Colombian gold


Well-Known Member
Good Chemistry In Denver Has a quality Colombian Gold '72...
Its a nice plane ride....nice gradual lift...nice social smoke...Then a smooth gradual landing.
It last for about 2 -3 Hours...
Very Nice High...None of the muddy Indica feelings.

Durban is wonky & blah...& harsh.

If you cant get to pure landrace...try MAC1
Its got a visual effect that pure Colombian doesnt really have...

I want to try Malawi...but its hard to find in CO. or NV.


Well-Known Member
I've tried twice to grow "Colombian" and none of the beans I have bought are anything like the real thing. I just picked up a CG/ Panama gold cross and I'm hoping these will be true seeds. Just the smell of the original would give you the munchies.
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Early 70s in the mid-west we could get a 1/4lb of CG for $120. Sell three bags for $40 each and smoke for free lol. The only bad thing were the dry spells. Your main guy would tell you nothing right now and calling everybody else you knew would get the same results. I always tried to keep a spare 1/4 to tide me over through dry spells. Never worked though, my friends all new that and would bug me until I would give in. But being clean for several weeks sure made that first buzz really, really fantastic!