaking up the rays ...
ZOINKS SCOOB!... This is the resin collected from one joint through this filter ...
Do you remember how many grams were in that particular joint?
LOL..I've never weighed one of my joints until now. Single Elements 1.5 paper with a business card crutch....
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