Well-Known Member
:/ I cant wrap my head around this..
There has been a lot of that in this thread.
:/ I cant wrap my head around this..
:/ I cant wrap my head around this..
You get photo landraces ruderal /day neutral/auto and some are semi auto it depends where they come from really dictates how they adapted and the reason your seeing it is where your at is equatorial where im at in the UK we get the opposite problem lots of veg time and finishing them is harder cos season short colder n wetI’m hypothesizing:
The modern breeding results in photo-based.
So a landrace or ancient breeds are bred differently?
That’s why they actually have a non photo veg period like a natural plant.?
Yes ones barely been selected hard for certain traits whereas a more commercial thing will be dont get me wrong they used to and still grow landraces for commercial production some places but its becoming rarer a landrace will be very specific and prefer way less feed and less rich soil vs modern strains too also potency and phenotypical variation will be more in landraces as wellThere’s a difference with landrace and commercial.
No indica will veg in Hawaii without supplemental lighting sorry its just how it is grow anything eqautorial if you want big plants budBasically looking for a natural Hash Plant Indica that looks better than anything else a human can make.
That should be able to veg and yield heavier too.
Gotta thank the natural technology of the Universe!
Too irritated with artificial.
You get photo landraces ruderal /day neutral/auto and some are semi auto it depends where they come from really dictates how they adapted and the reason your seeing it is where your at is equatorial where im at in the UK we get the opposite problem lots of veg time and finishing them is harder cos season short colder n wet
You got the weather at least i stay in Scotland its not super conducive to growing or even legal not that it matters i guess for now you proly best either vegging on then putting out once a certain size or giving em light outdoors to keep indicas from blooming to early trust me you grow something big and eqautorial like thai manipuri or congolese care for it right you will get your 20 footers its just indica 20 footers that wont happen yetWish we had that veg problem!!!! Fuck we would be the legends of 20fter tree houses.
Now I’m gonna have to selectively breed for the thing Autoflower solves for you they need to Autoflower solve for me!!!!!
LOL Can ya dig it?
When are scientists gonna supersede Photo period strains?
You got the weather at least i stay in Scotland its not super conducive to growing or even legal not that it matters i guess for now you proly best either vegging on then putting out once a certain size or giving em light outdoors to keep indicas from blooming to early trust me you grow something big and eqautorial like thai manipuri or congolese care for it right you will get your 20 footers its just indica 20 footers that wont happen yet
Easy, move out of Hawaii. Cannabis is not natural in Hawaii. Humans brought it their and planted it to make cord for ships. Doesn't it rain like almost everyday their? That's not going to be good for any plant with large buds outdoors. Probably why they aren't growing they're naturally. Here in Minnesota, you can find hemp just growing in the wild that gets 8 foot tall no problem.Nah yeah I was just looking into how the fuck we can restore the natural growth cycles.
I found pheno types that exist in landraces.
It would depend where you are its a huge area also cannabis is from there Hawaii has no natural cannabis all its all been brought by man afghanistan has had it for millenia so you know it adapts also there not all indicas kadahar is more like a indica than most what you will find is most stuff in the north of afghanistan is in fact a hybrid of sativa and indica and wont conform to our standards so easily think mazari think shebergan think tashkurgan or even Pakistani mardan those are all huge plants probably made or brought to afghanistan etc by the Uighurs long ago the sqaut type we think of when we think of ghani stuff is more hindu kush types or stuff selected to be so and even then there will be exceptions also theres ruderalis in some spots in afghan tooWhat about Afgan, Pakistan area?
Will this Middle Eastern Landrace be the same as the Thai and Congolese?
The longest day over there is 13.5 hrs Afghan.
Thai jamican manipuri and some africans pretty much check is it on the equator then it probably work for you if soWhat about Afgan, Pakistan area?
Will this Middle Eastern Landrace be the same as the Thai and Congolese?
The longest day over there is 13.5 hrs Afghan.