Blaze & Daze

Conan closes out Season 23 in one of the best episodes I've ever seen. He is truly insane in the best way, so entertaining. Enjoy...

I honestly had to listen podcast style. Something about old man with snot and half chewed chicken pasted to his cheeks and all was too unpleasant to look at. But I did listen to the whole thing. Fucker is funny. And Sean is so patient. Fucking doctor was epic...
Evening, friends! Late to the Wednesday Weed Show N Tell but here goes:
three mephisto tent residents, about 45 days in.
flowering just started the other day. SODK x Skystomper 2.0 (freebies) grown in FFHF w Dr Earth amendments, 7 gallon pots which seem to have been the right move as these girls are a nice shape so far.

next up are the newest babes, been outside from day 1. I have 1/2 gallon pots for sexing the FdM Bubblegum; @BobBitchen Chernobyl will eventually go into 30 gallon fabric pots on the deck, but I’ll transition them through a few different sizes along the way.IMG_1798.jpeg
the ants are working on the peonies already
Tomatoes need to hang on for another four weeks :-?
plum tree is absolutely LOADED
garlic patch looks :fire:
helping with weeding and grub eradication
nappies on the porch
Evening, friends! Late to the Wednesday Weed Show N Tell but here goes:
View attachment 5386925
three mephisto tent residents, about 45 days in.
View attachment 5386926
flowering just started the other day. SODK x Skystomper 2.0 (freebies) grown in FFHF w Dr Earth amendments, 7 gallon pots which seem to have been the right move as these girls are a nice shape so far.

next up are the newest babes, been outside from day 1. I have 1/2 gallon pots for sexing the FdM Bubblegum; @BobBitchen Chernobyl will eventually go into 30 gallon fabric pots on the deck, but I’ll transition them through a few different sizes along the way.View attachment 5386927
View attachment 5386929
the ants are working on the peonies already
View attachment 5386932
Tomatoes need to hang on for another four weeks :-?
View attachment 5386933
plum tree is absolutely LOADED
View attachment 5386934
garlic patch looks :fire:
View attachment 5386935
helping with weeding and grub eradication
View attachment 5386936
nappies on the porch
Happy little dinosaurs!
I had a friend way back when with a pet duck. It lived under their porch and acted like a dog. Whenever anyone came to visit it would swagger/waddle out and say hi.

Think T rexes would have just been stoopid cuddle lizards if humans had been around back then to try and tame them?

Oh, and a beep to you!
they really are little dinosaurs! we just love having them here; they bring such a good vibe to the homestead.


We broke our "no livestock" rule last year and added 6 chicks to the mix. 3 Black Sex link...3 Silver Wyandotte. They are spoiled rotten. Between them and the worm bin there's not a scrap of food that goes unused. And man do they love those mealworms.

Hmmm....what to do today?

I hope all is well on your side of things....
Canceling golf this morning. Cold and crappy again. Going to binge watch Fallout all day while my wife works to keep the grow lights burning. Really enjoyed the first episode. Always skeptical about how games translate to movies but it's fun so far. Finished the second season of Resident Alien last night, looking forward to the third.
@wakeNbaker46 shared that with me last week. Funny as hell, but I really struggled with how sloppy of an eater he is.
i canNOT watch videos of babies eating. first birthday smash cake with an icing and saliva slime being smeared all over their face? NO. full stop. :spew: conan's drool was pretty gross, but i appreciated that he was 150% committed to the entertainment aspect of it all.